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Thread: 1st Cycle - Test E/Dbol (Complete Log)

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Am following man good luck!

  2. #42
    spiketannin's Avatar
    spiketannin is offline Associate Member
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    in for update bro

  3. #43
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    will be following. GL

  4. #44
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    Firstly thanks to everyone who has posted thus far.

    Weekend: Saturday and Sunday were rest days, I went out Saturday night until early Sunday morning. I will be out again Saturday nights but no drinking, i will be taking addional food in my cool box to eat on the way home as i missed my casien shake the sa5turday just gone.

    Monday (Today): Today was chest day. I did the following exercises.

    Bench Press: 90kg 8reps
    80kg 10reps
    80kg 10 reps
    80kg 8 reps. (could have done one or two more but no spotter)

    Decline Press: 70kg 10reps
    70kg 10reps
    70kg 8reps
    70kg 8reps

    Incline Dumbbells 50kg 12eps
    50kg 12eps
    50kg 10eps
    50kg 10eps

    Incline Dumbbell Fly 25kg 12reps
    25kg 12reps
    25kg 12reps
    25kg 10reps
    20kg 8reps

    Dumbell Pullovers
    30kg 12reps
    30kg 12reps
    30kg 12reps
    30kg 12reps

    Chest cable fly Weight i cant remember (4sets 8reps of each)

    Abs 2 exercises, 4 sets of each.

    Complete workout time: 55minutes (little rest between exercises)

    My weight is climbing as it has been, i have learnt a lession this weekend from going sloppy on my Saturdays diet. I ate like a madman on Sundays cheat day, was nice to have a break from my diet for 1 day. I dont know what id do without the cheatday, its ESSENTIAL in my eyes to keep the moral high.
    Last edited by xo3et; 11-14-2011 at 11:25 AM.

  5. #45
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Tuesday: Today i did shoulders at a friends gym. Did 5 exercises and really trained hard, 50minutes. I did exercises id not done before and i could really feel the change, aching now

    Wednesday (today):
    Today i did quads and hamstrings, i didn't feel too good today. Been working hard and training in the evening so I think its taken things out of me a little. I still hit the gym hard on my legs, not as hard as id like but i feel a little ill :/

    Diet: is still going well, ive relaxed a little with things like salad cream and butter as i was just going too OTT with things and it was putting me off food. My Bf% is still looking good, id estimate it around 13%.

    Sides: No sides, the previous page i posted about swore nipples. This has now gone and was as suggested due to using the sunbeds, wont be using them again.

  6. #46
    WorldsGym's Avatar
    WorldsGym is offline New Member
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    can't wait to see the finished results man. Great work

  7. #47
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Great log and nice work!

  8. #48
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Thursday (Today): Today i did back and calves
    4 exercises on back, 4sets 8-12resps of each.
    3 exercises on Calves, 4 sets with 12 reps.

    I still feel a little low today, i think I'm over the worse now. I think it must have been a combination of training hard and little rest at the weekends, anyway i am over the worse now so tomorrow ill hit the arms HARD!!!

    Just done my jab, right glue. Injecting really is easy for me, ive done quads and gluts and will have a go at the delts before the end of the cycle.

    Tomorrow morning i will update weight with more pictures.

  9. #49
    xo3et's Avatar
    xo3et is offline Productive Member
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    Friday Update (End week 4) 28days from 1st Shot / 26days from Dbol

    Weight: 194.0lbs (+ 15.6lbs) (this is morning weight/no food or water)
    Training: The weeks training has been going well, my strength is up but ive been a little rundown from work. Still pushing myself but not feeling 100%.
    Diet: My diet has become a little relaxed, i am still eating clean carbs and lots of protien. I will aim to eat the same amount of meals however they may adjust, ie instead of chicken and rice along with veg for dinner ill have maybe chicken and slad wrap.
    Mood/Feeling: I have become horny quite a lot lately, nothing crazy but i'm definatly up on my normal self
    Sides: None. No additional anger, nothing abnormal. Feel good

    Dbol: I will be stopping the Dbol on Monday, it will be 4weeks to the day that i stop. If i am honest ill probably miss the dbol as i really do feel stronger with it in the gym.

    Front Pic
    Front Pic (Different lighting)

    Back Pic
    Back Pic (Different Lighting)

    Left Side
    Left Side (Different Lighting)

    Right Side
    Right Side (Different Lighting)

    Any thoughts or criticism so far?

  10. #50
    Jax5er is offline New Member
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    Great stuff, similar to my stack I'll be doing starting in 2012. Deca /TestE/D-Bol. Love following, learning from you and others, keep up the good work, stay motivated, and updating.

  11. #51
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Friday (Today): Arm day. Did 3 exercises on biceps and 3 on triceps with some abs at the end of the workout.

