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Thread: Test Prop / Masteron / DBol Cycle Results -- 7 Pounds in 7 Days (pics)

  1. #1

    Test Prop / Masteron / DBol Cycle Results -- 7 Pounds in 7 Days (pics)


    I've decided to post some results as they come.

    100mg Test Prop EOD
    150mg Masteron EOD
    20mg dBol ED

    First pic is Day 7 -- 179.5 pounds.
    Second pic is Day 1 -- 172 pounds.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Day7.jpg 
Views:	6868 
Size:	5.6 KB 
ID:	116347   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Day1.jpg 
Views:	4071 
Size:	5.6 KB 
ID:	116348  

  2. #2
    This is about 4 years from the last cycle. At my apex, I was 220 pounds, 11% BF. My PCT never really kicked in and have been fighting hypogonadism ever since. I think my 'muscle memory' is making the growth back to my former glory a breeze. Am willing to post some more pics in another week, at which point I'll probably be at 185-190, and drop the dBol and run the next following 6 weeks with just prop/mast.

  3. #3
    7 lbs in 7 days, there is definitely some bloat, there.

    I am curious as to why you are running masteron, a cutting/ hardening drug where you see mosts effects if you are under 10% BF and relatively dry, with dbol, a bloating bulking drug.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    7 lbs in 7 days, there is definitely some bloat, there.

    I am curious as to why you are running masteron, a cutting/ hardening drug where you see mosts effects if you are under 10% BF and relatively dry, with dbol, a bloating bulking drug.
    Honestly, it's a bit of an experiment. I'm seeing if masteron will negate the bloating effects of the dBol. Only running 20mg ED Dbol, but still experiencing some bloat. Cosemetically however, you could never tell... no moon face like I would normally get on dbol.

  5. #5
    hmm not sure if things work this way. dbol is very androgenic and sides will be no match for a zero-adrogenic drug like masteron. But experience might always surprise us. Good luck.

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