Here ya go, some info on me, maybe some will learn something, others just a laugh.
Back Ground & Stats
Age: 35
Height: 6,2
Weight: 275
BF%: 19
Cycle Exp: 1
PCT Knowledge: lots of reading
Training Exp: 15 years
I have been lifting since I was close to 20 years old. I was genetically very athletic although like many youth I had no clue of how to eat or really anything else. Like many kids I wanted to be a freak. I didn’t know much about gear then. Accept the stories of terrible side effects and the ETC. I didn’t know how to get it and frankly was actually scared of it. This of course was a good thing.
After a few years of struggling to gain any muscle I started to learn about protein intake and soon to follow how to eat carbs. I then began to put on a few pounds and gain some strength. Of course the immaturities of my early 20’s (late nights and beer) contributed to the lack of progress. The hit 190 drop to 180 routine. Some might be familiar with that?
I finally hit a calm in life around 23. Between 23 and 24 I started to make solid gains. This was all due to more focus on diet and training. The 190’s came and went and a comfortable 210 was actually pretty easily obtained. No not shredded at 3%, but a nice comfortable10-12%. (Can’t really remember exacts) This was of course due to the starting to put the focus on diet and training instead of the previously mentioned immaturities.
After a roller coaster of a first year in marriage, job changes, and moves I was able to sit in for the long haul. From the age of 25 to 28 I went from that comfortable 210 to a beefy 270. I had a peak of about 276, but of course that came with some fat. I started to clean up the diet and settled in around 270. This was a strong thick 270 @ about 18-19%. Yes, a bit on the fat side, but mind you this was completely without any gear. Not even a pro hormone touched my system. And I could actually afford very few supplements other than protein.
I tell this back story not only to set up for the reasons and results of present and future progress, but to let the kids out there know that gains are available naturally. Take advantage of them. At 20 years old I rarely did squats or dead lifts and the bench I could occasionally do a few with 225. At 28 years old my best lifts were 225 for 25 reps and 385 for 3 on bench, dead lift was 405 x2, and squat was a deep 315 for about 8. Natural gains are very possible.