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Thread: b.traps cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    b.traps cycle

    age 24
    workout exp. 4 years
    No. of workout days/ wk = all
    height 5' 10"
    weight 165 (from cutting, down from 175 @ 12.4% bf)
    BF 7.5%

    cylcle =mass 8 weeks
    deca 400mg/wk
    test enethate 500mg/wk
    d-ball 30mg/wk 6weeks total
    liqudex 20 drops of the plunger(1mg i think)

    supplements: 800-1000mg milk thisle ED
    10-15 gr. Glutamine ED

    end of week one..
    starting to feel some strength gains towards the end of the week. along w/ some mild pump.
    attitude, fine happy w/ week one. mild headaches, 600mg IB, gone.
    allmost forgot, weight is now 171lb, w/ alot of water retention
    Last edited by bigtraps; 11-24-2001 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    b.traps cycle

    end of week 2..
    good strength gains, real good pumps.. I love to do cardio, i usually do 30-40 min 6 days a week. It is now getting tough to do the cardio now cause the pumps in my legs are so great.
    Allways real tight, i stetch for 10 min before every workout. and then again before and after cardio. i like to do cardio after wieghts.

    Headaches are now gone..
    Atitude is fine, trying to stay possitive all the time.
    Weight is now 184lb (yes, that is right)

    I bumped the d-ball up to 40mg/ ed for only 2-3 days, water retention went up, so i droped it back down to 30mg ED

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Looking good my man. You got 20lbs in 2 weeks, you're doing something right.

    I applaud you for your efforts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    end of week three... 11/25/01

    strength gains ok. not great. water retention has gone down a bit, i can tell, this is why i was afraid to weigh myself this week.
    I am only weighing myself once a week.

    No sides what so ever..
    I try to keep a good atitude at all times. between weeks 3-4 is when the test should kick a little better. Hopefully this will not change my personality.

    Maybe one side(not really though) last night i went to the bars, i felt a little paranoid around all those people. 20lb on me is vary noticeable. With a low bf and with some decent muscle memory, i've blown up nicely.

    This week, no change in weight, still 184 on the button. I knew it too.
    ONLY ONE VERY VERY VERY VERY BAD PROBLEM. My source has fucked me. I started my cycle with enough d-ball, but i split them w/ my fellow who did not have any. I was sure that my shippment would have arrived by the time i need them, NOT.
    I need some d- ball now!!!. (this is me talking aloud, no scammers) but do send some please, i only need a few.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    end of week 4....

    Strength gains, let's see, one word can some this up. SILLY
    It seem i have pretty good muscle memory, it seems i have got the size back.

    Water retention has gone down a bit, do to the lack of d-ball in my diet.

    vary few sides. had 2 small guys un my shoulder, got rid of them w/ some benzoil. Atitude has definately changed. Driving my truck is almost imposible now. (like i said in the past, i have allways been a little impateint)
    One thing that does bother me is that i get depressed, i had this problem last time i cycled.
    And i don't eat enough! ! not much of an appatite.

    Lastly, weight is 186lb. last night after chest, was the best i have looked so far. It is sooooo obviuos that i am a gear head.
    Alli can say to the envious is that i am finally off the diet.
    Other than that, FUCK'EM

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Great gains BT...186 and less water retention, your are definately responding well. Keep rocking and keep tellin us how you're making out.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Most def. big dawg! Screw'll get over it, it'd be shittier if you gave away half your test and couldn't get any more of that. But still, it sucks...i know. Good luck on the rest...damn...22lbs...killa bro. Keep pumpin. Screw being depressed...go get some play this weekend and have some fun,m just lay off the alky.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Yo man you got me so fkn pumped Im ready to screw a cutting cycle and just blow up. Feel fortunate that you have your gear though. Keep it goin bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    end of week 5...

    Thinking ABOUT going 10 weeks on this one. not sure yet.

    I am almost out of primoteston 250, i have no choice but to use the sus 250 that i have.. I will still use 500mg a week.

