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Thread: spot injecting in the biceps

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    spot injecting in the biceps

    iam half way threw my cycle
    so far ive gained about a little less then an inch on my arms
    But my problem here is my tricepts are way 2 big compared to my biceps.

    I work the biceps out once a week and change the routine every week to shock them

    last week i did german volume training where i did only wide grip curls 10 sets of 6 by the time i got to my 8th set i could barely do 1 or 2
    but any ways thats besides the point.

    I was thinking about site injecting
    curently iam using 500 mg of t200 brovel
    and 400 mg of eq i think its by tornell(took the sticker off a while ago so dont remember)

    would it be advisable to shoot the eq straight into my bicept every other day because i take about 8cc's of eq a week

    maybe splitting four cc's in each biceps every week

    I appreciate your help
    and Thank god to this board!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    bro i got terrible stretch marks form doing that, so bad that im having them removed shortly, i wouldnt suggest it..just work your arms harder.....Madmax...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    bro i got terrible stretch marks form doing that, so bad that im having them removed shortly, i wouldnt suggest it..just work your arms harder.....Madmax...

    bro did ur bicepts get bigger, cause my lower bicepts suck there not thick at all. I can see the thickness from the side but from the front view sucks.

    Cause if they got bigger for you, thats what i want hahahhaah
    later bro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    sure they got bigger, but they always shrink back down, and then you have stretch marks which never go away...Madmax..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I have done brovel t 200 in my bi's with no pain and I loved it. Calves works great too. Just dont' do what I did winny in the bi's.. man I hurt for a week..

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