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Thread: Expert help, first time, need ur advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Expert help, first time, need ur advice

    Hey fellas,
    After reading numerous posts regarding beginner cycles, I have found there are many different variations and everyone has a different opinion. By no means am I an expert on this subject, but I have been lifting hard for 3 years and am looking for a change. I am 27, 230lbs, 6'2" and about 15% BF

    I do have some gear, more specifically 10 week supply Deca 200, and 10 week supply Winny 50.

    My Goals: Lose body fat, harden up the muscles a bit, and gain a small amount of lean muscle. I do not want to get BIG. Since I have never done this before, I want to do a novice cycle.

    Reading numerous posts, people have reccomended taking a test product to counter act the "limp deca dong." I do have a sex life and would like to continue to have one. For post cycle, it seems clomid is recommended.

    Given my age, weight, and goals, what would be the preferred recommended cycle for me? Keep in mind, this is my first time. I do have Deca & Winny and if need be I can get some test and Clomid. Also, can Sust be subsituted for test since it consists of various test blends?
    A 10 week cycle program is preferred. Please include when and how much to take of Deca, Win, test, clomid, etc... Once again guys, thanks for checking this out and helping!

  2. #2
    test e or cyp 500mg ew 1-12
    deca 400mg ew 1-12
    winny 50mg ed 10-15
    clomid starting 2 days after last winny dose 300mg day1, 100mg next 10, 50mg 10 more

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I agree with sd11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks fellas. In some cases, I see people do not take any test when doing a deca cycle, however they run the risk of "Deca dong". So to keep my test levels normal, do I really have to do that much (500mg)??

    Within the next couple of days I will take a couple pics and post them so everyone has a visual of my current condition.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Upstate New York
    Tanksta wrote, "...can Sust be subsituted for test since it consists of various test blends?"

    I was wondering the same thing... I'm about to do a very similar cycle. Anyone have an answer?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    IMO - if you are not comfortable running srong androgens like testosterone - then don't. Deca/Win will do fine. WInstrol comparable to a Dbol with out added water - and the Deca will be adding plenty on it's own. Add the Win has a potential progesterone blocking ability for the Deca...

    At 27 you should be hitting your natural testosterone peak in the next few years and I don't think Deca Dick should ba an issue at 400mg/wk and under for you. If you want 24/7 hard-ons grab some viagra or something if you don't want the heavier androgens.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    with proper diet and training this will give you exactly what you are lookin for without having to add in test and if you do add test you don't need 500mg. 200 or so would do you just fine.

    deca week 1 -10 200mg/week
    proviron week 2-11 50mg/day
    winny week 5-11 50mg ed or eod
    hcg week 12 5-7,500iu
    week 13 5,000iu
    week 14 3,000iu
    or you could use clomid instead of hcg if you want. if so then it would start 3 weeks after last shot of deca. and run it like this 300mg for first day then 100mg for one week then 50mg for one week.

    this is a very effective cycle. the prov adds good androgen content to the deca which is often too anabolic on its own. the winny added later brings out the fat burning and anabolic nature of the combo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thanks fellas. I greatly appreciate your advice, to be honest, you gave me the advice I was looking for. Small Deca/Win cycle, without having to add anything else.

    On another note, I recently started my trim down. In December, I was around 244lbs. Yesterday I weighed myself and tipped the scales at 230lbs. The rips and striations are really starting to show through! Another 15 lbs to lose, then it will be time to pack on more quality muscle. I hope to get some pics up on here soon.

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