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Thread: Big "T"s Cylce.......

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    OK last night I did the math and discovered this, I've been geting 385 grams of protein, 188 grams of carbs, and 32(I think) grams of fat a day. Also I'm asking everyone there opinion. I've been keeping carbs low and bf has been melting off, strength is gaining and all. Watching the scale I haven't put on much weight and I believe as I'm losing fat I'm gaining lean muscle mass because as my waistling is going down my strength is still going up and the scale is staying even (no increase no decrease). So do ya'll think I should keep at it and stay lean or say to hell with it, up my carbs and just focus on putting on mass and worry about leaning out later in my cycle? I'm stuck at a crossroad guys and would like ya'lls opinion on this. Other than that not much to say, had a killer back workout last night, I have shoulders tonight.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well another day has started and it's all good. Had another good workout last night. I had shoulders and it feels like my elbow pain is starting to show itself again. Strength is through the roof and vascularity is becoming unreal. I am going to the gym right after work now and have made a few changes to my eating pattern and must say I feel better and am starting to look fuller.

    10 egg whites/2 yolks = 36g protein, 12g fat
    3/4 cup oats = 4g protein, 30g carbs, 3g fat
    1 cup OJ = ?

    2 chicken breast = 72g protein, 12g fat
    1/2 cup rice = 2g protein, 22g carbs, fat ?
    1 cup green bean = 6g carbs

    turkey breast sandwhich (w/1 slice of bread) = 30g protein, 11g carbs
    1 can tuna = 32g protein,

    2 chicken breast = 72g protein, 12g fat
    1/2 cup rice = 2g protein, 22g carbs fat?
    1 cup green beans = 6g carbs

    protein shake = 22g protein, 2g carbs, 1.5g fat

    post workout shake w/dextrose = 44g protein, 60g crabs, 3g fat

    2 chicken breast = 72g protein, 12g fat
    1 cup rice = 4g protein, 44g carbs

    lean red meat = 50g protein, 12-15g fat
    1 cup rice or oats = 4g protein, 44-45g carbs
    1/2 cup veggie = 6g carbs

    egg white omellete or can of tuna = 32g protein

    protein shake = 22g protein

    protein shake = 22g protein

    I started this yesterday and will see how it goes but as of now I seem to feel alot better, and look fuller with the added carbs.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Well did my eighth shot today of 200mg test, 200mg eq in my left delt. Weights up another 3 lbs and feeling good. I forgot to mention there has been some testicular shrinkage. Acne is starting to pop up on my back and shoulders. I didn't notice this until the wife started attacking my back last night as I was tryingto watch tv. Had legs yesterday and man did I have an audience last night at the gym. On squats I warmed up with my usual 135 for 15 and then 225 for 12. Well I did 315 for 10, 375 for 10, 405 for 8, 455 for 8, and then threw caution to the wind and put on 500 for 6. Well I did 5 and my spotter kept me from leaning on the last one. I got done, took my wraps off and looked up to see the whole gym standing there watching. Talk about an ego booster. Well I'm takingtoday off and will hit chest tomorrow with bi's and tri's Saturday. I think I'm gonna have to get another job to support my grocery bill. I'm sticking with my latest diet update for a couple of weeks and may raise carbs again if needed. I called my doc yesterday and got my prescription for Naproxin renewed which hopefully helps my elbow pain. Well....gotta go eat and I'll keep ya'll posted as I go.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    So do ya'll think I should keep at it and stay lean or say to hell with it, up my carbs and just focus on putting on mass and worry about leaning out later in my cycle? I'm stuck at a crossroad guys and would like ya'lls opinion on this. Other than that not much to say, had a killer back workout last night, I have shoulders tonight.
    As I'm sure you know from my posts and upcoming cycle, I've gradually become a fairly big fan of slightly extended cycles with a "paring off" at the end for a vast array of reasons, not the least which may prove to be the "keepability" of gains. Now, the way you're going about it effectively takes the same theoretical stance as mine insofar as bodyweight and lbm ratios are concerned, but I have to believe that, given your workouts and strength gains, your body is responding well to such a degree that you'd come to regret not upping those carbs and seeing how far you can take the strength and LBM gains. I'm not entirely familiar with your past results, but it seems as though you're getting better overall results here. Maybe you've stumbled across (not to imply you didn't research with the term "stumble") a cycle that just happens to "do it" for you, or this is "your time"...whatever the case, with teh way your journal seems to indicate things are going, I sincerely believe you'll come to regret not "going for broke" on this one and leaning at the end. My apologies in advance for the judicious use of quotation marks

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I agree....come on BigTexan, find your limits...then fucking crush them!!!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    OK...ok..guys. I'm upping the carbs as of today. Once I have my diet worked out I'll post what it looks like......4700 I come. I've been wanting to do this but just needed the little push. Thanks Green and Major. I'll concentrate on more of a bulking now and later towards the end of the fina and the beginning of winni I'll focus on leaning out. Thanks guys. Oh yeah, not much to reprt on today, took last night off to get some rest. My legs are still aching from the 500 lb squats.....god I love the way they hurt! I have chest tonight and bi's/tri's Saturday, and will post more details Monday.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    We are still with you BIGT...keep the updates coming!

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Big T..Keep it up brother..You have me so stoked I am ready to start my cycle today..Reading all the posts makes me very impatient..You sound like everyting is dialed in so keep hitting it until you get to the end!! We're with ya!!

    Doc M

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    HOLY CRAP!!!!! Not a way to wake up in the morning! I went to do my shot and as always 200mg test e. and 200mg eq. Well I figured I'd try it in my calve, so I started to stick the needle in my right calf and all of a sudden a sh#! load of pain and then my calve started twitching and jumping around. I pulled the needle out and blood starts to pump out and I barely get a towel around my leg. So now I'm sitting there with a bloddy sore leg and a syringe in my hand. I open the bathroom door to make sure my girl like screams (just kidding) didn't wake up everyone in the house. So now I'm determined to inject this stuff into my calf, so I move an inch over from my prior site and started to push the nedle in waiting for that first sign of pain. Well needle went all the way in pain free and for the first few minutes my calve felt like it had been charlie horsed. Glad to say the soreness is gone now barely 2 hours after my shot. I had a good workout friday and saturday, except when doing chest, tri's or bi's I have this severe pain that starts in my left shoulder and that goes down into my bicep and elbow. It the feels like my left am is weak and I can't lift it or anything. It's weird but I have a doctor's appointment Wed. although I feel that it's just a tendon getting stretched out. Not sure what my weight is up to because I haven't weighed myself today. Feeling good other than this new found pain in my left arm. Oh Major, Green, mnkc, thanks for the push...I'm so glad to be eating to my fill again. I appreciate the encouragment and advice that I recieve from my AR family. I take every word to heart from you guys and hope to return the wisdom and encouraging words to ya'll one day. Well until tomorrow.....almost forgot Doc too have been helpfull thus far as well. If it seems like I'm leaving anyone out, I'm not I thank all AR memeber's if I was to list all of you I'd be at it the entire day.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    Ouch, that is why I am staying away from my calf.


  11. #91
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by painintheazz
    Ouch, that is why I am staying away from my calf.

    You figured I would too, but I'll be including it in from now on. So I'll be rotating calves, quads, and delts. When I start fina I may include bi's and tri's as well. Oh yeah Pain, I definetly need to mention you as someone that has really helped moe out, especially in the diet area. Thanks!

  12. #92
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Boston area
    No problem.


  13. #93
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ok, all. Another day and my back is a bit sore. I had back last night and all went realy well. On deads I warmed up and then did 315 for 15, 405 for 10, 455 for 8, 500 for 6, and 525 for 4. I haven't gone over 500 on deads in a few years. I was gonna go for 535 but my belt had ripped on the previous set. My calf is pretty tight where I injected yesterday. ALso I'm up another 4 pounds! I have shoulders tonight and if my elbow holds out I'm gonna shoot for 315 or better on military press on the smith machine. I got up 295 for 3 the last time.

  14. #94
    Join Date
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    April 30, 2003

    Well my shoulder workout when fine. I didn't hit 315 last night on military press. I did 295 again for 5 and debated going heavier, but the way my elbow felt I decided against it. My workouts seem to go by much quicker, and when I'm done for some reason I feel like I didn't push myself as hard as I should of. I workout hard and push every set to my limit, but because of the AS I don't become fatigued like I'm used to getting and just need to come to terms that I don't necesarily have to crawl out of the gym on my hands and knees to determine if I've had a good workout or not. Sides are pretty apperent, getting acne on my shoulders and a little on my back. The old testes had shriveled a week or two ago and acne has really flared up this past week. So far luckily there's been no bloat, of course this is my first run with EQ. All really is going well except I'm unable to get a full 8 hours every night. Actually I'm lucky to get 5-6 hours sleep a night. I'm starting to realize, beginning a cycle so soon after the birth of my son might have been a mistake. I take naps after work to make up for sllep lost at night, but there are still times I feel run down. Most likely I'll be taking today off from the gym and just go home and go to bed. Other than that things are looking good and I'm fixing to make an order for my pins.

  15. #95
    Join Date
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    May 1, 2003

    Not much to say. I took a night off from the gym last night and tried...keyword here is "tried" to get some sleep. I did my second injection for the week, 200mg test, 200mg eq in my left calve. All went well. No bleeding, screaming or much pain. I'm fixing to order my pinz today, I'm kinda running low. I'll have more to say tomorrow, got legs tonight and am looking forward to squats again.

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    With regards to sleep (or, rather, the lack of sleep) do you attribute this to family/child pressures, or do you suspect that it is "gear-induced". I've heard a number of stories indicating that insomnia seems to go hand in hand with the early stages of a cycle (while your body "adapts", maybe?). Additionally, I've been told by a few members that dreams durnig this period are straight-up whacked, to say the least.

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lack of sleep id solely due to spouse, baby issiues. In the past when I put on a good amount of weight while cycling it becomes difficult sleeping due to my body not adjusting to the increase in weight. Not this time, it's hard to sleep when you've got a 9 week old baby fussing every couple of hours needing to be changed and fed. Whether it's my night or not I get woken up by him crying and or my wife getting in and out of bed so I'm pretty much screwed on this until he gets older and starts sleeping through the night.

  18. #98
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yeah man I know how that is, kids can make it rough... when hes about 9 months or so he'll start sleeping all night long... just do what I did, keep a bottle in their mouth and that usually works good enough..

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    6,509 me bro, I have a daughter that's almost 2 so I've been in this rut before.

    Well sad to say I didn't make it to the gym last night. To make a long story short, my wife has some mental issues that we're dealing with medically. Anyways, she had one of her episodeslast night and I had to stay home. But I can make it up this weekend, no biggy. I'm glad I took ya'lls advice and upped my carbs again. I'm feeling damn good, and really filling out as to looking flat when I was low carbing. I'll be doing legs and bi's tonight and chest tomorrow. Depending on how my chest workout goes I'll be trying to do some tri's as well. Thanks for everyone's input on this so far. I know it's only been 5 weeks but I'm startng to think I prefer deca over EQ. I like the strength increase and the vascularity, but seem to grow better off of deca. Of course now that I've upped my carbs even more we'll have to see how it changes my growth. I'll post more on Monday.

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Austin, TX
    its kind of funny cause us younger guys that have to compete against you guys lose our sleep because of going out or studying, etc...and you guys have the family to keep you up...but ours is definately more of a choice then an obligation...good luck on the cycle...if you're ever up in austin pm me...i work at the golds up north, come's a really nice gym...

  21. #101
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey Fancy...thanks alot. Yeah I remember those days of going out and chasing tail. Priorities sure have changed over the years.. Wait a minute OLD!?!?! Damn man I'm only 25...not that old yet.

    May 5, 2003

    Well I had chest this weekend along with bi's and tri's. All went well except my left shoulder and arm. It's apain that goes from shoulder, down along the bicep into the front part of my elbow, it then goes numb/weak, and I can't lift anymore. I believe it to either be a tendon getting stretched all to hell or another pinched nerve. I'm trying to get in to see the doc, and friends are suggesting me to go see a chiropractor. Weights up about a pound or two. Strength is still through the roof. Acne is still apparent on my shoulders. I did another 200mg test, 200mg eq, in my left delt this morning with no pain. I really need to order some pinz. I have back tonight and will post more tomorrow.

  22. #102
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    how much have you gained through out the whole cycle so far??
    and how much in weight have u gained on your lifts?

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Total weight gained....about 6lbs. Actually it's hard to say, because my bf% has dropped drasticaly yet my weight has stayed the same so as I was loosing fat I was gaining lean body mass. So taking that into consideration....most likely a total of 12 pounds or so. Lifts....ok basics
    Bench....was doing 315 for 4, now doing 335 for 5
    squat....was doing 455 for last set of 5, now doing 500 for last set for 6
    deads....was doing 455-465 for 4 now doing 525 for last set of 5

    I don't max out so I couldn't tell ya that way.

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    how is the bloat are you taking any form of anti Estrogen?

  25. #105
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Suprisingly no bloat...except when I eat alot. No anti-E's yet. Haven't really seen any reason too. No bloat or very little, no gyno symptoms, nothing. I'm really enjoing it except the lack of blowing up like a monster part.

  26. #106
    Join Date
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    May 6, 2003
    OK....I haven't had my coffee yet so the key board is a bit blury..
    I had back and abs last night. Back workout when well even with my left shoulder bothering me. Abs went so well I had a rough time sitting up this morning. Weight is up another couple of pounds from last week. It's about time because I've been eating out the wazzoo! I feel like if I even see another egg I'll puke. I believe I should start growing really well soon. I could barely get comfortable last night and that's usually my first sign of putting on weight. That and getting in and out of my wifes itty bitty car is getting more and more difficult. Well with everyones encouragment I've changed my diet last week to maximize gains. Here it is.......I know I've posted about 1000 changs to my diet but this will be the last one until I start dieting down again after this cycle.
    10 egg whites/3 yolks (scrammbled)
    1 cup oats
    1 cup OJ
    2 slices of whole wheat toast w/ peanutbutter

    2 1/2 chicken breast
    1 cup rice
    3/4 cup green veggie (broccoli or spinach)

    turkey breast sandwhich only mustard
    1 can tuna

    2 1/2 chicken breast
    1 cup rice
    3/4 cup green veggie

    protein shake 25g protein

    postworkout shake 40g protein 70g dextrose

    2 chicken breast
    1 cup rice

    1 lb lean (90%) ground chuck
    1 cup rice
    2/3 cup green beans

    2 can tuna
    egg white omollete

    protein shake w/flax

    protein shake

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Wow...that is some serious eating....a pound of red meat at 8PM! No wonder you have a bit of trouble sleeping. If I wolfed that much down that close to bedtime I'd be all done. Before bed I have to eat mostly shakes, tuna, cottage cheese and similar foods that feel "lighter" in my stomach or I'm screwed.

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BG- actually if I don't have a full stomach when I go to bed I'm miserable. I know it sounds like alot to eat that close to bed but once you the EQ kicks in you'll completely understand. When I have a full stomach like that I sleep better believe it or not. As for it being "serious eating" I've learned that the gear you take is about 10%, workouts, 10%, sleep 20%, and how you eat %60 of the big picture. The only way I grow is by EATING, and I love to eat so it all works out. So how's your progress coming? Enjoying the darkside yet? Well that was about a dumb question.

  29. #109
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Big Tex... exciting thread! Keep it up and you'll be giving majorpecs a run for the money for best thread ever on this forum... well I was just wondering if you've taken a bf test recently cuz it sounds like you've dropped some weight... and if not, what do u think the bf is? Alright good luck keep up the great work!

    -the young Jason

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Originally posted by TheyoungJason
    Big Tex... exciting thread! Keep it up and you'll be giving majorpecs a run for the money for best thread ever on this forum...
    -the young Jason
    Ahem, hem....cough cough....ah.

    I see I have to step it up a notch in this little game. Each person who visits and posts on my thread will be entered to win a photo of Saved by the Bell's Mario Lopez....signed by me....not even pretending to be Mario Lopez....nope, my name, signed across his photo.

