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Thread: Dave's last and current cycle diet log and progress

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Dave's last and current cycle diet log and progress

    I started another thread yesterday with my history and some diet pics of me but it was more of a general hi everybody first post thing. Here is the better place to talk about juice and exactly what I'm doing. So please refer to this thread for more info and pics as I don't want to repeat it all and re-post the same pics...

    I did a small clip of me doing a couple of poses when I took those pics for the log...

    I'm no steroid noob, I did many cycles over the years and tried many different kinds. But before I was only taking very little amounts for short periods of time because of my sickness and the doctors always telling me not to take anything. For example, dianabol has always been my favorite, I've taken many times just that at 20-30mg/day for 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off with great results. It's really cheap and works every time, definitely one of the most bang for the buck. I was just on that when I was at my biggest and strongest ever at the time I was training for strongman. Literally peanuts compared to what the other guys were on! lol

    And the reason I did is because like I've explained in the other thread, is that I've been battling with Crohn's disease non stop for years. I've always noticed in the past that when I was on gear that I always felt great. I'm not going to write my whole medical history but I've pretty much tried every freakin' med on the face of the earth over the years. There's pretty much only one left as a last resort and if that one doesn't work I'll have to get a bag (stomia) again for the rest of my life....

    So I decided to take things in my own hands, screw the doctors! Didnt have much to lose since all the doctors and specialists have been doing such a great job at it all these years! lol I remembered how great I felt everytime I was juicing and decided to take the blast and cruise method! Get my diet in check and almost never go off gear! And guess what? I haven't had such a long period without any symptoms in I don't know how many years! I feel so ****ing good you can't imaging how great it is to finally have a break from being sick and feeling like shit all the time. I plan to take moderate amounts over long period of times and vary the types of steroids taken to try to avoid stalling. I'm not gonna go crazy and go on 2 grams of test of week sorta cycles like some guys are on....

    Started training 10 months ago and here's exactly what I've taken since then. I started conservative at first, sorta testing out the waters on my new meal plan and self medication lol. Went on
    -anavar 50mg/day for 7 weeks, 4 weeks break off
    -turinabol 40mg/day for 7 weeks, 4 weeks break off

    Start of september 2010 until start of november
    500mg/week deca
    600mg/week test 400 blend

    I Started dieting on nov 29 2010 but started the new cycle on the nov 20 and ended it almost 3 weeks ago, start of february.

    -250mg trenbolone enanthate E3D
    -250mg equipoise E3D

    So a little over 500mg of each per week. My reasoning was that trenbolone is a good diet drug and with equipoise I wasn't gonna get any water retention at all so I could really keep track of the diet and weight loss without water bloat. Also took 50mg/day of winstrol pills in december, but stopped after 3 weeks cuz it made me feel like I was 80 years old! My joints were killing me on it. I didn't do any pct in between I just switched over to a new cycle almost 3 weeks ago wich consists of

    400mg/E3D test 400 blend
    200mg//E3D masteron enanthate
    0.25mg/E3D arimidex

    So I've been on this for litlle over 2 weeks when I took the posing video and those new diet pics. I'll post new pics and my progress in here from now on.

    Check me out

    Warning!!!! I'm not posting this so those of you with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis tell your doctors to go screw themselves or that you should stop taking your meds and come on the juice bandwaggon! This is just my own personnal experience and my self experiment! This is working great for me so far but might totally **** you up!
    Last edited by DFRELAT; 03-09-2011 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Very interesting and thanks.
    I plan to share this with a dear friend...not asap but sometime.

  3. #3
    grosse masse big guy.

    C quoi ta grandeur?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Je fais 6' et 268lbs...

  5. #5
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    Mar 2011
    It's my first time using masteron so I'm seeing as I go. I started eating a little more carbs, damn diet is driving me nuts. Dieting is definitely the hardest thing for me! I hate this lower carb shit! At least I'm maintaining the same weight even thouh im eating more. Everything is going fine so far except for damn muscle cramps. Keep getting some good ones in the quads. Been drinking more water than usual and bought a mineral supplement, we'll see if that works. One thing I don't like about the masteron so far is the muscle tightness, I knew it was gonna do that, but not that much! Feels like my muscles are shortened and lost some stretch, always seem to be on the verge of tearing a muscle. Might be great for a bodybuilders lifting light in pre-contest mode, but not for a guy who likes to lift heavy and go all out. As soon as that bottle is finished I'll probably switch to deca or something else right away. We'll see...

