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Thread: Just did my first injection! Test Prop cycle

  1. #1

    Just did my first injection! Test Prop cycle

    starting stats:
    5'9 170
    bodyfat ~8% (also see avatar)
    caliper measurements are, abs: 6-8mm, oblique: ~5mm, pec: ~5mm, thigh: 10-15mm

    will be running test prop 300-400mg/week + 10mg exemestane/aroma EOD

    day 1 log:
    100mg Test prop
    10mg aromasin

    I'm so excited! haha (this is my first cycle ever)
    Last edited by 1000_DaysAsTheLion; 07-09-2013 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    350mg/wk is light by most standards, but I get results with my 200mg/week TRT dose so I cannot wait to see how it goes.

    Congrats on getting started. Will be following, especially since you are being so sane about it.

  3. #3
    ^^^good to have you!

    damn they weren't kidding when they said prop would make you sore. Quad probably was not the smartest first time injection site for prop though.

    Decided I am going to do 50mg/day so I can try a bunch of different injection sites and find out which ones work best for me. Did left pec about 30 minutes ago and it actually feels worse than the quad, think maybe I hit a nerve cause I'm feeling it in my arm too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Welcome to the darkside.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    if you never pinned before as you said.. stick with glutes rotating till you get the routine down..and all your muscles are virgin so yes it may hurt like hell first couple wks...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    post a pic of this 8% bf if you can...

  7. #7
    Will also be following your progress well done

  8. #8
    Thanks for support guys!

    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    post a pic of this 8% bf if you can...
    that is me in my avatar. 8% is a guess, I've gotten lower from the caliper readings. I can see my abs in pretty much any lighting so I know I'm at least 10 or under. I have other before pics, but I'd have to chop them to the point that I'd be unrecognizable, and dont have time to do that now.

    measurements for progress tracking
    leg/thigh: 23.5, arms 16.3-4 chest: 42 calves: 15 waist: 32 (at naval). neck: 15. all flexed at widest point except calves/neck/waist.

    day 3:
    10mg aroma
    50mg test prop - right pec.

    left pec was much better than quad, my arm felt a little numb for a couple hours but after that it pretty much did not bother me at all. today I did right pec and my arm feels fine so no nerves this time. I noticed a slight bit of redness on my quad at the injection site. Don't think it is an infection though cause I don't have fever or streaking or anything like that, so I'm assuming its just inflammation. brb leg day.
    Last edited by 1000_DaysAsTheLion; 12-10-2011 at 03:05 AM.

  9. #9
    -went to the gym after day 3, quad was killing me so I did deadlifts, went real well I hit 580, but lost grip on one side half way up, so I had to drop it or else my back would have become a pretzel. felt real good up until that point though. rest of the workout was great to did side bends with 175 which was a pr. I think the mental effect of the T, the deload last week, and the caloric excess helped a lot cause I doubt the test had really kicked in yet.

    day 4
    50mg prop

    -went to the gym and did a strength work out for upper body. Think I was burned out from my previous days workout and last weeks bench fail, cause I felt pretty weak. best lift was 185x5 push press.

    day 5
    50mg prop
    6mg Aroma - lowered this cause I've been feeling a little extra tired lately and I was reading about aroma and realized I probably need to flex the dosage based on the amount of test im taking. 10mg/EOD is used for 500mg/wk+ so for my 350-400 I dont think I need as much. If my nips feel tingly I'll bump it up to 25 or bust out the letro or nolva!

    sides: nothing yet really. libido still about normal, maybe slightly high. no more acne than normal.

    notes: best injection site is definitely pecs, me anyway. easy to reach and very little pain. I need to get some 1.5 needles so I can try glutes though. weight was still 181 this morning, so I definitely need to bump up calories. been at around 3.1k/day. gonna move up to 3.6 and then 4k+ once I can feel its kicked in.
    Last edited by 1000_DaysAsTheLion; 12-11-2011 at 02:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    if you never pinned before as you said.. stick with glutes rotating till you get the routine down..and all your muscles are virgin so yes it may hurt like hell first couple wks...
    hes running prop bro theres no way he can just do glutes...op you have the right idea man by using smaller doses and experimenting with ed injections...and as you mentioned spreading the pain around should help specialy as your body gets used to the injections and it starts to hurt less as time goes on...good luck bro...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Will be following your progress man. What are your goals for this cycle? Also at 5 days in don't expect too much even with the short ester. It still takes a little time for the gains. My first cycle is when I became friends with the straps because my grip for certain didn't keep up with my strength gains. Anyway good luck man and keep us posted.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Good luck with the cycle I will be following!