    I'm feeling strong in the gym, overall its not been my best week of training however i am certainly over the worse of my "man flu"

    Bring on next week

  12. #52
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    your arms are lookin bigger. i can see that for sure.

  13. #53
    Nighttrain06 is offline New Member
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    Feelin the test kick in yet?

  14. #54
    bikeral's Avatar
    bikeral is offline Life is only stressful if you care!
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    Really appreciate you taking the time to log. Great reading. Will keep checking in on your progress.

  15. #55
    boxa06's Avatar
    boxa06 is offline Productive Member
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    Very good progress! You can really notice the difference from the first pics. More cut, more size and your veins are starting to come through. Keep up the good work man!

  16. #56
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Out of curiosity, who are your big 3 looking like?

  17. #57
    taskmasterz06 is offline New Member
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    Great progress and great job with keeping up the log.

  18. #58
    xo3et's Avatar
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    My update (with Pics and weeks overview) will be tomorrow as i have had a busy week with work. I have eaten ok, this was unavoidable and i planned for this to happen as best i could.

    I will be back on track Monday as per usual, I think i have added a little fat but this will become evident in tomorrows pics.

    Monday: Chest workout/ 5 exercises - My strength has increased MASSIVELY. (Recovery time is insaine, i can lift with the same focus with just the shortest of breaks between sets) Really really can notice things now. I feel better also being off the Dbol .

    Tuesday: Legs, I did Quads and Calves

    Wednesday: Shoulders, I hammered these and have been doing different exercises that i got from a friend.

    Thursday: Back, i only managed to do 4 exercises and NO deadlift as the gym was behond busy. It wasnt my normal gym so this was unavoidable.

    Friday (Today): NOTHING.... I will be going gym tomorrow to do arms and lower back and hamstings. My diet will be back in check tomorrow, i have a good 75minutes of gym to to fit in but i should be ok.

  19. #59
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Saturday Update (End week 5) 36days from 1st Shot / 26days from Dbol (Dbol STOPPED at end week 4)

    Weight: 196.6lbs (+ 18.2lbs) (this is morning weight/no food or water)
    Training: I have missed arms this week, i was aiming to go to the gym today but i am extremely tired and my left arms is hurting from using punchbag last week.
    Diet: My diet this week has been ok, i have missed meals and had to use protein bars and eat junk food, this was unavoidable and i did the best i could with what i had.
    Mood/Feeling: Feel horny all the time, the test is defo working now because my recovery is unreal.
    Sides: I think my nipples may be a little puffed. ill keep an eye on things as i have been.


    Any thoughts or criticism so far?

  20. #60
    canadianbrah is offline Junior Member
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    You can really start to see the difference now, you look a fuller and thicker now. Good work and thanx for posting the log, its great for us newbs to read and follow!

    Can I ask why you are not using HCG during your cycle???

  21. #61
    mirin_serratus is offline Associate Member
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    +18lbs already wow

  22. #62
    Adonisbrah is offline New Member
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    Arms are looking sick dude. Makes me very excited to start my first Test E cycle in a couple weeks.

  23. #63
    Blaz Kavlic's Avatar
    Blaz Kavlic is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xo3et View Post
    Saturday Update (End week 5)
    Weight: 196.6lbs (+ 18.2lbs) (this is morning weight/no food or water)
    Thats some solid weight gain for 5 weeks work bro. I'll be following your progress., Keep it up.

  24. #64
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the input

    I will be hitting the training and diet hard again tomorrow, i have decided to put some cardio into the week. Maybe 2 slow jogs either morning or evening pending my schedule.

    The reason for this is my BF% looks to have increased a little, mainly due to the week away working and the bad schedule/diet. I will see how things go by Wednesday.

    Thanks again,

  25. #65
    ucf465 is offline Associate Member
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    When you say your strength went up massively, how much did it go up on bench? when you noticed the increase and in total from day 1 of your cycle?

  26. #66
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ucf465 View Post
    When you say your strength went up massively, how much did it go up on bench? when you noticed the increase and in total from day 1 of your cycle?
    I would say my recovery time is noticed more than strength, really can notice it. My bench at start of the cycle was 80kg, i am now benching 100kg. Ive not tried anymore as i aim to do 8 reps/4sets.

  27. #67
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    good solid progress

  28. #68
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Monday (CHEST): Today i did --- dumbell press, decline bench, incline bench, Flys, Dumbell Pullovers ---------- & Abs.

    My recovery time is unreal, i am going to start pushing more weight this week.

    To update on my goals i would love to reach 210lbs from this cycle, an additional 14lbs really is a lot especially as i have come from such a low weight. We shall see

    Thanks again for all the comments, i am learning more about my body and training everyday. LOVE IT

  29. #69
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    TUESDAY: (LEGS) Today i did 3 exercises on quads and 3 on calves. I was really tired today due to work, i squatted 140kg 4 sets and 10reps. Legs are finally starting to build, I lost all my muscle from my legs before this cycle so its nice to see them build up again.

