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Thread: Good or Bad Beginning Cycle???

  1. #1

    Good or Bad Beginning Cycle???

    I'm 31, 5'11'' 195lb. Been working out off and on for 6yrs and seriously for 18mo.(Perfect Health, Recently had a physical.)
    Is this a good beginning cycle for someone my age or is it too much??
    Deca 1-10wks 300mg
    Dbol 4-10wks 20mg/day
    Clomid and Nolvadex on hand.
    Would adding Sust 250 be too much, and if not, then when and how much to phase in and out.
    Also would it be smart to open up to a physician to get blood work before, during???? In case of problems or should I just keep my trap shut. Don't know how most docs would react. I'm not trying to be paranoid, just trying to take precautionary measures. I WANT MASS!!!!(and keep most of it).
    Thanks 4 any info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Dallas, TX
    my same stats before my last cycle, but i am 25. anyway, i think you should switch the d bol to wk 1-4. My last cycle i did:
    deca wks 1-11
    sus 250 wks 1-10
    followed with clomid. for faster recovery throw in the hcg. anyway, that cycle yielded great results for me. though my diet was really good. i ate 1.25 grams protein pper pound bf. i put on nearly 20 lbs. my bodyweight stayed at 210 from 195. oh, and i really wouldn't risk the sides with the d bol. the gains you would make form it would be fleeting anyway.
    i have always risked the consequences rather than going to my doc about it. but, if you feel comfortable i know guys who tell theres and get good advice, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    skip the sus get some test and run it with the deca, like steele said d-bol in weeks 1-4 hcg at week11-12 then clomid on week 13 300mg day 1 100mg for 10 days 50 mg for 10 days 25mg for 7 days- you can make adjustments to the clomid if needed more. can also run the nolva with the clomid

  4. #4
    Thanks for all your help. I'm glad this forums here.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    add the sust! or another test

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