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Thread: 3rd Cycle - Tren A, Test E - GreenCoast, Coast to Coast.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Cool 3rd Cycle - Tren A, Test E - GreenCoast, Coast to Coast.

    Hello Again Forums.

    Lets first start with some Background -

    My First Cycle - Test E
    300mg pw for 10 Weeks - noticed increase in endurance and hardend up alittle accompanied with some strength gains, bottom line everything went smooth.

    My Second Cycle - Test E, Deca, Dbol
    Test E - 600mg pw
    Deca - 500mg pw

    You can find this cycle post here - http://

    This cycle went really well, saw great gains - Strenght through the roof, and gained 20lbs and lost body fat %

    My Third Cycle - Test E, Tren A

    Lets start with my current Stats:
    Age: 23
    Weight: 194
    Height: 5'10"
    Body Fat: 10%
    Current Bench Max: 245lbs
    Back Row Max: 250lbs
    Leg Press: 750lbs
    Military Shoulder Press: 225lbs

    Proposed 3rd Cycle -

    Tren A 450mg pw - 65mg ED - Weeks 2-11

    Test E 400mg pw - 200mg BW - Weeks 1-13

    Liquid Stane, Nolva and T3 on Hand.

    Will Front load both Tren A and Test E *Questions* Should I front load the Tren A? I havnt read to much on this subject..? i front loaded all other compounds on previous cycles.

    PCT -

    Liquid Stane - Weeks 1-17 EOD
    Nolva - Weeks 15-17 ED Week 18 EOD
    HCG - Weeks 11-17

    Diet is in good check and vitamin intake -
    Vitamins B6
    2222 Amino Acid Blend
    Liquid Mass Amino Acid Blend
    Milk Thistle
    Glucosumine & MSM

    Pre Work-Out
    Jack3D - 2 Scoops

    Please share opinions and advice -
    Last edited by GreenCoast; 05-12-2011 at 01:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    You want an opinion and advice you are going to get it. Age 23!, done two cycles and going towards another one even before reaching 24-25 range. WHY OH WHY Did you have to start so early?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Yeah Yeah, Figured I'd get it - It was poor decision to start early, mainly due to lack of knowledge and influence from Team Mates.

    Whats done is done, Focus on the present.

    Advice and Opinions on this cycle that will be starting next week would be greatly appreciated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    why dont you run the tren from week 1 as well?

    gl mate

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    TGunz - The reason I was going to start the Tren A one week later is because Tren A is a short ester and the Test E is a long ester, Correct me if I am wrong, but a buddy told me to start the Test E a week earlier for the reason it takes longer to take effect and to start the Tren A after because it is faster acting. - This is why I am here and posting, looking for corrections and "proof reading" of my upcoming proposed cycle.

  6. #6

    Im at day 32 almost the same cycle except for dosages and im on test prop as its a short chain just like tren. I suppose test e is okay to stack with tren but, prop might have been a better choice as you levels stay solid all week with ED injections which you are doing anyway with the tren. In all honestly, if you are set on staying with the test e i might hold on the tren for week 3. it hits hard in about a week and its noticeable. I would imagine if the tren hits you and you dont have sufficient test levels your libido is gonna hit the floor because tren shuts you down fast. It felt like my nuts were in a vise by day 6.

    Of the sides i am seeing, i.e, sweating and 1 week with tren cough ( which is F'in horrible) I love it. Strength comes on fast and seems inhuman. In 32 days my bench went up 50 pounds.

    I am def interested to see how it goes for you.

    And again, when the tren hits, its just retarded how your strength is gonna go up. If you get any sides, weigh out if you can deal with them instead of quickly jumping off of it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I'm doing the same cycle . 500mg a week of te and 700mg of ta. Except running oral win at 50mg day for 6 weeks and gonna run var at 100mg at the end . A 14 week cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    ABull - I cant wait for the Tren to hit, I am really excited about it, I already have all the gear, I pinned Test E already and am going to have to stick with it through this cycle, I may be doing 3x weekly of Test E to keep levels more stable. Cant wait to hit the Tren man, Heard and Read so much about it, In a sick way... looking forward to the notorious Tren Cough , I will keep you posted on the results as well have a picture up of where im at currently.. and where i was before I started my last cycle, Im having a hard time finding where i upload the photos, Ive done it before but i forgot... Can you help me out?

    TayBoe - Damn thats alotta TA, You have a thread I can follow? How far in are you? experienced the Tren Cough yet? How often you pin the Test E? any recomendations on weather pinning 3x weekly will better then twice or stay at 2x?