    This past week has been pretty good over all.
    No, sides at all. Atitude seems to be better this week,( not such a asshole) and driving is better.. That might be because i bought a Avalanch yesterday

    I am starting to get a little acne om my shoulders.. and forgot to mention that i smell.. i sweat like crazy in my sleep, and when i cut myself, i bleed like crazy..

    I gained another 2.5 lb. now i am 188.5lb
    Water retention is still up there. But i can still see 6 pack most of the time. But i do not care at this point.

    Also thinking of running a cutting cycle at the end of this one. With ou any time off.
    this would include: primobolan , EQ, winny, Clen...

    At this point i still am not large enough, so i don't know if that would be a good idea??? Cause i know that i will loose much size during the cardio and low cal diet.

    One idea is to go eight weeks on this one, take eight weeks of then do a test/ EQ stack for another eight weeks.
    Then cut some how.. as long as i look freaky, must look freaky.
    Last edited by bigtraps; 12-11-2001 at 08:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    end of week 6...

    What to say??

    Slow strength gains.. good pumps..

    Not so good thing. Acne on back flared the other day..atitude comes and goes.. I still sweat and stink like a vet animal..
    Shoulder hurt like a mother f**ker.. I lost 3 pounds for some reason???

    Ok things, I have almost reached freaky... A dude at the gym told me i look like i could walk through a wall..There was a girl last night at the gym that i wanted to meet, but i felt uncomfortable doing so cause i thought i looked too freaky, to much pump..

    I will be going 10 weeks on this one for sure..not big enough.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    end of week 7..

    I have been haveing issues letely, that is why the delay ..
    My folks are splitting, which is makeing me a head case.
    Not to mention i am trying to get over the flu.

    So, cause of all this my diet has sufferd, along with training cause of lack of cosentraition. I am WAY to distracted..

    Before i got the flu, on christmas eve, i wayed in at 191lb.. This is the most i have ever weighed, so i was pretty stoked about that.

    Acne still comes and goes. My wrists have been hurting alot lately, not sure if it is cause of inflamation or water retention??

    I have also been pretty freaky looking lately(in the gym)i don't want to scare anyone. When i Train at the
    family gym.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    ...end of week 8

    I can't wait to get rid of this water!!
    Everything about the cycle seems to be good.

    I am very strong. Great Pumps every where. My deca that i was short came today, so looks like things are back on schedual.

    Whieght this week was 190lb.. about the same as last week.
    Don't think i will gain any more off this bulking cause of all the water wieght i put on right away. I plan to start cleaning up my diet now. No more cheats.

    Getting ready to start the cutting cycle..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    you going straight into a cutting cycle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    ..end of week 9

    This is so much fun!!
    Well, i have not gained any weight for the past three weeks. I totally expected that though. Seem as though i may be looking just a little leaner now. I think i am starting to hold less water with th sus, as compared w/ the ethenate at the begining.

    My strength is still going up. Loveing that. Can't see any sides at all anymore. But i am getting pretty tired of people giving me shit at the gym, about my size. I just keep telling them, muscle memory and protien shakes. One week left, lets hope i gain something just for shits.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Good luck bro

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    ....end of wek 10
    Well just finished on Sunday..I allways wiegh after i train, this time i did it before i trained.
    195lb was 165
    A ll measurments are taken with an actual cloth tape.

    waist was 34" now 35"
    chest was 41.75" now 44"
    guns was 13.5" now 14.5"
    quad was 21.5 now 23.5"
    I gained 2" on everything but arms.

    Pretty happy w/ gains.. now i will start clomid in 3 weeks. along w/ a cyclc of clen to help rid of water.

    I have not sufferd any sides really. No acne any more.
    My shoulder still is f**ked
    But i cant wait to start the next one.

    I want to give a special thanks to MIKE for putting this together for me. Also i would like to thank CYCLEON for is help as well.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Vegas, NV
    Outstanding soldier! Seriously bro those are some great gains.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    were those measurments taken relaxed or flexed?
    good gains mate

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Allways cold when takeing measurements.

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