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Thread: My first cycle log.

  1. #1

    My first cycle log.

    My first cycle log.

    OK, so I am going to attempt to keep a log for my first cycle, I started on Tuesday, 11/15/2011 my weight was 186.2lbs and I am probably ~10% bodyfat. I am taking in about ~4000 cals a day and my macros are about 40, 40, 20, I will post my diet later on. I am keeping my calories from clean sources with one cheat meal per week.

    My cycle is 500mg per week of Test E for 12 weeks and D-bol 40mg per day for the first 4 weeks. I will start PCT 2 weeks after my last injection and it will consists of nolva and possibly clomid but I am not entirely convinced that the clomid is needed in addition to the nolva and I will consider this some more over the next week or so.

    Leading up to my cycle I had been gaining about 1-2 lbs per week then it stalled for a week or 2 and I was hanging right around 185lbs, so I decided it was time to go ahead and pull the trigger.

    My first shot went pretty well and other than some severe soreness the following 2 days everything was fine. I did not really notice any difference in the gym the first day (I know the juice would not be working that quick but I figured that there may be a mental boost). The 2nd day was an off day as I don’t train on Wednesdays, (I will post my split tomorow). And then today I had a great arm workout and was up to just under 188lbs and looking thick. Well I have to crash, will post more later.

  2. #2
    With test E you are talking weeks not days for a kick in. My first cycle was with test E. @ 500 mgs you will def. know when it kicks in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    take some before pictures and post them as well. logs are way better with visual results IMO.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    also, what are your lifts?

  5. #5
    I am well aware that it will take weeks, I think you misunderstood me, I was referring to a mental edge, similar to the placebo effect.

    Also I am going to take some week 1 pictures tonight and I will post them as well as my lifts and workouts.

    By the way I am 28 and 5’6’’

  6. #6
    Start of week 2 update!!!

    It’s been one week to the day as of today, and everything seems to be going great. My body weight is about 5-6lbs up and my strength has increased a fair amount. I am noticing a bit of tiredness but I am told that it could be caused by an increase in estrogen. I switch from my quads for injections to my gluteus due to crippling soreness in my quads. I will say that it was pretty hard to keep the needle steady when I was injecting and aspirating, that damn thing was all over the place so I have a feeling that I am going to be pretty sore, I think I will just have the wife hit the gluteus for me as she should be able to keep it more steady thus causing less trauma to the area.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    On the Moon
    Im on same cycle and just started week 5. Your know when the test is working, i thought i was horney on week 2 but im game for it all the time now, plus my strength is going through the roof.

    Get some picture sup mate. Keep all info in the log, it will be great reference for others and yourself if you have problems or wish to refer to itr again in the future.

    Good luck mate

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

  10. #10
    OK, I have not been keeping up with this log lately, but I can tell you this, it been almost 2 weeks and I am growing like a weed and getting stronger every day. I am at work now so I will update this with some stats when I have some more time this week. Also, I did take some pics but I am not sure if I will post them because I have several large tats and I just am not sure it would be a good idea to post them.

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