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Thread: Test-E/Dbol 12 week cycle with progress pics.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Test-E/Dbol 12 week cycle with progress pics.

    I've been lurking around these forums for a couple of years now, and finally decided I was in a position to start a cycle. Its just a basic Test-E and Dbol cycle, straight off of the "Cycles for the Newbie" thread on here.

    Here's my pics from day one, and a consolidated day 1-4 update. I've added my food tracker spreadsheet on my daily updates now, and I'll start posting them up every day, as long as the imbedded spreadsheet displays right. I'm a hairy bastard, but I guess I'll have to take care of that so I can really SEE what my weekly results are. Next round of pics will be on Saturday.

    I'm 26, 5'-10" and started this cycle weighing about 212. I'm in Afghanistan right now, so keeping the diet clean is pretty tough, and days when I'm out on mission, its going to be even harder. Luckily with the winter slowdown right now, the timing works well for as much stability as I can ask for in this environment.

    Daily Logs:

    Day 1: Thursday, 8 De***ber, 2011
    Weight: 212
    20mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva, 12.5mg Clomid (accident)
    Workout: Shoulders
    DB Shoulder Press-4x8 (80, 90, 80, 80)
    DB Front Raise-4x8 (35, 45, 35, 35)
    DB Side Raise-4x8 (25)
    Plate Raise-3x6 (45alt, 45str, 35alt)
    Notes: Low weight coming off week of calorie restriction due to being sick.

    Day 2: Friday, De***ber 09, 2011
    Weight: 212
    30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
    Workout: Chest/Tri
    Flat Bench-4x6 (245)
    Seated Tri Ext-4x8 (85, 100, 100, 100)
    Incline Bench-1x6 (155)

    Day 3: Saturday, 10 De***ber, 2011
    Weight: 214
    30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
    Workout: Legs
    Squats 15x225, 10x275, Xx315, Xx365
    Straight Leg Deadlift-4x6 (225)
    Calf Raises
    Notes: Weight gain likely due to increased caloric intake from previous day. Weight taken at gym prior to workout, so some fluctuation due to water/food intake. 4000 calorie target met, but unclean.

    Day 4: Sunday, De***ber 11, 2011
    30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
    Workout: None.
    Notes: 4000 calories consumed, however dietary breakdown was terrible. Will include diet makeup tomorrow. First injection tomorrow.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	118818  
    Last edited by fattexan; 12-15-2011 at 04:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 5 Update

    Every time I try to add my next days' updates, I get a message saying I'm using certain words recognized as I'll have to attach my updates as screen shots, hopefully the image is large enough to read the text on. Please, any critiques of the diet, etc are very welcomed!

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    Last edited by fattexan; 12-15-2011 at 04:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanks for posting. I'll be checking in on your progress.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    good luck..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 8 Update

    Here's todays update...about to do my 2nd injection, but going to do some more reading (I thought I'd read it all, but go's different now that its real) about the injection site. Last injection left my quad sore for 2 days.... maybe thats more normal than I thought, but I'm going to try this injection a little more inboard on the quad...after I do some reading.

    Anyway, any comments, critiques, suggestions, etc are welcomed!

    Edit: Just finished the injection...again, the anticipation was way worse than the poke. I did it a little bit more inboard (towards the front/top while sitting down) and about 3 inches higher than the first one. On the first one, I got a little bit of blood when I pulled the needle out...this time, I didn't get any blood afterwards, and the only indicator of the shot is the tiniest little red spot where the needle went in. We'll see how the soreness goes this time.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Day 8.jpg 
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ID:	118825  

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 9 Update with pics

    Day 9 update and pics attached. Can't really tell much difference yet. Can everybody read the updates when I screen-shot them like this?

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	118832Click image for larger version. 

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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I can see them, but I have good eyes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 10

    Update attached. My workout got interrupted on my third set of squats, and when I finally got back to the gym, I only had time to finish the squat sets, so leg day was cut short. I was pissed off about my workout getting cut for no good reason, so I consoled myself with a bigass dessert at dinner. Tomorrow was supposed to be my 1 dessert day, but I'll have to tighten that up now. Tomorrow is an off day, so I'll cut the calories from around 4000 to around 3000ish. I hate my off days, the gym helps pass the time over here.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Day 10.jpg 
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ID:	118852

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hey man just a few questions..

    Is this your first cycle ever?
    How much test e are you doing per week?
    How often are you injecting? As I noticed you used the same quad for the first 2 injections and would be a good idea to rotate sites. Eg. left and right quad..

