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Thread: Natural Gains, To Var Cycle. Looking for a little advice.

  1. #1

    Natural Gains, To Var Cycle. Looking for a little advice.

    Well I guess I'll start this off with a little background information on myself and what brought this all on. I've always been in good shape and relatively healthy. I played a very high competitive level of tennis and hockey. I quit playing these around the age of 16 and got into heavy drug use and partying. I was drinking constantly and eating 40pc chicken nuggets at 4am like there was no tomorrow. After a couple years of destroying fast food, smoking, drinking etc I started to get a bit flabby. Now I guess you wouldn't consider me fat but it was noticeable that I had lost all my hard body features. My friend started to torture me after I hadn't seen him in a while so I figured it was time to make a huge change.
    Here was my start...
    Day 1 November ( I think )
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    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 05-23-2012 at 12:39 PM.

  2. #2
    After just a few short days I began to shed some flab really really fast. I was hitting abs like a monster, and biking a lot. My father preaches and preaches about how running kills yours knees so I keep away from the treadmill. I started my first pre work out - jacked and my first protein shake ever - syntha 6. Loved what was happening to my body. Great results and quick. These next pictures where within 3 weeks. Also please disregard the low pants thing ... I actually wear them where they belong now and properly secure my pants.
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  3. #3
    So I started to eat just a bit better, I got chicken from fast food places and started to eat a tad better. Not really paying attention to protein or anything I just kind of made it up as I went along. I just knew if I kept seeing results it had to be working right? Seeing that my abs where coming through well and my stomach was looking really good I was bit, by the bug. I wanted more, I wanted the arms, the chest. I wanted to be that person ripped guy that just looked dam good. I started working on arms and almost everything but legs.

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    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 05-23-2012 at 12:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Then I was addicted. I was in the gym all the time, just tearing it up ( or at least I thought I was lol ). I was just giving it all I had and started to read more and more.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Just eat and lift, you'll be good.

  6. #6
    Now here is where everything takes a turn. I start dieting, and eating good. I am eating clean, I've cut back on drinking ( was doing it every day - note - I am Canadian ). I am really feeling good and start taking test boosters, vitamins, and start eating the pills everyone is selling me. Everyone goes through their GNC phase right? lol. Well anyways I am really liking all of this and do some more reading. I switch my pre workout to ACG3 and my protein to PMD - love it. I see my of my buddies that are huge and they all keep telling me your not going to get insane big without outside help man. Well we all know what that means. I was so against it until I really realized just how many people use it. So at this stage I began to question the use of them.

    At this point below I am all Natty

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  7. #7
    So my buddy is a bit bigger than me and doesn't lose weight like I do. He tells me he is getting on Winny. So I tell him that's stupid especially since he is already receding and shedding like a dog. I talk to my buddy and find out he is on this stuff called anavar. He is gaining strength, cutting weight, and turning into a rock. Well it really interests me, and I do some research. I can't find a bad thing about it (in my mind) and I decide well lets grab a 9 week cycle at 40mg - 60 - 40 taper off. Well I started taking it from those last photos basically it's already seemed to have kicked in... Even though today is 2 weeks I've been on.. So I am waiting to see some results but I am fine with just natural gains as well.

    Last week

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  8. #8
    I am now 2 weeks into the cycle. I have went up to 60mg a day. I have heard so many different things on my diet etc. For my body type goal I would like some advice on where to take this. Research can only get me so far because I can read 500 different ways to do it. I realize I need to do what works for me but I am still unsure of that. I may have jumped into things early and what ever but story of my life. I've read for hours about the cycle, and dieting etc.. but I figured pictures speak a thousand words and maybe someone else can have a better understanding of my body type/gains. So I know many know of the guy Zyzz. Well that is my ending goal. I am now striving to be that and have that body type. Aesthetics at its best. My friend wants me to get on some tren with him while stacking some others. Honestly I am unsure of what to do. I am not just another mindless kid and will listen to all advice. I am not here to hear what I want. So there doesn't need to be any flames or anything, I take constructive advice very well. I also respect your time and effort you put into your replies and respect your experience.

    couple days ago
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  9. #9
    I would like and ending weight of around 200 -209-lbs straight shredded. So my real questions is, how do I meet this goal, with getting the most results for the effort I put in. I am willing to put in the effort. All my buddies keep telling me I'll never get to that weight or size, my genetics just wont allow it. Feed back?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    You are 6 ft tall you will hit 200lbs just keep eating. I got to 175 at 5'6, eat more! There is zero reason for you to be on anavar considering you had nothing to begin with but abs. You are on it now so oh well, but those are all gains you can make naturally.

