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Thread: 1st Test Enth Cycle 600mg per week for 12 weeks

  1. #1

    1st Test Enth Cycle 600mg per week for 12 weeks

    This is my very 1st cycle, I am doing testosterone enanthate 600mg/week for 12 weeks. I've posted some update pics, I did good pre cycle pics from all the angles but my computer crashed and I lost them so I only have some from week 3 on.

    PROFILEbeggining of cycle)
    195 lbs
    11% body fat

    STARTING STATISTICSwhat weight and reps I do on main lifts during the week)

    Weight 195lbs
    Bench Press: 255 lb. max (225 lbs for 6 reps)
    Shoulder presses: 70 lb. dumbells for 8 reps
    Skull crushers: 100lb with a curl bar for 8 reps
    Squats: (i go light on squats and do alot more leg press machine due to my bad knee) 225 lbs 10 reps
    Deadlifts:225 10 reps
    Dumbell Rows: 80lbs each arm for 10 reps


    Weight: 203 lbs
    Benchpress: 255 lbs for 6 reps (I have not maxed out and may not on cycle)
    Shoulder presses: 80 lb dumbells for 8 reps
    Skull crushers: 120 lbs for 7 reps (help on the 8th)
    Squats: 245 lbs for 10 reps (knee still hurts but leg presses have gone up significantly.)
    Deadlifts: 255lbs 10 reps
    Dumbell Rows: 95 lbs each arm for 10 reps.

    (I'll probably be back to update in 3 weeks or so)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Week 8.JPG 
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Size:	159.7 KB 
ID:	111653   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	111331   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	WEEK 5.jpg 
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ID:	110174  
    Last edited by hollyroid84; 12-30-2010 at 10:17 AM. Reason: add pictures

  2. #2
    Thought I might add some measurements as well.

    BEGINNING OF CYCLE: Chest= 43 inches
    Arms= 14 inches
    Waist= 38 inches
    Thigh= 22.5 inches

    6th WEEK OF CYCLE: Chest= 45.5 inches
    Arms= 15.25 inches
    Thigh= 24.25 inches
    Last edited by hollyroid84; 10-11-2010 at 04:41 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    keep it up good luck bro whats your diet like? and update pictures reguarlly gets people in the thread peace out

  4. #4
    My diet is as follows: 4000 calories plus, but at least 4,000 a day that is my minimum.
    450 to 500 grams of protein per day.
    250 grams of carbs per day.

    If there are any suggestions for a "get bigger" diet let me know I am absolutely game to make changes for the better to get maximum growth!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hollyroid84 View Post
    My diet is as follows: 4000 calories plus, but at least 4,000 a day that is my minimum.
    450 to 500 grams of protein per day.
    250 grams of carbs per day.

    If there are any suggestions for a "get bigger" diet let me know I am absolutely game to make changes for the better to get maximum growth!
    That sounds like way too much protein, even for being on cycle. Try dropping your protein down to 400 grams a day, and boost those carbs WAY up. Don't forget to get healthy fats either.

    Shoot for:

    400 Protein
    400 Carbs
    100 fat

    That's right around 4000 cals

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Reaver. View Post
    That sounds like way too much protein, even for being on cycle. Try dropping your protein down to 400 grams a day, and boost those carbs WAY up. Don't forget to get healthy fats either.

    Shoot for:

    400 Protein
    400 Carbs
    100 fat

    That's right around 4000 cals
    I Disagree with this.. unless you are doing a ridiculous amount of cardio you do not need that many carbs.. Standard rule of thumb is 2g of protien for every pound you weigh if bulking.. but doing 2.5 per pound is acceptable.. if you take his advice you will gain as much fat as you would muscle.

  7. #7
    Ya, I def. don't want to get fat.... right now I'm Layed Off so I dont do anything that would burn carbs. I literally sit around all day to wait to go to the gym.

  8. #8
    I now weight 219 lbs and have 3 weeks left on my cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    No way man...
    Last edited by Peace Missile; 10-27-2010 at 05:37 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    peace missile u will b banned soon if u keep this up

  11. #11
    What sides have you experienced with the test e? How about bloating? Thinking of trying the test e and was wondering...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sounds like your getting some good results, I'm glad to see your getting results! What pct have you got planned?

  13. #13
    To ladell i have not had ne bad sides just some bacne so that has been a plus. To NumbUk for post cycle im going to run.....
    HCG for the first 21 days
    Then on day 22 start nolva 20mg a day 3 weeks
    Clomid... forgot the dosage right now
    IGF-1 for 20 days at 40mcg a day pwo

  14. #14
    boz's Avatar
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    I think alot will beg to differ with 11% bf, i know i do. But not looking bad mate, keep it up.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    looks like you might want to get some nolva,in your pics it look like you have some gyno. are you running any AI during cycle?

