Cycle info:
Weeks 1-12 Test E, 500mg
Pinning Mon & Thursday (250 mg each)
rotating between delts,glutes, quads
Weeks 14-17 nolva 40/20/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50
Age: 22
Weight: 170 lbs.
BF: under 10%
Height 5' 11"
Quads: 22.25"
Calves: 14.5"
Forearms: 12.75"
Biceps: 15.25"
Waist: 28"
This is my first cycle and actually I am already 7 weeks in. I have one problem though. My strength is up, libido is through the roof, my muscles are harder and more vascular, and I have acne on my shoulders/back, but I have not gained any noticeable weight! It seems like every time I gain some, I re-weigh myself later that week and I have lost it all... I currently weigh 171.8 after weighing in at 177 last week. I have not seen lower than 171.8 since I started the cycle. Now before you say I don't eat enough let me say this. Before this cycle I only ate TWICE a day with no breakfast or post workout meal. I might have thrown in a shake here and there but not more than one a day. Since I started the cycle I have been eating 6-8 meals per day... For example yesterday I ate:
meal 1:
8 egg whites
cup oats
2 scoops of whey protein shake
heaping spoon of natural peanut butter
meal 2:
grilled chicken breast
cup rice
2 scoops of whey protein shake
meal 3:
grilled chicken breast
cup rice
2 scoops of whey protein shake
meal 4:
rack of ribs
cup rice
meal 5:
muscle juice weightgainer shake
meal 6:
grilled salmon
mixed vegetables
meal 7:
muscle juice weightgainer shake
This is much more than I was eating before cycle and I have not legitimately gained over 2 lbs... The only thing I can think of that could be hindering my gains is that I started getting symptoms of gyno in week three so I did 20 mg of nolvadex daily for the next week and after that continued using 10 mg every day since...
As far as seeing gains naturally first, I have been seeing gains, I just wanted to reach my goals quicker. I only want to weigh 190...Here's some gains for you:
and a current pic at 170: