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Thread: Another first timer. Any help would be appreciated.

  1. #1

    Another first timer. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi all.

    I am going to do my first cycle.
    My stats are:
    30 years old.
    207 pounds.

    I have been training since I was 17 but have had the last few years off. Just getting back into the swing if things over the last few months and want to do my first cycle.

    I am told I should only do a test (sus) cycle by some, and a test (sus) / Deca / dBol by others. Any help or guidance would be much appreciate. Also help on a pct would be appreciated, and any other relevant info. This is all new to me.

    Many Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    What's your bodyfat? You should do a bit of reading around this site as to what is recommended for a first cycle and pct protocol. I could tell you but you wouldn't learn the reason behind it that way.

  3. #3
    Hey boxao6.

    My bodyfat is around 26%. I have been reading forum after forum and they all seem to vary a bit. I was just hoping someone may be able to offer me a specific cycle for my stats.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbigger View Post
    Hey boxao6.

    My bodyfat is around 26%. I have been reading forum after forum and they all seem to vary a bit. I was just hoping someone may be able to offer me a specific cycle for my stats.

    Ok well my suggestion would be to get the bodyfat down to between 10 and 15%. Having a high bodyfat while attempting one of your suggested cycles would make for greater chance of side effects. You've trained since you were 17 but had the last few years off so while dieting and training to drop bodyfat will give you time to get back into the grove of things. Once you have reached the ideal bodyfat you may revisit the idea of cycling.

  5. #5
    Sorry boxa06. I stuffed up the last post. I was unsure of my body fat % so I used and accidentally wrote down my BMI instead of my body fat %, which is really 16%. I'm not that overweight. Lol.

    Any further help from anyone now. Cheers.

  6. #6
    Sorry boxa06. I was unsure of my body fat % so I calculated it on the net, as I do not have scales, and accidentally wrote down my BMI instead of my body fat %, which is 16%. ( I'm not overweight).

    Any help now from someone would be appreciated.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbigger View Post
    Sorry boxa06. I was unsure of my body fat % so I calculated it on the net, as I do not have scales, and accidentally wrote down my BMI instead of my body fat %, which is 16%. ( I'm not overweight).

    Any help now from someone would be appreciated.

    16% is much better! Though I would still diet down a bit before starting. Of your suggested cycles I would agree with going with a test only cycle for a first cycle. For pct you should have tamox (nolva) and clomid on hand.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    basic test cycle 500mg per week maybe add some dbol

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