    Diet has been consistent as it normally is, I am feeling like adventuring into sauces and stuff even more due to the food being so boring and the fact my cooking skills suck. I will try some different recipes for the chicken this weekend.

  30. #70
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    post some food porn too haha

  31. #71
    marjobrah is offline Banned
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    "Up Marcus's arse"
    going good man

  32. #72
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    Wednesday (shoulders): Today was shoulders, did 4 exercises and 4 sets of each. I also did hamstrings, I only did 2 exercises, 4 sets of each. I aso did abs, in total the workout took around 70minutes.

    Diet UPDATE
    ...... Ok this has been stepped up, my weight is around the same, maybe down around 1lbs which for my current progress means there is a problem with my intake. I have been eating clean but maybe a little too clean and neglecting my intake a little, i have decided to spice up the food with some more low fat sauces and have a protein shake during the night when i wake for my night time piss around 2am. Eating as clean as i was starting to bore me with the food, I will maintain my strick program and keep along the same lines of food and intake but i'm not going to stress about some low fat curry sauces for dinner lol

    I have also brought a new protein weight gainer, the previous was pure whey ONLY. Was clean sauce of protein but nothing else with it ,the new protein powder is a bulking protein.

    Ok enough of going on, back tomorrow

  33. #73
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Steel cut oats. best bulking food in the world. If you need help hitting calorie goal, throw a cup or two of oats in there and a shot or two of some olive oil

  34. #74
    smashingbox's Avatar
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    Yeah bro ditch the weight gainer powders, they are full of maltodextrin or worse still dextrose, both of which are basically small high GI glucose polymers... the oats are the way to go, just buy wholegrain rolled oats and put them in the blender, a scoop of 30 grams yields 20 grams or so of low GI, complex carbs, dont over do it though because they are carbs nonetheless.

    Great progress so far, massive improvement, makes me consider dbol for my next cycle.

  35. #75
    OGMonster's Avatar
    OGMonster is offline New Member
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    very informative! great work

  36. #76
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Saturday Update (End week 6) 43days from 1st Shot / 33days from Dbol (Dbol STOPPED at end week 4)

    Weight: 192.0lbs (Last week +18.2 NOW +13.6lbs I HAVE LOST 4.6lbs in 1 WEEK......) (this is morning weight/no food or water)

    Training: I have been training hard all week, changed exercises and I still ache a few days after working that muscle part which indicates i am working hard and changing things. This side of things is going as good as previous weeks.... RECOVERY time is still impressive, i feel if i push myself enough i can lift and keep lifting. Recovery is something i have really noticed
    Diet: Ok diet has been the issue, i have been working much more at my job which means i am burning more calories. I have also slacked a little on eating, not eating bad just not as consistent as i previous was. THIS IS NOT FIXED, i posted this a few days ago and have put things right...
    Mood/Feeling: I'm not as honey as previous weeks, nothing abnormal i am still game but not like previous weeks??? Maybe this could be cos i stopped the DBOL?? I am a little bit irritable, i feel i can get the ump easy if i wanted too, i am not and i am fine but i feel i could snap easy...
    Sides: NOTHING.... No problems with nipples... I have been sleeping DEEP SLEEP, waking up shattered.

    1.... First loosing 4.6lbs in 1 week??? Could this be because of stopping the DBOL? I look to have lost some water, i do know my diet has been slack but this is fixed.
    2..... I'm not as horny as say last week, no issues but i was an animal last week. Now more chilled, can this because of stopping the dbol?


    All advice input welcomed....

  37. #77
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Saturday Update (End week 6) 43days from 1st Shot / 33days from Dbol (Dbol STOPPED at end week 4)

    Oh and here is back pic....


    Please give comments, improvements etc. All negatives are important to me

  38. #78
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    yeah i'd guess the weight loss is from coming off the dbol . Probably the reason for mood change as well

  39. #79
    musclelover's Avatar
    musclelover is offline Junior Member
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    Good work you can see huge improvements

    You can use d-bol at the end when the test e ester is still in your system before you start pct

    great thread

  40. #80
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    I'm on cycle right now week 10 of prop 75 Ed and 8iu hgh I gained 16 lbs at the beginning lots of water and then my weight was fixed at week 4 till now no weight gain but lost water and gained muscle every week till up to last couple of week where I started to really loose some fat though I'm bulking and eating tons of carbs Ive lost fat and gained muscle with no change in body weight.
    So don't go by the weight I had a bf check only to find out I lost 5 lbs of fat without loosing weight so that's all muscle gained so try to go by measurements and mirror not by the scale....good luck.

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