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Thread: Starting my second cycle,Test-C,Deca,Eq

  1. #1

    Starting my second cycle,Test-C,Deca,Eq


    Okay so I'm starting my second cycle on Monday I will keep you guys updated I won't be able to post pictures because I still don't have my computer fixed :@ but I will keep you filled in on how I'm doing an how much weight I put on week by week ect... my first cycle was-
    -Anadrol week 1-5 50 up to 100
    -Test-C week 1-10 500mg

    I put on a solid 22lbs and only lost 2lbs putting me at 200lbs spot on I cut down 10 pounds since then because I was going away to Cuba in December,my goal for this cycle is to put on hopefully another 20lbs putting me at 210lbs

    Anadrol week 1-4 50mg
    Test C week 1-12 500mg
    Deca week 1-11 400mg
    Eq week 1-11 400mg

    serm- pct nolva week 14-18
    Ai- pct letro week 14-17
    I was going to use hcg but I can't get any around here..

    -if I've made any spelling errors it's because I'm using my iPhone an it's a piece of sh!t.
    -I'm going to keep you weekly updated sorry again for no pictures I will be taking pictures so when my computer gets fixed... I'll post them up for you all to see my progress
    -if you guys have any advise feel free to give it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Completely overboard on the gear for your second cycle, not to mention your current physique level.

    You are going to be taking in over 1.3g of anabolics PW, for a second cycle.
    191/13% @ 6' is an obtainable natural weight. You could look at this cycle as your first, if you were so inclined.

    I'm in a glass house, as i shouldn't really be cycling myself, but seriously man. There is absolutely no need for you to include that many compounds in your second cycle.
    I would truely urge you to atleast cut the EQ, cutting the deca would be a fking ace idea aswell. But baby steps...

    Atleast consider cutting 1-2 compounds out of that cycle - you are increasing your risk without increasing your reward! that goes against human nature!!

  3. #3
    Well sorry for the late reply but I did my first pinn on Monday everything went good until the next day rolled around ,around 7pm I was hungy sweting alot was getting a headach an right befor bed I started getting a fever an was coughing alot an now I got an ear ace & my head feels like it's going to explode....My one arm is sore as he'll but my other onses fine but I think I came down with the test fluu........ Uhgg I only had one meal today & I slept a whole 22hrs today tooo ... But I went to the bathroom not to long ago an I was shiting out blood probably have a hemorroide,or hiv.. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait this out but I'll keep you guys up dated with what's going on with gains & how I'm feeling ect...
    Last edited by sandman1441; 01-13-2011 at 12:51 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    With it being test c i highly doubt you could see test flu symptoms so quickly. If you are shitting blood you need to go to the doctor. Is your source reliable and trusted? Hopefully what you injected was actually test.

    Also I have to agree with the other poster in here. Should've kept it simple for a second cycle and if your at 191 after a cycle then it's clear you weren't ready. I suggest stopping the cycle going to the dr and getting some good natural gains for a couple years.

  5. #5
    Well I got it two days after like in the middle of the night,when I woke up lastnight I was reading around about test c an flu like systoms witg what I was reading on other bowads n stuff in can happen pretty quick,yes the source for the test is reliabale but idk about the guy who got me the deca/eq but the arm that I injected the eq/deca is fine but the arm I injected the test is sore as he'll the same thing happen to me last time but my arm blew up like a baloon* but I didn't get sick at all .. What do you mean hopefully what I injected was actually test ? If I shit out blood again I'm gonna go to the doctors an get everything checked out,if this all doesn't stop by Monday I'm gonna stop the cycle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Pin it to win it!
    I mean if it was fake gear then you have no idea what your putting in your body. I've never experienced test flu so somebody else may be able to chime in more on that. I just assume with test cyps long ester it would take more than two days to see such harsh sides.

  7. #7
    Okay..,I know the test isn't fake,hopefully the deca an eq aren't either my friends on a cycle right now an he got it off the same dealer as the deca an eq but I got the test off a good reliable source,he's on a different lab name then me so idk what's amatter with me if anyone knows anything about test fluu or would know what's amatter please chime in

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Just a suggestion if you are running 12 weeks, this is actually what I did. I would run test all 12 weeks run first 10 weeks and start deca 4 weeks into cycle, i found the way everything kicks yields some very solid gains and because of introducing the new compound being deca after test has kicked in yields a bit of a placebo effect and more gains on the back end of your cycle because most stop growing around 8 weeks. Just my 2 cents on what worked for me with those 3 compounds thought i'd be helpful

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Beach
    ill chime in.stop your cycle and go to a doctor.if your not going to go to a doctor at least put down the gear and read up until you've obtained enough knowledge to know what your putting your body through. you could be doing serious irreversible damage to your body.good luck with whatever you decide.

  10. #10
    So what happened?! *bump*

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