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Thread: test e, deca

  1. #1

    test e, deca

    so i just started this cycle today
    500cc test e a week for ten weeks and 300cc of deca
    6'3 220lbs
    age 28

    max dead is 380lbs, squat 370lbs and bench 260lbs

    goals: dead 425lbs, squat 425lbs and bench 300lbs.

    pics to follow.

    day one
    injection went well i dont know where the adrenalin rush came from but man was i pumped after the shot

    got a really good back work out in.. felt like a million buck after..

  2. #2
    I had the same cycle about two years ago. A good diet and lots of gym time will pay off!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    are you injecting twice a week or once? and your using 300cc a week for 10 weeks as well?

  4. #4
    twice a week...2 of 250 test and 2 of 150 deca

  5. #5
    so i finally have some pictures.. this is just after 2 weeks

    im still sitting at 220 lbs

    my weight on my sets are increasing a little..

    i will do my max's again at the end of this month to see if there are any gains..

    i'm a little shocked that my weight hasnt increased at all because i feel a lot bigger..

    im really looking forward to week 5-6
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  6. #6
    probably eating at maintenance and thus gaining some muscle and losing fat, hence feeling more swole, but not actually weighing more. either than or your scales broken. I used a broken scale for my first bulk many years ago and could not figure out why i couldnt gain at 4500 calories a day. one day i wet to the docs and got weighed and discovered i was 10 lbs heavier than i thought. lol.

    btw, what is your pct and any oct? any sides so far?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    X-Marks the spot
    in for follow

  8. #8
    thanks for following my prgress

    so weighed in today at 222lbs lol big weight gains lol

    im thinking to increasing my calorie intake from food to 4500 any thoughts on that?

    and my protein to 230 grams?

    worked out today did some deads... did 3 sets of 6 of 350lbs

    might have put to much strain on my knee on the last set cause it is getting soar again..

    did some weighted chin ups which i aded 45 lbs pounds to...felt really good

    my pct is clomid and hcg...i kept almost all my gains from my last cycle so i thought id stick with what works... only sides are oily skin and some backne...

    thoughts on how to prevent that?
    i was thinking of buying proactive lol

    thanks again for week ill do my max's again and i know ill see some gains

  9. #9
    Good thread. I'm thinking of doing the same as you. I will be following.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    What's the purpose of 2 shots a week of Test and Deca, when both have a half-life of 10-15 days, wouldn't once a week be plenty?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jax5er View Post
    What's the purpose of 2 shots a week of Test and Deca, when both have a half-life of 10-15 days, wouldn't once a week be plenty?
    I know you didnt ask me but it will keep blood levels more steady. Widely recomended. Just because the half life is 10 to 15 days doenst mean you dont get peeks and valleys. 7 days (a week) as a big chunk of that time frame so it's does dip.

    T Bone

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jax5er View Post
    What's the purpose of 2 shots a week of Test and Deca, when both have a half-life of 10-15 days, wouldn't once a week be plenty?
    Depending on the mg/ml . I would rather shoot 1.5ml x2/week then 3ml in one sitting .
    Also test E is a 7 day half life .

  13. #13
    well i did my max sqaut and max dead yesterday

    they are increaseing a little

    squat 410
    dead 390

    ill have pictures up soon

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    wow, i ididnt realize this thread was so old. n8dawgg where are you? need updates

  16. #16
    sorry guys my knee started to give to much

    so i didnt get my desired lifts

    but im allrested up and im going to try a new cycle right away ill post for ppl's inputs

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