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Thread: 1st cycle--My results as they go

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    1st cycle--My results as they go

    Ok guys Thanks to all of your help here's the sycle I picked:

    Week#1- 400mg Deca & 25 mg dbol ed
    Week#2-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo(Galenika/YU)&30mg Dbol ed
    Week#3-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30mg Dbol ed
    Week#4-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30 mg Dbol ed
    Week#5-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo & 30 mg Dbol Ed
    Week#6-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#7-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#8-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#9-300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo
    Week#10300mg Deca & 500 Test Depo

    Clomid starting week 13--300,100,50 and the Nolva is finally on hand
    At the start 4/4/2003 I was 152.4 lbs and 3.8% BF

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Today I am now 159.1 Lbs, exactly one week after my 1st Jab and after 5 days of Dbol at 25mg ED.

    I don't seem to have too much bloat yet, none really noticeable at all. Although I'm sure its all water weight but he its going up. Don't really feel too much yet. Maybe a little pump in the gym, not much. I do think that my BP is slightly higher, especially as I'm trying to settle down at night. That is actually when ii feel the most pumped, wierd when i'm working out in the AM. But hey, I LOVE MY WEED and it does all good.

    One think I should point out is that I was on Paxil, an anti-axiety/anti-depressant. And took xanax from time to time to help with the nerves. I stopped taking this stuff 2 weeks B4 my cycle and normally I would get all stressed but I feel fucking fantastic. I am a mortgage broker and I am now a selling machine. Maybe its just a mental thing because "I" know that I have the gear in me. But either way, no anti-axiety/depressants in me and I feel great.

    Should I start taking this stuff again a few weeks b4 the end of my cycle

    My woman has been checking my balls and cock out like some UN inspector. She thinks that they are going to fall off or something. Its great though because I'm getting sex 2-3 times/day as she says she wants to get it while she can in case I have any deca-dick, but that should not be the case w/ the 500mg test depo/week i'm now getting.

    But Hey, thanks again guys and I will keep my progress posting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    If that 3.8% bodyfat is a reliable measurement, I don't think you exactly need to worry about any bloat. Do you have any plans to throw up some before pics? Also, what are the goals of the cycle? At that bodyfat level, I assume you can afford to do a pure and unadulterated bulk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I wanted to take B4 pics for myself and you guys but my digital is having problems. I don't have a scanner. Hopefully I will get my camera back in a few days.

    I had the fitness manager at my gym take my bodyfat with the caliper and in water and I was 3.8% with the caliper (15mm?) and like 4.1 0r 4.2 in water. The bloat is not a mojor concern. But I have a very professional job and since this is my 1st cycle i don't know what to expect as far as bloat. But, yep I am looking for some serious mass from this cycle. It is my 1st and from what I have read when the receptors are virgin to gear they respond very well. I am eating like a pig and have replaced virtually every drink w/ milk.

    My goals are 30 lbs+ and to keep 80% of it all. I will keep you guys posted w/ my progress.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    at your low bf% the milk will do great things...i find my vascularity has improved dramatically from eliminating dairy from the don't have to worry about that with your physique, however i wouldn't go overboard as dairy products make me sluggish any way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    On Friday 4/18 I was 164.5lbs. One week after my last update I have gained another 5.4 lbs and a total of 12lbs so far in 2 weeks. I am feeling great and having the best sex ever. Strength gains are good but not great. I am still on 2 weeks into my cycle though. I will keep you posted. Thanks again guys for your help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    new york
    when getting huge sex should be the last thing on your mind.LOL. looks like its all working well for you. tell your old lady to relax on your balls they come back just as strong. if the anti-depresents are prescription dont fuck around and get off them. your on a high because your drugs arent balancing your bodies chemicals. ROCK DA GONGE BROTHA!(the best drug to take on a cycle)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Ok Guys here's an update. On 4/25 I was 168.0 the 28th I was 166.6 and 4/30 I was 168.1 I am currently up about 15.75 lbs but my weight did not change at all this week. Well I can't say that we'll see what it is friday I might be up a pound or 2. Strength gains have been good but when do the size gains really start coming on???

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    well, if you see yourself every day you arent going to notice that much, but you've gained 15 pounds so far just 3 weeks, most ppl dont gain that much in a year training naturally but from 164-168, thats another good solid 4 pounds at least ...

    you ARE still eating right arent ya? you need to be eating more and more each day... especially BEEF

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Well yesturday was the begining of the 5th week but only the beginning of my 4th week of test as I started it one week later than the deca.(I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE STARTED BOTH AT THE SAME TIME) I decided to run the dbol for 4 weeks only instead of 5. I weighed in at 171.6 lbs yesturday. That is up 19.2 lbs since the start. I think I am just starting to feel the test kick in as it has been 3 weeks but not sure as this is the 1st time using gear. Strength is up tons and alll the women in the office are saying how much better I look. Who would think they would notice 19 lbs and a little tanning.

    Should I be feeling the test(ethanate) now?? I just took my 4th 500 mg injection yesturday. And my 5th deca 300mg. Stopped the dbol now.
    Here's the deal

    Start weight 152.4 lbs

    End week 1 159.1
    End week 2 164.5
    End week 3 168.6
    End week 4 167.6

    Start of week 5 ***171.6lbs*** and the test should start kicking in any day now

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Should I run the cycle 2 weeks longer?? Since i really have only 9 weeks of test in there and running ethanate would it be better to take the cycle to 12 weeks?? Remember this is my 1st cycle.

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