Originally Posted by
ddp: my goals are just to gain 5-10 lbs and to assess side effects. I'm only doing 4 weeks, cause I didn't want to spend all the money on a 12 week cycle and then have to stop 6 weeks through cause I got bitch tits or something. Probably won't see huge gains in this log, but it should be useful for others to see my experiences.
boxa: I might do that thanks for the advice. how long did it take you to notice the fatigue after beginning your AI?
gym: went real well, had plenty of energy and the weights were moving fast. think im definitely starting to feel it. unfortunately some pain half way through kept me from getting the quad pump I wanted. wasn't related to the injection pain though.
injections: did bicep today, felt no pain at all for a while but then it kicked in kind bad during my workout. also noticed the injection site looks like a tiny red/blue bruise. its not hot, i feel fine, and it doesn't hurt much more than any other injection site, less than the quad, so I'm sure its fine. will keep an eye on it though. Pecs remain my favorite site, with shoulders and biceps tied for second.
sides: felt really energetic today. was able to just keep working/studying (finals) for about 12 hours straight without hitting a wall. had some coffee but I have that every day. libido still feels normal. no acne really. skin does not feel oily or anything like that. balls normal sized, so are nips. lol.