    Just a suggestion from my recent experience drop the ai until you get sides because you may not even need it.. A few weeks ago I started my ai while on cycle and lowered my estrogen too much so i felt fatigued.

  13. #13
    ddp: my goals are just to gain 5-10 lbs and to assess side effects. I'm only doing 4 weeks, cause I didn't want to spend all the money on a 12 week cycle and then have to stop 6 weeks through cause I got bitch tits or something. Probably won't see huge gains in this log, but it should be useful for others to see my experiences.

    boxa: I might do that thanks for the advice. how long did it take you to notice the fatigue after beginning your AI?

    gym: went real well, had plenty of energy and the weights were moving fast. think im definitely starting to feel it. unfortunately some pain half way through kept me from getting the quad pump I wanted. wasn't related to the injection pain though.

    injections: did bicep today, felt no pain at all for a while but then it kicked in kind bad during my workout. also noticed the injection site looks like a tiny red/blue bruise. its not hot, i feel fine, and it doesn't hurt much more than any other injection site, less than the quad, so I'm sure its fine. will keep an eye on it though. Pecs remain my favorite site, with shoulders and biceps tied for second.

    sides: felt really energetic today. was able to just keep working/studying (finals) for about 12 hours straight without hitting a wall. had some coffee but I have that every day. libido still feels normal. no acne really. skin does not feel oily or anything like that. balls normal sized, so are nips. lol.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by 1000_DaysAsTheLion View Post
    ddp: my goals are just to gain 5-10 lbs and to assess side effects. I'm only doing 4 weeks, cause I didn't want to spend all the money on a 12 week cycle and then have to stop 6 weeks through cause I got bitch tits or something. Probably won't see huge gains in this log, but it should be useful for others to see my experiences.

    boxa: I might do that thanks for the advice. how long did it take you to notice the fatigue after beginning your AI?

    gym: went real well, had plenty of energy and the weights were moving fast. think im definitely starting to feel it. unfortunately some pain half way through kept me from getting the quad pump I wanted. wasn't related to the injection pain though.

    injections: did bicep today, felt no pain at all for a while but then it kicked in kind bad during my workout. also noticed the injection site looks like a tiny red/blue bruise. its not hot, i feel fine, and it doesn't hurt much more than any other injection site, less than the quad, so I'm sure its fine. will keep an eye on it though. Pecs remain my favorite site, with shoulders and biceps tied for second.

    sides: felt really energetic today. was able to just keep working/studying (finals) for about 12 hours straight without hitting a wall. had some coffee but I have that every day. libido still feels normal. no acne really. skin does not feel oily or anything like that. balls normal sized, so are nips. lol.
    Only took a couple of days.. AI's are much more effective than I anticipated and no gyno so far (I'm at week 6).

    It is important to have some estrogen as it helps with mood, energy, labido etc..
    Last edited by boxa06; 12-13-2011 at 12:19 AM.

  15. #15
    did 8th injection yesterday. going to go to do 4/week injection in glutes and pecs. bi's turned out to hurt almost as bad as the quad, so never using them again.

    gym: felt awesome, pumps feel different. they take longer to set in, but i feel like a blow up way more and they last longer. felt way bigger that i ever have before. weights were moving really fast and I just wanted to keep lifting even after I'd run through everything I needed to do.
    sides: libido still feels normal, no ERSEs have shown up yet. balls I think are slightly smaller. hopefully gf doesn't notice, don't think she would like that. not sure what I'm gonna tell her once they are raisin sized. Acne is still clearer now than it has been in the past without extra test.
    weight: was 184 a couple days ago. bodyfat calipers still giving the same measurements though, so thats good.

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