  16. #16
    you have a good mass

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    looks good man.

  18. #18
    ya i know my left nipple actually has some previous gyno from a dumb ph cycle of phero... but it hasnt gotten any worse but wont go away.. but ya i have Ai's and to boz88 ya those pics were after i started bulking my bf% is now 17% so your right i am quite a bit fatter, and im starting pct next monday my current weight is 209.... i did not gain very much on cycle that 219 was on a faulty scale... all in all i think i got a little bigger but dont think it was anything i could have done with out testosterone.

  19. #19
    Updating for those who are looking.

    Im on my first week of nolvadex and clomid.... 20 mg novla 50mg clomid and i am also doing IGF-1 Lr3 every day.... its been 2 and a half weeks since my last shot and im feeling good strength feels the same im just keeping my sets low and heavy and not going balls to the way til i feel i am completly recovered. Also i am still weighing in at 208 209ish.

  20. #20
    I am still doing my pct with nolva, clomid, and igf..... havnt lost any strength... i actually feel a little stronger so far....

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    what's your take on the IGF so far.

  22. #22
    i think it has some fat burning capabilities i'm starting to see my abs better.... also within a week my nuts were back to normal size, freaking awesome..... and i havnt lost any intensity during my training, in fact ive up'd my weight as if i were still on cycle.... ive been running it for a week and a half now and have 3 more weeks of it left, so my take on it is that if your doing a cycle dont leave out igf1 lr3.

  23. #23
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    Man, I'm not trying to flame on you, but are you sure you started at 11%?

    11% of 195=21.45 lbs fat
    17% of 209=35.3 lbs fat

    That being said you've put on 14 lbs of fat over 12 weeks.. Maybe I have it ass backwards, but I think you messed up somewhere.

  24. #24
    Ya stephen i think your right... i know i've put alot of fat around my mid section but that doesnt sound right at all.... i trust the 17% more than the 11 at that weight..... i know ive gaine alot of fat but 14 pounds is really excessive..... i actually feel that i look like shit after this cycle.... o well i would love to see my abs someday but i also want to weight 220..... i just cant seem to gain anymore weight... any suggestions

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Whats your diet look like? We have similar stats and my calorie intake is 3000 a day. Clean food only. I even have a hard time reaching 3k so I don't know how you hit 4k. Are you eating junk?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The beach is that way -->
    You should have pplanned better/
    IMO you were not 11% when u started judging by ur week 3 pic. You were pron 15% +

    You've also gained alot of mass, Could be alot of water reten/Fat
    195-219 ----> 24 pounds

  27. #27
    @ stephen ya some of it is dirty and i do a weight gainer shake... or 2 during the day but i think alot of it is going to fat, in your pic you look alot better than me i need to re evaluate what im doin..... @ brewster 209 is the most ive weighed... 219 was a mistake...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Does no one else see a problem with his very first cyle being 600mg/wk?? I mean REALLY????

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Yeah sounds like 300-400 would have been better but the biggest issue I have is the 17% bf. Thats horrible! I think you need to clean up your calorie intake to around 3000 of good whole foods and cut out the weight gainer. Regular Whey protein in the A.M. and after workout should suffice. And I also read that you sit around alot. To me that sounds like you dont train very hard either. I hope I wrong here but if your day is slow maybe through in some light cardio.

  30. #30
    I did change it to 400 week after the 1st week..... just didnt update.... I do train hard... i sit cause i am layed off and dont hae money to be doing shit all the time

  31. #31
    And where the hell were all these peole at when i was starting the f*cking cycle....... i posted it andno one said shit til after my pct was over....

  32. #32
    600mg a week for your first cycle is ubsurd. your not jay cutler. 3 to 400 would suffice.

  33. #33
    Here is an update with my pct pic.... been off cycle for 7 weeks...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	post cycle pic 2.JPG 
Views:	1695 
Size:	163.1 KB 
ID:	112828  

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    On the barbell
    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    600mg a week for your first cycle is ubsurd. your not jay cutler. 3 to 400 would suffice.
    Was this a serious comment?

    I don't know if I should laugh or what...

  35. #35
    This will b my last update, im an currently 9 weeks off cycle and my stats r as follows
    17.75 inch arms
    47.5 inch chest
    25.5 inch legs

    Heres a photo, thanks for following my experience!

  36. #36
    This will b my last update, im an currently 9 weeks off cycle and my stats r as follows
    17.75 inch arms
    47.5 inch chest
    25.5 inch legs

    Heres a photo, thanks for following my experience!
    Last edited by hollyroid84; 12-24-2010 at 02:19 PM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Don't see the photo. Glad to hear you kept your gains though...nice work!

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