  31. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    haha big green funny shit... youre thread kicks ass too. good luck to you both!

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hey BG!!! Stop pirating my thread!!! I'll give ya this much, you're a hell of alot better with words than I am.

    TheyoungJason- I haven't had my bf tested recently, I planned on waiting until closer to the end, but may get it tested next week just to see. I'm in no way in a contest to see who's threads are better. I like major and BG am just posting this to help out newbies and to also benefit from any advice or pointers I may have missed while running this cycle.

    May 7, 2003

    Ok guys, up anothr 2 pounds as of last night. I'm right on the 240 mark again, but with much less bory fat. I'm guessing that my guesstamations about my previous bf% was a bit off. I'm gonna see about getting it tested next week. I had shoulders last night and with the help of my anti-inflammatories managed to pull off a good shoulder routine. I'll call today to schedule an appointment, just nervous it's gonna be a pinched nerve and that they'll have to cut me open. I've had surgery(spelling) done to my right shoulder already and am not looking forward to having any done to my left shoulder. Strength is going good, but next cycle I'll be running test a bit higher, most likely 750mg a week instead of 400mg like I am now. I've realized I'm not blowing up like in previous bulking cycles but am making more slower, quality gains and am curently happy with this. Alot of people around work and at my gym are commenting on how vascular and as they put it how f***ing big I've gotten. There is one prick trying to start trouble by telling everyone I must be juicing here at work. Honestly I don't care who knows, but at the same time don't want to lose my job, so I guess if anything I'll kick his ass later this week. Naaaa, I'll just blow him off like always. The Eq hunger is crazy! I got home from the gym last night and ate my first pwo meal of chicken and rice and within 10-15 minutes of finishing I was starving again! If I keep this up there won't be any food at the house for the family to eat. Well I have tonight off and it will be nice to just lounge on the couch in front of the tv for a night. Tomorrows my next inject and I'll keep ya'll updated as things happen. Laters!

  33. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Yeah, I'm in no way in competition either....but those who know me a bit on this board know that I must ultimately reduce EVERYTHING to some sort of joke...otherwise, I get bored real quick. Plus, I've been dying to work in a Mario Lopez reference.

    BigTexan: with regard to the guy at work, this is one of the big concerns of my cycle, not that I'll be called on it, but that I'm doing something I am proud of and am confident is the right decision, but at the same time I am severely constrained and limited in this by the fact that the media has held such sway in the perception of AAS. Exactly how many people are you open with and how selective are you in that regard? To what lengths have you gone to "mask" your use? For example, I lied and told EVERYONE for years I'd never done creatine, knowing full well I'd one day want to use AAS, and might be able to mitigate the gains in people's minds by saying, "for the first time in my life I'm using creatine...yeah, it's risky and there might be some sides, but it's a risk i'm willing to take." Plus, I've ALWAYS worn baggy pants and sweatshirts to teh gym.

  34. #114
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    Aug 2002
    The only people I'm that I'm not open about my AS use with is my co-workers. People at the gym, family, friends all know. If I'm gona do something I'm not gonna hide it. Luckily most people I know are pretty open to the idea and even though they choose not to go the AS route they see no problem with my decision. All my family has said (wife, and parents) is that if I ever flip out or aka "roid rage" I had to get off. Also that I go regularly to the doc for checkups while I'm on. It's all up to how you feel about people knowing about your usage. As long as you are educated on the matter most people won't frown upon it. Well I take that back...most will. I hide my usage usually by wearing baggy clothes to work or just by telling them to look how I eat and take care of myself. Most everyone I work with are beer guzzling, potato chip crunching fat-asses to begin with anyways. If someone starts giving you a hassle your best bet is to just ignore them. If you get all defensive people will think you really do havesomething to hide. Hell, they start talking here at work I'll I tell them is "if you think I'm on steroids, than test me" and it's usually left at that. Now they ever decide to say ok lets go test ya......I'm screwed.