    Also stick only to liquidex or nolva while on cycle not both and if it's your first cycle ever you could even wait until you have sides to dose the liquidex or nolva because you may not even get sides.

    Hope you have a good cycle and will be following

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    This is my first cycle, 500mg Enan per week. 40mg Dbol ED. I'm doing 2 injections per week, and the only reason I doubled up on the same quad this time was to see if the injection location being higher would produce less soreness. I wanted to use the same muscle again to make sure the only thing changing was the site location. Now that I know better where to inject, I'll be switching back and forth between both quads every injection. I MIGHT try the delts if I can get my buddy to do it for me....

    Thanks for the tips on the nolva/ldex. Since I have more of the ldex (some of the nolva was damaged in shipping) I'll switch to just that for a while. I had considered doing without both until I started seeing sides, but I'm paranoid about getting gyno, so I figured go for the gold. But I'll try cutting back for a while and if I don't start noticing anything, I may try cutting out both. I noticed on your thread that you're running ldex, any reason why you chose it over nolva?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    if your paranoid just have an ai on hand like adex amor (i even keep letro on hand for safety, its very strong though)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fattexan View Post
    This is my first cycle, 500mg Enan per week. 40mg Dbol ED. I'm doing 2 injections per week, and the only reason I doubled up on the same quad this time was to see if the injection location being higher would produce less soreness. I wanted to use the same sausagesmuscle again to make sure the only thing changing was the site location. Now that I know better where to inject, I'll be switching back and forth between both quads every injection. I MIGHT try the delts if I can get my buddy to do it for me....

    Thanks for the tips on the nolva/ldex. Since I have more of the ldex (some of the nolva was damaged in shipping) I'll switch to just that for a while. I had considered doing without both until I started seeing sides, but I'm paranoid about getting gyno, so I figured go for the gold. But I'll try cutting back for a while and if I don't start noticing anything, I may try cutting out both. I noticed on your thread that you're running ldex, any reason why you chose it over nolva?
    You should also try a glute injection they are awesome!

    The reason I chose ldex over nolva was because nolva only stops the binding of the estrogen at the receptor sites whereas ldex reduces aromatisation all together. So you can dose it to keep your estrogen within the normal range which stops excess estrogen binding at the receptors as well as other estrogenic side effects such as bloating, acne etc. But having too low estrogen is also a problem as it can cause lowered labido and fatigue.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sounds like that explains the tiredness I was getting for a couple of days. Thanks for the info! No arimidex or nolva today.

    Gearbox- I don't have any letro on hand, but I guess I could get some. I've got clomid, nolvadex, and arimidex, enough of each for the entire cycle and pct. I'll hold off on taking anything for a few days and see if I get any sides. I'm about to do my third injection right now, so its still early enough that I doubt I'd be seeing sides anyway.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fattexan View Post
    Sounds like that explains the tiredness I was getting for a couple of days. Thanks for the info! No arimidex or nolva today.

    Gearbox- I don't have any letro on hand, but I guess I could get some. I've got clomid, nolvadex, and arimidex, enough of each for the entire cycle and pct. I'll hold off on taking anything for a few days and see if I get any sides. I'm about to do my third injection right now, so its still early enough that I doubt I'd be seeing sides anyway.
    No problems and good luck with everything! I'll keep following..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thanks bro. I just finished injection #3, left quad this time. Already getting sore, but it was a virgin muscle. I MIGHT try glutes next week, but we'll see. I'm sure any muscle will be sore for a day or so after forcing in 1cc of foreign fluid! I just feel like I'm doing something wrong if 3-4 days later its still affecting my workout schedule. Maybe I'm just being a puss about the soreness??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fattexan View Post
    Thanks bro. I just finished injection #3, left quad this time. Already getting sore, but it was a virgin muscle. I MIGHT try glutes next week, but we'll see. I'm sure any muscle will be sore for a day or so after forcing in 1cc of foreign fluid! I just feel like I'm doing something wrong if 3-4 days later its still affecting my workout schedule. Maybe I'm just being a puss about the soreness??
    I've done quads heaps of times and it does get better after a few but you always feel that cork sort of soreness in your day to day routine plus training. For me glute is better because you don't get that sort of soreness. To be honest most glute injections I've done are painless altogether. Delts are also good.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    good luck with it, i hate doing quads, my leg always flinches. ill be following too

