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Thread: Summer 2011 Prep

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Summer 2011 Prep

    Phase 1

    - Sept. 1st start date
    - Dec. 1st check point
    - 700mg/week Test Prop
    - 525mg/week Tren Ace

    The goal is to cut a bit during the fall, with 45 mins cardio after each lift in order to start a winter bulk at a lower bf% than I'm at now. I will then proceed to bulk during the winter doing minimal cardio and in the spring I will go on a super strict cut cycle, two-a-days etc. making it the most intense I have ever done in my life. Tentatively, June 1st is the end date where I can cruise over the summer.

    Lift style:

    M - Chest
    T - Back
    W - Legs
    T - Shoulders
    F - Arms

    Roughly 12 working sets each day.

    Typical diet

    7:45 - 50g Whey, 1 banana
    9:15 - 1 100% WW Bagel, 1 plain Greek yogurt
    11:30 - turkey sandwich on 100% WW, handful of wheat pretzels
    1:30 - bed of spinach, 8-10oz. grilled meat, 1 piece fruit, 1 Granola bar
    4:00 - cup oats w/ drizzle of honey, 6 hard boiled eggs (4 whole/2 white)
    6:00 - Gym (sipping on 10g BCAA, 5g creatine mono)
    8:00 - 40g dextrose, 50g whey
    9:00 - 10oz chix/steak, WW pasta/brown rice, 1 broccoli crown
    11:00 - 45g casein


    - Now Foods ADAM
    - Now Foods Super EPA
    - Now Foods 400mg Sam-e
    - Now Foods Melatonin (as needed)
    - Now Foods 5-HTP
    - Liv52

    This is a personal log to help guide myself along, however I am open to conversation and constructive criticism.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I'm not too happy with my diet as it sits, I'll be refining it this weekend. I know I mentioned I was looking to "cut" a bit during the fall and the more I think about it, that diet wont put me where I see I want to be. Tren has always partitioned my food so well in the past that pretty much no matter what I threw at it, I became more defined. I want to see what it can do with a diet that's on point for my goal. Dedication will be the key.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I fired up the tren this afternoon. Had to put it in a little hot water to get the hormone dissolved as it's been sitting for a month or two. Gotta love 100ml bottles. Anyhow, the old familiar burn of a prop/ace combo felt nice. Chest workout today was 4 sets each of the following: incline bench, close grip flat, pec dec followed by 20 mins of cardio to get that motor running again too.

    I'll post my revised cutting diet up hopefully tomorrow, but for the first week or so I'm going to leave it at the current diet until the hormone builds up enough in my system to take over, then I'll drop some cals.

    When I'm cutting, I wanna bulk and when I bulk, I wanna cut. A mental game. Anyone else have this dilemma?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I've yet to post my cut diet I've been following. Here it is:

    7:30 - 10 egg whites, 1 cup oats
    10:00 - 10oz. chicken, 3 cups broccoli
    1:15 - bed of spinach, 10oz. chicken
    4:00 - 8oz. chicken, 1 cup brown rice
    5:30 - gym (sip on 10g BCAA, 5g crea mono)
    7:15 - 70g whey isolate
    8:30 - 10oz. chicken, 3 cups broccoli
    10:30 - 45g casein

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Alberta Canada
    Just curious what your stats are?
    Age, weight, etc.

    And how is the cut going? Is the diet working for you?

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Manback View Post
    I've yet to post my cut diet I've been following. Here it is:

    7:30 - 10 egg whites, 1 cup oats
    10:00 - 10oz. chicken, 3 cups broccoli
    1:15 - bed of spinach, 10oz. chicken
    4:00 - 8oz. chicken, 1 cup brown rice
    5:30 - gym (sip on 10g BCAA, 5g crea mono)
    7:15 - 70g whey isolate
    8:30 - 10oz. chicken, 3 cups broccoli
    10:30 - 45g casein

    what do you have with this water? or orange juice?

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