    Oh and I forgot to put it in here but I'll be putting up some new workout videos soon. You can check the ones I've already made over the last few months here
    Last edited by DFRELAT; 03-09-2011 at 06:09 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    hi...could you please post your diet? of what you eat as well as what not to eat? I was talking to my friend and he would love to know......thanks

  7. #7
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    Mar 2011
    That's really tricky to answer because it varies alot from person to person. I've never met anyone yet who's had Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis as bad as me, but I'm lucky when it comes to food however, I can eat pretty much anything. Only things that really bother me are some food additives or preservatives like in deli meat, cold cuts and such. Wich is not a bad thing since they're crappy food anyways! This is part of the reason why dieting has been so hard on me, alot of the best food for me have alot of carbs in them like oatmeal, rice, pasta, quinoa, couscous etc. Soluble fiber is great for us and especially me since I don't have my colon anymore. Non-soluble fiber I have to be a little more carefull with and not eat too much, same as with raw veggies. Only meds I'm taking right now is some immodium everyday to slow down the digestive track, (I am missing 5 feet after all !)

    I don't mind at all talking about my disease but send me a personal message if you want me to really get into it with all the gory details, I don't wanna gross people out! Let's just say it's a shitty disease...litterally! lol

    Guess the easiest thing to do is just to post what I ate yesterday, as its pretty much the way I eat all the time on work nights. I work at night so this works out pretty good for me. Took some time off the diet these last two weeks cuz it was starting to drive me mad! It's pretty easy actually, I just used to take less carbs with my post workout shake and changed the green veggies with the meat and fish with mash potatos and rice instead...

    Times are approx...

    5pm breakfast - big bowl of at least 2-3 cups dry oatmeal, then mixed when cooked and hot with at least a cup and a half of mixed frozen berries with 3 scoops of vanilla whey, one generic multi vitamin tab, 2 fish oil caps, one immodium

    7pm gym

    9 pm - post workout shake, 3 scoops of whey, a banana, 18 onces of fruit juice, 8 onces of water, 2 scoops of buckwheat flour, 8 grams of glutamine, one mineral tab (zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and vitamin D in it) 2 fish oil caps, one serving of green vege powder

    11:30pm work, first meal of the night, 500grams of extra lean ground beef with mash potatos and brocoli, one apple, two fish oil cap

    02:30am one can of sardines, one can of mackerel, cup or so of rice, one serving of carrots, one apple, one mineral tab

    04:30am cheese and no fat/sugar yogurt snack

    06:00am Shake with 2 and a half scoops of whey mixed with water

    08:30am Bedtime, 350ml of 1% cottage cheese, one immodium, 8 grams of glutamine

    So that's pretty much my average working day diet. Not sure of all the exact amounts of proteins, carbs and fat. Perhaps some of you diet experts in here can nail it down for me!

    And before I forget, my muscle cramps are gone ever since I started taking that mineral tab....
    Last edited by DFRELAT; 03-13-2011 at 12:59 AM.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2011
    The test is starting to kick in, gained a couple of pounds and look rounder, fuller all around. I definitely feel better since I started eating more carbs again. I'll try to keep it as much of a clean bulk as I can. The masteron is still keeping my muscles tight as hell so I'm lifting lighter until I finish it and start something else. Got a real good shoulder pump today in the gym!

  9. #9
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    Mar 2011
    I've just uploaded a new biceps/triceps video. I'm getting bigger without gaining so much weight so all is going well, was 271lbs in that video. You can see a nice difference in how I look compared to the last arm workout vid I made in December.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2011
    I've had a real shitty week and only went to the gym twice. Been working overtime and too many days straight without a break. Gained a little weight again, was 276lbs yesterday. The diet sort of gets down the drain when I'm overworked and tired! Finally got my deca 300, started it last night in place of the masteron. Hopefully the muscle tightness will stop quickly and the deca will help with the joints a little. So now it's:

    test 400 1cc/e3d
    deca 300 1cc/e3d

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places

    Thank you so much for your diet post. I really appreciate it and have copied and sent to my friend who is very grateful too.

    When you get up to 50 posts, then I can PM you. No rush.

    Thanks again.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    There we go, over 50 posts! lol Well it's been a week since I started the deca and everything is coming back to normal and the joints feel better already. I think I'll be really good in about 3 weeks when the deca really starts kicking in. Had some really good workouts these last few days, all is going well, still 276lbs...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Well it's been awhile since my last update, lots of stuff happened to me and training has gone down the drain these last 4 weeks. First off, met a women briefly and did nothing but whoring out and drinking with her for two weeks, then I cought a really bad cold and then to top it off last weekend got a real bad stomach flu virus that made me lose over 15lbs! Finally went back to the gym yesterday and I weighed only 260lbs! lol But the weird thing is that it was my chest day and I benched just like I normally do, I was sure I was gonna be so weak and suck badly but I did my usual single with 450lbs! Hurray for deca and test! ¦¬)

    On the juice side, I cut my deca in half cuz it was giving me too much acne and deca dick! So I'm down to 300mg of deca a week now and still about 900mg of test 400 a week. Mr happy is back to normal and the acne on my chest is clearing up finally. Here's a pic I took at 275lbs two weeks ago before the stomach flu!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Dave preacher.jpg 
Views:	223 
Size:	62.4 KB 
ID:	115344  
    Last edited by DFRELAT; 05-04-2011 at 03:54 AM.

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