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    I've done quads heaps of times and it does get better after a few but you always feel that cork sort of soreness in your day to day routine plus training. For me glute is better because you don't get that sort of soreness. To be honest most glute injections I've done are painless altogether. Delts are also good.
    I'm still getting ready and researching for my first cycle and originally planned on injecting in the glutes, but i've heard stories of people hitting the sciatic nerve when trying to do it themselves. Is it that easy to miss the spot when injecting in the glutes or are these people exaggerating the risk?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I actually talked to one of my military docs about the risk of hitting the cyatic nerve--I was more concerned about it in the quad, since we get trained on an atropine injector that is capable of hitting the cyatic nerve...found out a 1.25 needle there's no danger in the quad area unless you're skin and bone-- I'll go back and talk to him about the glute area tomorrow. Like I said, I give my wife B12 shots back at home in her glute, so I *should* be fairly proficient in that area...but I feel like doing it to myself is going to be a good bit different.

    Boxa- do you look in a mirror while you're doing it? How far back around the side do you go?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 12 Update

    Day 12 update...

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  21. #21
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fattexan View Post
    I actually talked to one of my military docs about the risk of hitting the cyatic nerve--I was more concerned about it in the quad, since we get trained on an atropine injector that is capable of hitting the cyatic nerve...found out a 1.25 needle there's no danger in the quad area unless you're skin and bone-- I'll go back and talk to him about the glute area tomorrow. Like I said, I give my wife B12 shots back at home in her glute, so I *should* be fairly proficient in that area...but I feel like doing it to myself is going to be a good bit different.

    Boxa- do you look in a mirror while you're doing it? How far back around the side do you go?
    Yea I look in the mirror as I'm swabbing the area and planning where I'm gonna pin. Then I look at my ass the rest of the time when I'm sticking the needle in etc. You're meant to go for the top right quarter of the glute if it's the right glute and top left quarter on the left glute. Do a search and there's heaps of diagram type pics around. Just make sure you don't go too far towards the middle when you're doing yourself or it can be harder to control.
    Last edited by boxa06; 12-19-2011 at 05:11 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Good progress buddy.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I've been at a different base the last few days, no internet access. I'll finish my updates tomorrow and post up some pics. Boxa-thanks for the tips, I'll check that out before Tuesday.

    Thanks Darfus.

  24. #24
    Good luck man. Keep us updated.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by boxa06 View Post
    Yea I look in the mirror as I'm swabbing the area and planning where I'm gonna pin. Then I look at my ass the rest of the time when I'm sticking the needle in etc. You're meant to go for the top right quarter of the glute if it's the right glute and top left quarter on the left glute. Do a search and there's heaps of diagram type pics around. Just make sure you don't go too far towards the middle when you're doing yourself or it can be harder to control.

    what im guessing he means is the ventro glute?

    your not gonna hit a nerve if you stick ventro, look in the mirror and do it after a swab,i went all 1.5inches in and i was fine with EOD prop

  26. #26
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    Days 12-18 updates with some new pics. This time I'm doing the pics side by side with the week one. I'll do them like this from now on. Once I get a few more posts (and the forum unrestricts my posts), I'll go back and edit all of my updates so they appear as text posts instead of these damn image attachments. I should probably get rid of the sweatervest pretty soon....

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  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by uniifirex View Post
    what im guessing he means is the ventro glute?

    your not gonna hit a nerve if you stick ventro, look in the mirror and do it after a swab,i went all 1.5inches in and i was fine with EOD prop
    I wasn't talking the ventro glute but that is another option. I personally haven't used this site yet..

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Day 19 Update

    Pinned left quad this morning. GREAT back/bi workout. Good diet. Overall pretty good day, I reckon!

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	119017

  29. #29
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    Mar 2009
    Chest/tri day. Not as good as the last one. Almost didn't workout, probably would have been better served to take the day off...but I didn't. Slugged my way through the workout, and felt a little better afterward, but next time I feel like that beforehand I'll push the workout to the next day. I was really tired all day due to crappy sleep last night. The diet was good, met the macros I was looking for, just a little high on fat. I'll post up the update tomorrow when I get a chance to cut and paste from my spreadsheet.

    I'm noticing my fingers are getting fatter, and under my chin. I've been gaining weight pretty damn fast, but I can't tell if the fatness in the fingers is from water retention or just plain fatness. I'm going to start adding in cardio 3x30min weekly, starting saturday morning.

