Edit - Primeing
Hey everyone. Ill start by saying I did not take before pictures and I am only weighing once every week and a half or so. This will not be a super detailed and up to date log but I figured some people would enjoy to see some written results.
I am primeing for my first cycle of Test E which will commence in mid september ( 3-4 weeks before my 24th birthday ). I have been very patient to start my cycle having run an Anavar only cycle at the age of 20 and deciding to wait until I am older after that largely due to this board.
Starting Stats
6'2 215 lbs
4 Years solid lifting. Football and baseball player in High School.
BF - Guessing it was 17-19%
Week 1-2 have passed, I was using 15mgs split as 6/6/3. I experienced little to no shakes and sweating while appetite suppression was noticable but not crippling. My diet has consisted of Chicken, Oats, Broccoli, Carrots, Egg whites, Almonds and Protein Powder ( supplemented not used as meal replacement ). I decided not to count calories during this time ( first time in a long time that I havent ) and it has definatly lead to less stress. I would estimate im getting 2000-2300 calories on a daily basis.
Current Stats ( as of Augest 20 )
6'2 200 lbs
BF - Guessing 15-16%
Week 3 - 4 plans
I have started a low dose of t3 today. 10mcgs upon waking and 10 mcgs in the late afternoon. I am being very cautious with the t3 dose considering I am not on Test or anything at this time. I will bump it to 20mcgs upon waking and 10 mcgs in the afternoon on week 4. My albuterol dosage was bumped this morning to 7.5/7.5/4.5 throughout the day for a total of 19.5 mgs and I will start taking Ketofin tonight to keep the receptors fresh.
I will weigh again at the end of week 4 and see if I can get a picture up for opinions on body fat.
I decided to use Albuterol instead of clen because I have read it is safer and there are less sides then clen. I am supplementing 4 grams of Taurine a day as well.
How I feel on Albuterol - I feel a sense of awarness and focused. My cardio is solid at 4x a week 20-30 minute incline walk in the AM and feel my endurance has... I wouldnt say gone up because of the Albuterol but it seems easier to breath and I feel like I could continue the cardio for an additional 30 minutes when I finish. I experienced very mild shaking the first day of Albuterol which went away the next day and onward. Very little excessive sweating in daily activities but a bit more during cardio and lifting.
I would also like to add, normally when I drop a bit of weight my strength suffers but all of my lifts have maintained and I feel I could even add a bit more. However, sense I am not too far off from my first cycle I am attempting to take it easy and let my joints rest up for my upcoming cycle.
Feel free to ask any questions you please. This isnt exactly meant to be a log but more of my experience with Albuterol so far.