  35. #115
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey and HATING I
    Oh sorry for the rant in your thread Tex! My bad! too much coffee????? I'm just following on what you and Big G were saying...
    You know I work for a tech. company and alot of the people here are extremely smart but don't know everything about alot of things. Alot of people saw that I had gained weight and then lost it. I wasn't doing a cycle, but I was eating for bulk (4000 or so calories a day), then I hurt my cuff and fell out of the gym for a few months. I started cutting the fat out and trying get down to a lower Bf. everyone noticed! Unreal, I've had conversations with people and they're ignorance toward AS is amazing! I explained to one guy that if he had any trouble with his wood he could go to the doctor and he'd give you injections of test and it's the same type as you would use in a cycle. He was taken aback, and I tried to explain to him (while being vague) the process and the equations used as far as Test/deca/dbol anti-e's etc. He brought up a story he had heard about the guy that died on elite from dnp, god knows how he heard about that. I explained to him what dnp was, and the situation.
    I know I can't sleep at night because I'm so excited about starting my 1st cycle and the fact that my day is based around my time spent in the gym! I also know that alot of people in my family (mom and dad) would rip me for running a cycle, but I could explain the process and they would understand. I do know that my pop knows how into working out is and he's proud of that and the gains I've made.
    I can tell you, through the advice of a certain Big T, I'm planning on being halfway through my cycle on the day I get married and I can't wait to be swolen and larger on the day I walk down the isle. July 4th, and I can't wait to chase my then wife around the hotel room and looking like one of the cartoons from MD!
    Keep gaining an motivating Big T....and BG, I can't live without sarcasism and f'n humor all the time!

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    heh, I think the reason the shot is making you hungry is because your body is working so hard to build all that muscle... I wouldnt worry about it during your cycle... probably a few weeks after your finished maybe...

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Good luck to ya ripsid!!!! You'll have to go back several times to get your tux fitted!! It is amazing on how people are ignorant about AS. My thoughts are to be honest with your loved ones....never know if you'll get into awreck or what not and they may have to tell the docs what you're on. Or if there's ever any complications they know what you're doing is all. That's my opinion on it. I convinced my parents and wife by sitting them down and letting them know that I had spent a few years researching and started showing them reports and TRUE info on AS usage. It suprisingly only took about an hour to convince them that I knew what I was doing. Again good luck bro!

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    yes I know yall aren't competing for the best thread... but keep up these updates sounding like you're really starting to kick ass as of late. good luck to you all (major, bg etc)


  39. #119
    Join Date
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    May 8,2003

    Well did another shot this morning in my right delt of 200mg test, 200mg EQ (Research Technologies that is). I hope my pinz come in soon I only have 1 left. I know I said I was going to stay home and rest but ended up sitting on the couch doing remote curls half the night and doing baby cardio (for all you that have kids you know what I mean) running back and forth changing diapers, making bottles.... but I did manage to be in bed before midnight, so something was accomplished. Acne is getting pretty bad on my shoulders, I am really prone to it so I expected it. Nothing a couple of daily showers and oily skin cleanser won't take care of. It was funny cause my mom came over last night and I walked out of my bedroom with just some shorts on and she just looks at me. I ask her what she was looking at and she asked me if I was back on because of how big my shoulders and legs looked. I had to laugh because it was the first time someone has really noticed any difference in my appearance so far this cycle. Well I have legs tonight and chest tomorrow so there's more to come....

  40. #120
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    May 9, 2003

    If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all!!!!!!!! Last night I did my 3 warm-up sets on squats, tossed 405 on the bar...and got my 4th rep out of 10 up when my weight belt ripped......since there wasn't anyone there with a belt I could use, I ended up almost calling it quits and going home (which I should have done). I finally give up and buy a belt from the gym, which after purchasing and wearing it for a minute, discovered I didn't like it and it wasn't fitting properly, so I'm going to hope and pray that I can get a refund today. A buddy finally showed up with a belt that I could use, of course by now I'm cold and need to stretch and warm-up again. So after a total of 3 1/2 hours I finally get my leg routine done and out the door. I pray that tonight goes much easier.... I have chest tonight and arms tomorrow. More to come so stay tuned.......

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