  30. #30
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    Mar 2009
    Just pinned the right quad. Was going to try the glute today but I pussed out. Maybe Monday i'll try the glute.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by fattexan View Post
    Just pinned the right quad. Was going to try the glute today but I pussed out. Maybe Monday i'll try the glute.
    Man up! Lol

  32. #32
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    Last couple days been pretty tough, had a mission go overnight, so the diet and the workout were shot to hell. Luckily the first day was my off day on the workout, but day 2 of the mission was supposed to be chest/tri. Had to push that to today, had a pretty good workout, pushed 2x295 with no spot, and tried for 315, but got a finger spot on the bar. Hopefully next week I can hit 315 solo. I'll update pics and stuff later tonight.

  33. #33
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    Mar 2009

    Day 28 Update Pics

    Today is day 28, monday will be 4 weeks since first injection (started the Dbol a few days early.) I'm finally seeing a difference in the pics. I'm having pec cramps for possibly the first time ever after my workout today. The intensity of my workouts is going way up. I should probably look at cutting down a little on the workouts--was at it for about an hour and 45 min today. I hope I'm not overtraining. Diet was decent, tomorrow I'll post a log again. Still shooting for 4000 calories a day, but had thought about cutting back. I feel like I'm getting fat, but I guess its mostly mental, since looking at my comparison pics today, I really don't think I've gained as much fat as I feel like. I'm still adding in 3x weekly cardio, 30 min each. I really need to start doing some ab work too, as right now I don't do any ab-specific training.

    One thing I've notice in other peoples' posts is an extreme increase in libido...I haven't really noticed it. At times I'll think maybe its the gear, but overall I don't think there's been a whole hell of a lot of increase. Is it something that will come on more once I'm done with the dbol? I've only got 3 days left, so I guess I'll find out soon. I'm interested to see what the effects will be coming off the dbol. Anything negative I should expect?

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  34. #34
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    Mar 2009
    Did back/bi today. Started with 75 pullups, most I've ever done to start a back/bi day...definitley set the tone for the rest of the workout. Weighed in at 225 when I started the lift, pretty excited about that, but at the same time concerned about blowing up too fast. My workout buddy is back from R&R so I've got somebody to go run with now, cardio should get a little easier to find motivation for. Due for a pin tonight, I'll finally try the glute. Not super excited about it, but I'll give her a go.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Montreal, Canada
    Really nice progress man, post more pictures if you can!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thanks man, I'll be posting pics roughly every week. It helps me guage where I'm at for fat gain too!

    Boxa- finally sacked up and pinned the right glute've been going about it all wrong with the quads! Lol! I'll be switching between the right and left glute from here on out. No soreness at all, and the pin didn't hurt one bit, except for when my damn hand was shaking while I was trying to inject. Twisting around isn't too easy for me...gotta work on flexibility I guess! I also need to get some 3ml syringes instead of the 1ml so that I don't have so far to move the plunger while I'm tiwsted around like that.

  37. #37
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    Good shoulder workout today, but I noticed my forearms are really sore. I think I'll have to start alternating weeks with heavy shoulders versus heavy chest/tri. Too much so close together I think. I'm going to lighten up the weight for a couple of my rotations. Weighed in at 224.5, still no soreness from the pin, one more day of dbol left.

  38. #38
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    Took my last dose of Dbol today, curious how that's gonna affect me in the next few days. Had a great leg workout today, continuing to blast past my personal bests every workout, this is awesome! Did 15x225, 12x315, 10x365, 5x365, 10x315 then did some calves and ham curls. Could barely walk when I left the gym, but man, it felt great!

  39. #39
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    Weighed in at 229.5 today. Looks like I definitely need to cut back on the diet some. I DID push out 2x315 on bench today--another personal best! A guy at the gym that I haven't seen in a couple of months commented on how I'd blown up since the last time he saw me...felt good, but I'm gonna have to start wearing looser clothing to the gym so nobody gets suspicious :-)

  40. #40
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    Did some pullups and upright rows today, but the gym was packaed and I really didn't feel like fighting the I pussed out an left. Whatever. I finally got rid of the sweatervest on my back today though

    I've got a small crisis that hopefully solves itself tomorrow...I've only got about .25ml test left...apparently the "5ml" bottles were slightly under. My next shipment hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not sure what to do. Occaisinally we get mail on wednesday or thursday, but sundays are our main mail days here. If I don't get package tomorrow or thursday, I'll miss my thursday pin.... what should I do?!? I've got a buddy here who's taking some winny, but nobody I know of taking Enan....

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