I'm 31, 5'11'' 195lb. Been working out off and on for 6yrs and seriously for 18mo.(Perfect Health, Recently had a physical.)
Is this a good beginning cycle for someone my age or is it too much??
Deca 1-10wks 300mg
Dbol 4-10wks 20mg/day
Clomid and Nolvadex on hand.
Would adding Sust 250 be too much, and if not, then when and how much to phase in and out.
Also would it be smart to open up to a physician to get blood work before, during???? In case of problems or should I just keep my trap shut. Don't know how most docs would react. I'm not trying to be paranoid, just trying to take precautionary measures. I WANT MASS!!!!(and keep most of it).
Thanks 4 any info.