I've been lurking around these forums for a couple of years now, and finally decided I was in a position to start a cycle. Its just a basic Test-E and Dbol cycle, straight off of the "Cycles for the Newbie" thread on here.
Here's my pics from day one, and a consolidated day 1-4 update. I've added my food tracker spreadsheet on my daily updates now, and I'll start posting them up every day, as long as the imbedded spreadsheet displays right. I'm a hairy bastard, but I guess I'll have to take care of that so I can really SEE what my weekly results are. Next round of pics will be on Saturday.
I'm 26, 5'-10" and started this cycle weighing about 212. I'm in Afghanistan right now, so keeping the diet clean is pretty tough, and days when I'm out on mission, its going to be even harder. Luckily with the winter slowdown right now, the timing works well for as much stability as I can ask for in this environment.
Daily Logs:
Day 1: Thursday, 8 De***ber, 2011
Weight: 212
20mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva, 12.5mg Clomid (accident)
Workout: Shoulders
DB Shoulder Press-4x8 (80, 90, 80, 80)
DB Front Raise-4x8 (35, 45, 35, 35)
DB Side Raise-4x8 (25)
Plate Raise-3x6 (45alt, 45str, 35alt)
Notes: Low weight coming off week of calorie restriction due to being sick.
Day 2: Friday, De***ber 09, 2011
Weight: 212
30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
Workout: Chest/Tri
Flat Bench-4x6 (245)
Seated Tri Ext-4x8 (85, 100, 100, 100)
Incline Bench-1x6 (155)
Day 3: Saturday, 10 De***ber, 2011
Weight: 214
30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
Workout: Legs
Squats 15x225, 10x275, Xx315, Xx365
Straight Leg Deadlift-4x6 (225)
Calf Raises
Notes: Weight gain likely due to increased caloric intake from previous day. Weight taken at gym prior to workout, so some fluctuation due to water/food intake. 4000 calorie target met, but unclean.
Day 4: Sunday, De***ber 11, 2011
30mg Dbol, .25mg L-dex, 10mg Nolva
Workout: None.
Notes: 4000 calories consumed, however dietary breakdown was terrible. Will include diet makeup tomorrow. First injection tomorrow.