Hey fellas,
After reading numerous posts regarding beginner cycles, I have found there are many different variations and everyone has a different opinion. By no means am I an expert on this subject, but I have been lifting hard for 3 years and am looking for a change. I am 27, 230lbs, 6'2" and about 15% BF
I do have some gear, more specifically 10 week supply Deca 200, and 10 week supply Winny 50.
My Goals: Lose body fat, harden up the muscles a bit, and gain a small amount of lean muscle. I do not want to get BIG. Since I have never done this before, I want to do a novice cycle.
Reading numerous posts, people have reccomended taking a test product to counter act the "limp deca dong." I do have a sex life and would like to continue to have one. For post cycle, it seems clomid is recommended.
Given my age, weight, and goals, what would be the preferred recommended cycle for me? Keep in mind, this is my first time. I do have Deca & Winny and if need be I can get some test and Clomid. Also, can Sust be subsituted for test since it consists of various test blends?
A 10 week cycle program is preferred. Please include when and how much to take of Deca, Win, test, clomid, etc... Once again guys, thanks for checking this out and helping!