  11. #11
    Alright I will keep eating. I haven't been on the Anavar long enough to get any extra results, until today. Today I lifted a good 10lbs on almost every set quite easily. I can finally feel some crazy pumps and strength coming. It's finally been 2 weeks and everyone was right when they said it takes a good while to become effective.

    I started the var two weeks ago. All these gains pictured are natural.
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 05-24-2012 at 08:23 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Jaguars nation
    i think u have potential to look like zyzz, but not overnight, It's good that you are an ectomorph so u will have a nice frame with minimum bf, for training, try 5 sets of 5 reps with 85% of your maximum one rep.

  13. #13
    Thanks for the reply Jax.

    I will try the 5 sets with 5 reps. I finally have a workout buddy that is pushing me every day. I notice a huge difference working out with someone that is dedicated as well.

    update - in 2 weeks time - dumbbell press went from 50lbs to 65lbs full three sets of at least 8 sometimes I get in a couple extra. I am noticing crazy results from the creatine/var combo finally coming on.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hey man your looking great. Keep it up

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    anavar is a horrible choice !! WAY to small for roids !!! knowledge, food, and determination is the only thing you need.

  16. #16
    155 just got done working legs. I can tell the chest workouts are ripping my chest up. Quick question concerning my gym partner. He is 5'9 224 and cutting. Would an oral anavar and tbol oral be a decent stack for lean cutting but still getting moderate hard gains? He's mostly concerned about running two orals.. I've found mixed answers.

    Thanks mike!

    Deadly- I have been eating like a monster and started a food journal. I notice sometimes the mind is different than what's actually on paper. Also isn't aas used to get bigger? Or have I just not reached my potential and cycled early?
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 05-31-2012 at 02:37 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    if those pants go any lower. im pressing the ban button lol

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by t-gunz
    if those pants go any lower. Im pressing the ban button lol
    lol !!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    NY, Long Island
    oh god and ive seen enough peace

  20. #20
    Sorry harder to tell on the phone and I just grabbed one. I'll keep a closer eye

    First day with the personal trainer tomorrow. Will be recording measurements.. BF% .. Diet.. ETC

    Start getting some realistic numbers up.

    I am still feeling ridiculous strength gains.
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 05-31-2012 at 02:38 PM.

  21. #21
    I can really feel my chest shoulders and upper body really tightening up. I feel like a walking rock.

    Put on another 2lbs
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  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Looks like your doing good, from what I know Anavar isn't much for bulking but it can get you there. Just high protein diet, couple years ago they used to say 1 1/2 grams for every pound you way to bulk up. 1 1/4 - 1g for every pound to cut/maintain. Just keep a clean diet you are looking solid. Sorry don't know how to convert those lbs to kg.

  23. #23
    Thanks Jcevans7

    I keep protein bars everywhere and gobble one every two hours or so. I am eating around 5-6 times a day. I could be eating a lot more but I know that I can maintain this forever, and if its producing solid gains then I am happy with that. That last picture was taken a couple days ago, and I feel I already am progressed farther than that.

    My personal trainer isn't all that I'd hoped for. I wish I would have saved the cash and just kept doing my own thing. Maybe it will pick up here soon

    I am going to finally get my ass to some mixed martial arts classes twice a week.

  24. #24
    Dumb bell press up to 75 3 full sets now. Really been conectrating on my pecks. There are some small results, getting there! Also shaving up the sides of my abs .. forget what those are called..

    Also noticed nips are a bit puffy and get hard easily... I am taking a test booster and estro protector ( PMD Flex Stack ).... Any signs I should watch out for??
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    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 06-13-2012 at 06:44 PM.

  25. #25
    Well I am almost 3 weeks off now and I notice a little strength loss but not a whole lot. I tapered off pretty slowly and trying to push myself super hard lately. I got shut down like BIOTCH though. I wont run anavar without test again.

    I am now waiting for my tbol/test cycle to come in. Should be any day now . . . Finishing anavar picture. My arms shoulders and traps have improved the most. Dumbell press up to 85 3 full sets

    ending weight - 158
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  26. #26
    whoa dude, nice body transformation!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Dude listen you are way to young for steriods. You are being very dumb messing around with them at this stage in your life. You have natural steroids in your body no reason to take more. You get bigger by EATING.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    post some leg pics.

    and start training back. looks like u dont train it. or train it hard

  29. #29
    lol at leg pics - I've been working on them haha. I don't know if they are picture ready, not that really the rest of me is either. I was a hockey and tennis player so they are super strong, just not aesthetically pleasing

    Just started training back. That picture shows a very non worked back - agreed.

    Brohim - You're right.
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 07-17-2012 at 11:41 AM.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    good stuf least u take critisum on board.

    hit the gym hard and the food and u will get there. just takes time.