    **I look forward to GROWING along side you gentlemen, Summer is almost here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    if you want to be specific you dont notice gains will week 5 with test e so really you would start the tren a at week 4.

    but thats not the case.

    test has entered your system. its just slow releasing.

    i use test cyp and tren a. its my favorite combo

    i inject test cyp 2 x per week and tren a ED very easy and effective.

    either way you decide wont make much of a difference

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    T-Gunz - Thanks for the response, Yeah I am going to stick to 2x per week with the Test E and still start Tren a week after.

    ANYONE - How can i upload a photo???

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Really dont get to many repsonses on this forum.... Anyone out there?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    T-Gunz - Thanks for the response, Yeah I am going to stick to 2x per week with the Test E and still start Tren a week after.

    ANYONE - How can i upload a photo???
    post this question in the "Message Boards" forum to get advice as to how to do this....going there will help you get tips
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    Really dont get to many repsonses on this forum.... Anyone out there?
    I doubt you will get many responses as people will not feel inclined to help you when you have started gear so early and unnecessarily. Not trying to sound harsh, just explaining why I doubt you will get many posts in here.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    LOL, Alright.
    Well ill post pics and results.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    theres a sticky on how to post pics in the members pictures forum.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    sydney, australia
    Quote Originally Posted by tjax03 View Post
    I doubt you will get many responses as people will not feel inclined to help you when you have started gear so early and unnecessarily. Not trying to sound harsh, just explaining why I doubt you will get many posts in here.

    yeh i agree and disagree. hes done a few and going to keep going. so instead of not helping i think its ideal for others to chime in and assist so he does it safe as a possible.

  17. #17
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    Picture from 1 week ago

    Picture from 1 week ago.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCoast View Post
    Picture from 1 week ago.
    Wow, really and it's your 3rd cycle? I guess it's true, with age comes wisdom. Sorry but honestly in the picture it doesnt look like you where ready for a 1st cycle.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Bad pose in pic.

    Hard to gauge progress by poor shots like this.

    Take 3 various poses before and then 3 of the same poses after...makes for easy comparison.

  20. #20
    Providing ur MAX on random lifts don't show us a good representation of your strength. "Back row, leg press, military press" if these are machines then what your lifting is irrelevant because weight varies from machine to machine. Stick to the three main lifts, bench... squat... deadlift... when providing your max stats. I can't see the pic you posted but judging from your bodyweight to max bench ratio your LBM is less than you think and your BF is higher than 10%. That or your chest is a bit weak for your weight. Post more pics please

  21. #21
    he is missing in action .... god damn it you scared him off hahaha

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    This is a picture I took 5 days ago of my current status.

    hopefully this is a better angle to see my results.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Work 7-28.jpg 
Views:	28371 
Size:	17.5 KB 
ID:	116417  

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Ruin3r View Post
    Providing ur MAX on random lifts don't show us a good representation of your strength. "Back row, leg press, military press" if these are machines then what your lifting is irrelevant because weight varies from machine to machine. Stick to the three main lifts, bench... squat... deadlift... when providing your max stats. I can't see the pic you posted but judging from your bodyweight to max bench ratio your LBM is less than you think and your BF is higher than 10%. That or your chest is a bit weak for your weight. Post more pics please
    Ruin - Bench is 275lbs, Squat is 300lbs, Dead lift is only 250 - I choose not to max out dead lifts - This is the way I lift.
    My current Body Weight is 181 lbs after sheding water weight - I Believe my bodyweight to max bench ratio is pretty damn good.
    My body Fat is at 8% right now, and this is where I like it and would not like to be any less.
    Military Shoulder Press - Done with a Bench Bar, Olympic lift to top of chest and then press upward over head 8 reps - 245lbs
    Back Rows are done on Seated Back-Row Machine - 275lbs 8 reps

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Bad pose in pic.

    Hard to gauge progress by poor shots like this.

    Take 3 various poses before and then 3 of the same poses after...makes for easy comparison.
    Yungone - I will post more pics at different angles this afternoon or tomorrow.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lfs2shrt2bsml View Post
    he is missing in action .... god damn it you scared him off hahaha
    Laugh out Loud.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Florida, FL
    Nice man! I just started a cycle of tren a, mast and test p, excited to see results along the way !! Good job!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Good luck bro, you're certainly not 8% though, not even 10. Your bench to bw ratio is weak for an experienced lifter, especially someone on his third cycle. I'm not going to get too much on you because I did a dbol cycle when I was 20 so I really can't talk. You have a nice base and physique and could benefit naturally a ton more. As far as your strength, the shoulder press just sounds made up in comparison to your other lifts so if that's accurate you're extremely strong in those regards, once again good luck!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Will follow this as I'm looking into starting tren too.
    Goodluck OP, keep updating.

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