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Thread: 2nd Cycle - Test Prop and NPP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    2nd Cycle - Test Prop and NPP

    OK well after a few prompts I thought perhaps a Log might be the best way to keep track.

    Here is the link to my thread discussing my cycle.

    To save time:

    Age: 32
    Height 5' 7"
    Weight 83kg / 183 lb
    BF: Approx 15-17% (Note: With hindsight perhaps a little generous in my first estimation in my initial thread)
    GOAL: to get to at least 90 kg / 198 lb before a strict cutting diet.

    PHOTOS: I will post fortnightly photos starting from week 3 until after PCT. I am actually a little embarrassed about it so cut me some slack.


    BMR: 1853
    TDEE: 2872 (based on moderate exercise as main job is office based)
    Actual macros and meals to be posted very shortly

    5 x HIT lifting sessions ( 2 x 8-10 reps of warm up sets + 1 x 8-10 / to failure)
    5 x Cardio 45 mins per week: Sometimes 45 mins straight or 30/15 split and a mixture of cross trainer, jogging, cycling and incline walk.


    1-9 Test Prop 125mg EOD
    1-8 NPP 125mg EOD


    Nolvadex: 40/40/20/20
    Clomid: 100/100/50/50
    Prami: Ordered and waiting to be delivered
    Arimidex: Ordered and waiting to be delivered.

    First injection: 11/10

    WEEK 1:

    After a couple of nasty injections that ruined my cardio and a disrupted week diet wise I am up and running and still waiting for it REALLY to kick in.

    So far am really enjoying the lower reps but higher weights under the HIT regime. Pumps and mild aggression are slowly increasing and there is a slight increase in general well being but not fully set in. no increase in hunger and a small bit of water round the midriff but nothing to bothersome .

    I've been a bit conservative on my food this week after the indiscretion earlier in an attempt to lose a bit of BF before it really kicks in.

    Diet wise I am going to be really strict. Never been a calorie counter really but I think I'll need to be more dedicated to achieve my goals.

    I'll be posting weekly updates to keep the size of the thread down so people can see the results

    A FEW of my lifts from week 1:

    Incline leg press: 2 x 10 @ 200kg 1 x 8 @ 240kg

    Seated preacher curl: 2 x 10 @ 30kg 1 x 8 @ 45kg

    Smith machine calf raise: 2 x 10 @ 90kg 1 x 10 @ 120kg

    Reverse barbell curl: 2 x 10 @ 25kg 1 x 10 @ 27.5kg

    Decline DB bench press: 2 x 10 @ 27.5kg 1 x 10 @ 30kg

    DB Shoulder Press: 2 x 10 @ 22.5kg 1 x 10 @ 25kg.

    I know my lifts are not great but from now on I can write them down and show you how they're progressing through the cycle and compare them with Week 1.

    Later tonight I'll also post my body measurements: Arms, thighs, chest, forearms, shoulders, waist, calf.

    I'm also going to redit my posts to make the log short and sweet. Nothing worse than 10 pages of waffle.
    Last edited by Choppers; 10-22-2010 at 03:04 AM.

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    thansk for logging this bro, lookin good and im subbed...

    hopoe your adex and prami arrives soon though, mines stil somewhere in translation..

    now lets see that diet and pics!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    yeah those basterds at Customs held onto my last order for over 3 months!

  4. #4
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Quote Originally Posted by Choppers View Post
    yeah those basterds at Customs held onto my last order for over 3 months!
    what does your usps tracking ref say about its location?

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Strangely Stevey I didn't get a tracking number this time. I emailed him and got a response saying that to wait 10-15 days and see if it arrives. They said they don't have a tracking number at this time........

  7. #7
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    bloody hell. Just wrote a 20 min post and its bloody vanished. Arrgh.

    need food and back for part 2.

  8. #8
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    Day 14:

    Weight: On scales yesterday was 13st 5 lbw. But batteries have died unexpectedly. Will replace tomorrow.

    General: I've been worrying a bit this week about the following?

    Is my gear underdosed?
    Has my NPP and Prop fully kicked in yet ?
    Why don't I have the same boundless energy and sense of well being as my Test E cycle?
    Do I need to up my dosages
    Why has my weight not gone up despite eating loads more good clean protein and carbs.
    My cycle appetite has not kicked in yet? is it too early or is my gear under dosed?

    Good news:
    Early stages of testicular shrinkage has started to kick in.
    Aggression in the gym is still good. no aggression/frustration out of gym now.
    Zero acne or undesirable sides
    The injections whilst frequent and at times painful are not THAT bad.
    Some shoulder growth is obvious and my muscles are f'king hard when pumped. Its excellent.
    A small amount of water I put on in week 1 has gone and no sides whatsoever despite stacking two compounds.
    My lifts and strength are SHOOTING up.
    I am loving High Intensity Training. it cuts down my workout duration and means I can spend 15 mins doing some well needed cardio at the end and also my lifts are going up after stagnating pre-cycle.
    cardio is on track and enjoying it more importantly
    So far I am really liking short esters. I'm not sure if its FULLY kicked in yet but what I have seen so far is excellent yet confusing.
    i got my first comment about looking bigger late last week. (she is a darling that girl!)

    Bad news: T

    My supplier is sending out my next lot of vials a week later than expected. Its not his fault but I will need to stretch it out between what I have left. I've snuck a day here and there already injecting the morning after I should have done the night before, but I couldn't source any more to see me through.
    My weight is not noticeably gone up? WHY?
    My increased calorific intake has put down a bit of fat BUT I still managed 5 cardio sessions last week and will do the same this week. I've cut back carbs after my W/O to veggies and protein to see if I can switch the balance back slightly. I have 2 carb + Protein meals and 1 x protein meal before my W/O.