  31. #31
    Getting shreddedddd

    This coming Monday will mark 3 weeks on Test

    Had the third pin the other day and finally back in the gym after a surgery. I am ready to rock and roll! Pumps are nice and solid. I am running HCGenerate during my whole cycle of test and tbol ( haven't started tbol yet ) and as a pct afterwards. I noticed a little sensitivity on the nips. Should I run Nova during and after as well just as a precaution? I have a bottle of clomid for pct as well. Just trying to stratagize the best way to stay at normal levels, avoid side effects, while getting the best gains. Any insight on what to run during and after and the amounts/time to start from more knowledgeable folks would be great.

    *Note - I have read on pct etc but there are just so many different things out there. Just like to hear some personal suggestions to my particular situation.

    I am going to get those leg pics up soon too!
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 07-27-2012 at 07:10 PM.

  32. #32
    It would be good to see how you are doing Canuck, the serratus are impressive in your pics. How much of your gains did you manage to keep and did you do a pct from the anavar or only a taper off(not reeaalllly recommended..)? Did you suffer a visible estrogen rebound after the anavar was out of your system from the body trying to normalise itself, or were you simply sensitive around the nips for a while?

    Well done on the cycle blog.

  33. #33
    Thanks man!

    I am more than happy to update, especially when someone asks!

    For the var I did notice huge estro rebound, which caused my complete shut down. That is of course personal observation and what makes the most sense. No actual nipple damage nor pain. I started nova and I am still on it. I will continue to use it through the whole cycle and as a pct. Same with the HCgenerate. I have the cash to spend throughout it so I figure why even deal with the side effects. My nipples did seem a bit puffy but after looking at old pictures they have poked a bit and now that I have muscle it forces them out a little more.

    As far as gain loss, yes I lost some strength loss, about 10lbs on everything. I did only taper off and it wasn't a good idea. I did work my ass off while tapering and worked out twice as hard anticipating the losses. So now it's not a big deal, I kept all visual gains.

    I am now on 400mg of test a week and really starting to feel the pumps.

    Sorry about the legs pics, It was hard taking the picture myself and I couldn't get it low enough without getting my junk in there as well... I tried many times and failed sorry lmao. Ill try to get someone to take a better photo of the legs but they are seriously lacking.Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 08-14-2012 at 03:43 PM.

  34. #34
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ID:	126537Started a 6 weeker of Parabolin

    Started to put on some good weight and lost my abs a little. Back to doing a tad of cardio and ab workouts again.... Zyzz I am not lol

    Pictures mark Friday, 1st parabolin inject 100mg ...

    Also this coming Friday I am moving to Test E instead of cyp... Just to change things up .. going to run 200t 100p .... 9 week parabolin.. I know its low dose but I don't think I will need very much to have a decent gain for it.
    Last edited by TheCanuck99; 09-12-2012 at 04:25 PM.

  35. #35
    Had the worst nightmare of my life.. woke up sweating my ass off super scared. I stayed up and watched the door the rest of the night..

    Really considering dropping the parabolin

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    gotta agree with brohim, ur to young for the juice. you've made alot of progress tho. however im very familiar with zyzz and unfortunately he was to young as well, and just couldnt get off. but i gotta say i did love his character

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    How old?

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Ur lookin better man but all ur gains could have been natural.... Steroids are for: damn that guys a beast, Not: oh he works out a little.... Shoulda built a base first now u got all these chems in you, i hope u dont gt too screwed up down the road

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCanuck99 View Post
    Had the worst nightmare of my life.. woke up sweating my ass off super scared. I stayed up and watched the door the rest of the night..

    Really considering dropping the parabolin
    It's been a while since your last update, I'm interested to know how you are actually getting on with the parabolan now -I try to learn as much as possible..? I have seen people use it and the effects it has, but they all say it is difficult to live with..

    I think you may have got the gist that most everyone here thinks you're too young for steroids so I'm not going to bang that drum, I'm going to play this one instead: you have good results as seen in the pics above from the much less harsh var and the var wont ruin you so much as para can so if you dont wish to stop, maybe plan to switch, it's up to you anyway. Make certain you have ancillaries for when you discontinue the para so that you're safe as you can be as I used to know of a man who began having pronounced nipple issues from the resulting imbalance inside his body when he stopped administering the compound. How are you getting on? Be well.

  40. #40
    I dropped the parabolin. The nightmare got me to the point of thinking suicide was okay while in my dream, or maybe I was awake. Either way that was just way to much. I moved down to just Test E 250mg a week. Going to come off soon.

    Thanks for the concern guys, I do appreciate it. Without the roids it would have taken me years to get as big as I am now. I am almost 40lbs heavier, that is insane. My whole life has changed and I am not even close to being where I want to be.

    I got three plates on incline machine last week. I can't wait to break 250 on bench on Monday!

    No ongoing effects from parabolin. Glad to be off it

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