Hello to all who read this,
I'm very new to this forum stuff so I'll quickly introduce myself first before saying what I'm really wanting to say;
I'm 23 years, 6'6" tall, I weigh about 200lbs (90kg 'ish).
I have a very active background, I used to way about 15.5 stone, never really been ripped, but certainly not a lot of body fat. Mostly, this was gained through Martial arts, never really through weight training.
About 4 years ago I had a motorcycle accident that left me out of exercise for about 9 months, then a year after my first, I had a second, which left me inactive for about 6 months. Both non-fault, I'm not some muppet speedin' around!
I've become very unfit and lost a lot of weight and have struggled to put it back on, Have put about 2 stone in a couple of years; I know I have more natural potential but I have weighed the pro's and con's up and feel fairly certain I want to use AAS's as I don't think I have THAT much more natural potential; I'm an Ectomorph I think.
So anyways, the cycle. I don't really have any trustworthy sources so I got a friend to pick some up last time he went to Pakistan, legitamate stuff I hope.
I have:
20ml x Testosterone Enanthate @ 250mg/ml
30tabs x Tamoxifen Citrate @ 10mg/tab
60tabs x Clomiphene Citrate @ 50mg/tab
I had first intended to use 250mg per week for 12 weeks, but am considering using 500mg per week, until the last 4 weeks where I'll use only 250mg per week. Then PCT of Clomid, 3 per day week 1, 2 per day week 2 then 1 per day week 3, after 2 weeks off the AAS's, plus Tamoxifen and Clomid used sparingly through the cycle just to TRY and keep oestrogen levels down.
Workout Routine should be, if I can remain disciplined enough;
Monday - Chest: Bench Press, Fly, Incline then Decline and finally cable cross overs.
Tuesday - Back: Lat pull down, including behind the back, Seated Row, Reverse arch and deadlift
Wednesday - Legs: Squats, Quadracep Extension, Hamstring Curl, Calf Press and Lunges
Thursday - Shoulders: Shoulder Press, Lateral Raise, Reverse Fly, Front Raise, Barbell Shrug.
Friday - Arms & Abs:
Love doing arms, get them nice and shredded too usually, plus love the pump!
Bicep Curl, Hammer Grip Bicep Curl, Reverse Grip Bicep Curls, Concentration Wrist Curls, Concentration Reverse Grip Wrist Curls
Forward Leaning Cable Tricep Pushdown, Tricep Extension, Tricep Kickback, Tricep Dips
Decline Crunch & Oblique Twist, Hanging Leg Raise, Incline Leg Raise
Bit of a cainer, but I love it!
Will be hopefully doing a 4 mile run every morning (mon-fri), plus crunches and press ups, .
Rest days will be the weekend.
Is this too much, am I being over ambitious??? If I am, I'd rather be told before trying, failing and flushing my AAS's down the metaphorical toilet.
The main issue I'm having is how much working out can I actually do when using? And exactly what results am I to expect, and to keep with this proposed cycle. So many sources claim so many different things.
My aims are to put on a couple of stone, get bulkier and lose some body fat (as are everyones apparently) but I don't want to get dramatically bigger so everyone will know I've juiced (again, another wish of most people). But mostly, get my strength, physique and fitness up to a decent standard.
I know this has been a VERY long thread, but I would appreciate anybody commenting as it'd be a huge help, also I appreciate anyone who's actually managed to read it all as I think I've got a bit carried away.
I'll keep people updated with my progress, results, statistics and pictures; hopefully gonna start in a couple of weeks.
Thank you all once again.