    Mon lifts: Did my lifts out of sequence as someone grabbed the seated preacher curl machine as I was walking towards it so did…..

    Reverse barbell curls 2 x 10 @ 27.5kg and 1 x 10 @ 30kg

    Seated preacher curl 2 x 10 @ 32.5kg and 1 x 6 @ 40kg. (lifts down here and not sure why?)

    BUT my skull crushers that I normally don't do regularly and usually with 3 x 10 @ 25kg when i do, today I did 1 x 10 @ 27.5kg, 2 x 10 @ 30kg, 1 x 10 @ 32.5kg and 1 x 10 @ 35 kg. i thought I was going to tire but I couldn't. I just kept going and going. Next time I'll start heavier and try and max out and see how I do.

    My Lessons learnt:

    Get your gear all sorted first. I got 2 vials at a time and it has bitten me on the ass but it was a new contact and done remotely and not face to faces necessary for risk management purposes.

    Don't stack 2 compounds together you have not done before. With hindsight I wish I had done a Prop only cycle first to make notes on. At the moment I cant tell the NPP from the Prop.


    Has all of my gear kicked in yet? Today is day 14 and I think this week could be make or break.
    When will my weight start going up? This has started my worry questions posted above.
    Will the sense of well being increase further?

    Anyone with any pointers and answers will be greatly appreciated.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2009
    Day 15:

    Leg extension machine:

    1 x 10 @ 75kg
    1 x 8 @ 75kg
    1 x 7 @ 85kg

    Smith machine calf raise:

    2 x 8 @ 90kg
    1 x 8 @ 120kg
    1 x 10 @ 50kg
    1 x 12 @ 50kg

    Incline leg press:

    1 x 10 @ 240kg
    1 x 10 @ 240kg
    1 x 3 @ 280 kg

    not too bad but getting tired towards the end.

  10. #10
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    yeah mate, once again i was like you with that label, kept thinking it was underdosed, wasnt getting huge increase in libido but then bang my balls shrunk, got tons of acne and the weights went up so fast i was laughing sometimes during my sets.

    hope things start picking up. wats ur deit like bro?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Stevey - Was that the prop cycle your referring too? At what day/week did the you notice the major kick in. So far it feels like about 50% though today I feel slightly more elevated I have to say.

    Yeah man the ****ing strength increases are absolutely ridiculous. 3 weeks ago I was hungover and struggling to do 6 x 200kg incline leg press! My usual non-cycling training buddy has been away back in Blighty for the past 2 weeks so I'm interested to see what he thinks visually and strength wise. My smith machine calf raises are destroying those shitty cardio platforms and I leave them with 2 depressions where my feet have been. haha love it.

    Its a real learning curve though with a different kind of Test and I know people will spout the same old line "Test is Test", they have slightly different traits and quirks. I had big back and arm pumps last time on the Test E and none this time but just a general harder feeling on the Prop/NPP. Huge sense of well being/stamina on the Test E and only mild so far on the Prop and NPP.

    My libido is always lowish (have lowish natural Test levels anyway off cycle) but def been eying up the ***** in town. I love Spring as the clothes get a little more racey and the sweet smell of perfume wafts through the City Rail carriages........ haha... back on topic.

    My Prami and Liquidex arrived just have to pick up from Post office. Yay so if any sides do kick in then I can address it. It also means I have a complete PCT set for future use which is reassuring.

    Diet wise: Still not calorie counting. I kind of go by the mirror and scale test. missus thinks I'm obsessed always looking in the mirror mind! Non cardio days I keep lighter on the calorie side, I also have to be careful with my carbs as have tendency to put on round my waist.

    A typical day and they are all pretty similar but with similar macro meals would be as follows:

    0700 steak, half tin baked beans (not perfect but am trying to make my own no-sugar version and keep in my fridge)
    0900 30g Protein shake.
    1100 2 x handful of oats and 150ml of full fat milk. (bad I know but I tried hot water and tastes bloody awful and as I'm trying to bulk its not the end of the world)
    1300 Chicken, 1/2 cup of brown rice and veg
    1430 Workout
    1530 2 x 30 g pwo shake
    1700 steak, veggies sometimes some carbs depending on fatigue level
    1900 As above minus carbs
    2100 chicken or steak with pepper on.

    Having said that sometimes I do miss a meal due to life committments. I sometimes also have a bowl of pasta and meat sauce (just undercooked Penne with lean topside mince and tomato, olive oil and garlic only). Never masses of pasta though and almost no bread in diet but if it is its whole grain and 2 slices (maybe once every 10 days only).

    Generally portion size of meat is 4-6 ounce range and lean topside steak (no visible fat) or chicken breast ovencooked and no fat. I add a small dash (maybe 7ml?) of olive oil/vinegar dressing to my veggies for flavour.

    I don't think its a bad diet by any means but I acknowledge it could be improved further. I am worried I need to up it as bit as I am doing more cardio and not putting on bulk as per my last cycle and this is the objective of this cycle. I haven't fully counted the macros in it but I would loosely guess it might be in the region of 2800-2900?

    I am always tinkering with my food and often say I need to eat more, then out on a bit of fat and then cut back a bit and lose it. Its a fine line with my body.

    Today was Cardio only day. 30 mins hard cross trainer (350 cals) .

    tomorrow is rest day on cardio and chest I think.

    What do you reckon to those mass gainers? ( I have normal 92% WPI and also a tub of mass gainer at home but rarely used) Is it a waste of money and bound to make you fat or ok at the right time? I feel guilty after having some and am certain I can feel it going right round my waist.

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