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Thread: My first cycle. Test Cypionate/Dbol

  1. #1

    My first cycle. Test Cypionate/Dbol

    So, I've been reading some of the posts from this forum and I've found some helpful information. However I would like to write down exactly what I am doing and see what you guys think.

    A little background on me: I'm 22 yo. 5'7 I weight 189 lbs. 8% bf . I've been working out consistently for the past 3 years. I've had some decent gainings last year. I've been having a really hard time putting on lean muscle since I reached 185.

    I tried bulking without gear, but It hasn't worked really well. I do gain weight but after 190 it's mainly fat and water. Every time I reach 195(which is usually eating up to 5000 calories) I get severely bloated and I need to start cutting down. I've been working really hard for the past 6 months just to get to where I am now and I feel that doing steroids is my next step.

    I started my cycle this week. I had my test injection on monday and I began dbol on tuesday.

    I'm going to be taking 200mg of testosterone cypionate a week along with 30mg of dball a day for 6 weeks then test only for 2 more weeks until my cycle is over. After that I will do PCT with novaldex for 4 weeks. (Still in the process of getting it)

    I work out about 2 to 2.5 hours a day. and I'm planning to eat 3800 to 4000 calories depending on the intensity of my workout.
    I'm eating clean a diet based mainly in whey, chicken, fish, lentil, waxymaize and veggies. Fat/Carbs/Pro Ratio of 10/47/43

    Would this be sufficient to put on some mass or should I make any changes? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance

    ****I'll post some pictures later. And keep updates on how my progress goes.****

  2. #2


    Day 3: I noticed a change in strength. Benched 275 when my max before was 225.

    Weight: 191.5 lbs (2.5lbs weight gain since monday)

  3. #3
    ehh i dont think ud notice a strength increase in 3 days m8 esp not 50 lbs on ur bench usually takes 3 to 4 weeks for test to kick in and ur not putting 50 lbs on ur bp with 3 days of dbol

  4. #4

    You're right

    It is possible that I'm trying harder.

  5. #5
    maybe something mental..i know i get a boost everyone in awhile esp if i lift with a couple buddies and im tryna top them...its never a 50 lb boost tho haha maybe u weren't pushing yourself hard enuff and now with this little extra confidence boost uve started too.

  6. #6
    Yeah, I usually try doing 8 reps minimum. I did 50 extra lbs but I also only did 4 reps. I tried 275 before tho. I couldn't even lift the bar. That was a couple months ago.

  7. #7

    Day 4

    Day 4: Weight 192 lbs (Probably a little water weight gain). Did legs today, I felt I had more strength. It could be psychological. I did lift more, but less reps. Feeling good in general.

  8. #8

    Week 2

    Start of week 2: weight 194.5 (Gained 5.5 lbs since the beginning of week 1).

    The strength is a little better, not huge difference from the initial spike I felt when first started. I will post picture from before the cycle soon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Your dosage of test is way too low, and you aren't running it long enough. Test c wont really start working for at least 4 weeks. The average tesosterone replacement dosage for older men is from 150-250 mg of test per week. You should be taking at least 300, and preferably 400-500 mg of test for a worthwhile cycle. Also for your first time on dbol, you should try not to run it longer than four weeks. Dbol is livertoxic, and since you don't know how you will respond to it, it will be better to take it for a shorter period of time. If you really want to have an effective cycle, I suggest you double your dose of test to 400m per week and run it for at least 10 weeks, 12 if you can. You will not be impressed with the results you get from the cycle as you have planned it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Also, i see that you haven't gotten PCT yet. You should never start a cycle without all of the PCT meds on hand. If you are able to get more test you will benefit from adding clomid to your PCT in addition to nolvadex. From the way you have planned everything it does not appear that you have done much research. Read the stickies on the main page of the forum and learn as much as you can so that you make the most of the possibly risky decision to put exogenous hormones into our body.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Why are you working out 2+ hours a day?

  12. #12
    I did some research, but I probably should have waited another week to put everything together better and ask the questions before starting. I did change my test dosage. I'm currently taking 600mg a week. I forgot to mention it. Also I will be running my cycle for 12 weeks.

    I did 200 just because the guy that introduced me to the stuff told me not to do more, because that's what he is doing. I just found out he is on his first cycle too so I rather listen to people that have more experience on the subject.

    I'm not working out 2+ hours a day anymore, that's what I was doing before my cycle. I changed my routine to a little over an hour. 10 exercises max. I hope that works better.

    Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it.

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