1-14 Test-P 80mg/ED
1-10 Deca 60mg/ED
1-4 Dbol 40mg/ED
1-14 Arimidex .25mg/ED
3-14 HCG 250ius/Every 3rd Day
Nolva- 40/40/20/20
Clomid- 100/100/50/50
Bromo on hand if necessary
Pinning Locations: R. Glute, L. Glute, R. Quad, L. Quad, R. Delt, L. Delt, R. Tri, L. Tri
Age- 24
Weight- 205lbs
Height- 6'2
This will be my second cycle started today. First injection after a shower tonight. First cycle was Test-P 75mg/ED for 13 weeks. Gained 35lbs at my peak. I am currently only down 3lbs from my peak. I eat mostly whatever I want I have an amazing metabolism. This log will include updated pictures. My goal is to pretty much gain as much muscle mass as possible and to really put up heavy weight in the gym after learning what is obtainable from my first cycle back in march. Gonna try to target my weak points, being my chest definately and my progressing legs.