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Thread: 2 cycle dbal/deca/sus/eq/clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Arrow 2 cycle dbal/sus/eq or deca/winny/clen

    I'll be starting my 2nd cycle late summer, here is what it's looking like so far.
    stats: 28, 5' 10" 180lbs : 1st cycle was dball 35mg week 1-6, sust 500mg/w week 1-10, winny 50mg ED week 6-13.

    week 1-5 dball 35mg ED
    week 1-10 deca 200mg/w
    week 1-10 sust 500mg/w
    week 1-11 EQ 300-400mg/w
    week 9-13 winny 50mg ED
    week 6-7 HCG 2500IU/w
    week 10-13 HCG 2500IU/w
    week 7-13 proviron 25mg ED
    week 9-15 liquidex .5mg EOD
    week 9-18 clen, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks ephedrine, etc...
    week 13-15 clomid,
    novadex on hand

    what do U guys think?
    I'm undecided on running EQ or Deca, or both at a small dosage.
    Last edited by Epic; 04-15-2003 at 02:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Last edited by Epic; 04-15-2003 at 02:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    Originally posted by Epic
    Is anyone going to reply to this cycle, or just f#@king look at it?
    be patient bro your answers will come in time.

    1) run the dbol for the first 4 weeks at the same dose you have
    2) run the sust from week 1-10
    3)pick deca or EQ and run it form wek 1-10 at 400mg
    4)run the winny longer than 3 weeks. preferably 6 and 50mg ED not EOD
    5)dont bother with HCG
    6)run the ldex from week 1-10 / or 1-13

    something like this would be alright

    1-4 dbol 35mg ed
    1-10 deca / eq 400mg per week
    1-10 sust 500mg per week
    8-13 winny 50mg ED

    hope this helps


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    does anyone know if you were to mix deca and EQ in small amounts, what would the results be, for example 300mg deca and 300mg EQ along with test? Is there any good reading about the two, compared side by side?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    thats alot of stuff. I was wanting to run a long cycle as well. Bulking with deca sust and dbol maybe something else? then last little eq winny. Still working on it.

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