My first cycle log.
OK, so I am going to attempt to keep a log for my first cycle, I started on Tuesday, 11/15/2011 my weight was 186.2lbs and I am probably ~10% bodyfat. I am taking in about ~4000 cals a day and my macros are about 40, 40, 20, I will post my diet later on. I am keeping my calories from clean sources with one cheat meal per week.
My cycle is 500mg per week of Test E for 12 weeks and D-bol 40mg per day for the first 4 weeks. I will start PCT 2 weeks after my last injection and it will consists of nolva and possibly clomid but I am not entirely convinced that the clomid is needed in addition to the nolva and I will consider this some more over the next week or so.
Leading up to my cycle I had been gaining about 1-2 lbs per week then it stalled for a week or 2 and I was hanging right around 185lbs, so I decided it was time to go ahead and pull the trigger.
My first shot went pretty well and other than some severe soreness the following 2 days everything was fine. I did not really notice any difference in the gym the first day (I know the juice would not be working that quick but I figured that there may be a mental boost). The 2nd day was an off day as I don’t train on Wednesdays, (I will post my split tomorow). And then today I had a great arm workout and was up to just under 188lbs and looking thick. Well I have to crash, will post more later.