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Thread: 3rd cycle and history

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    South FLA

    3rd cycle and history

    3rd cycle and history

    45 year old male
    20 years of work out experience
    Married with children
    Very stressful job with 1 week of travel a month, sometimes more.

    6’1 195lbs

    1st Cycle
    Prior to starting cycle, I dieted and cardio’d down to 175 from 190 probably was at 18-20% BF prior to cardio/diet.

    Test C 1 – 10 wks 500mg 2x per week
    Deca 1 -10 wks 400 mg 2x per week
    DBOL 1-4 wks 50 ml ED
    PCT Week 13 -15
    HCG ED
    Anastrozole - 25 ED

    Notes : I developed tennis elbow and a shoulder impingement on my left arm that cut this cycle short. PCT was poorly thought out, and because of that recovery was slow. But injuries hampered any upper body work post workout. Reached about 195-200 during cycle, fell back to about 185 fast.
    Sides – Nothing I even noticed. Outside of left arm, which has been a reoccurring issue throughout my life, everything was amazing. Felt like I was 25 years old. ****ed like a rabbit. Moved more weight than I had ever moved, and recovered faster than I could believe.

    2nd cycle
    Weight 185 11% BF took 2 months off lifting to let shoulder heal. Did a lot of biking and some leg work outs. Did more studying and made sure I had my PCT in order prior to starting this cycle.

    Test C - 1 – 14 weeks 500 mg wk
    Equipoise 1-8 weeks 400 mg wk
    Deca 6-14 400 mg wk
    DBOL 1 – 4 weeks


    Toremifene Citrate Week 17-19 100/40/20 ml ed
    Chlomid Week 17-19 100/40/20 ml ed
    Anastrozole Week 17-19 50/25/25

    Notes - I ran out of Eq, and couldn’t get any more, so I subbed Deca in. Not ideal, I know, but I really liked my 1st cycle, and I had some, so thought WTF. Bad idea. The Deca did not agree with me at all this time. Got Deca dick bad and was very moody. I came to think it may not be the same substance I had the 1st time around. Once again, my shoulders flared up, but I stuck with it. Got up to 200, and sitting at 195 through PCT. I was very moody in PCT this time, I would cry over Disney movies. Strange. Also had higher than normal blood pressure issues through PCT.

    Sides – Got Deca dick bad. Had some pimple issue on face and back, but nothing too bad. Also developed high blood pressure late in cycle and through PCT. I quit coffee and that helped. PCT was straight and I recovered quick, but I was more emotional than normal through PCT.

    3rd cycle - Going to put a lot more work into my diet this time. Really focus in on getting enough protein, and at the right time. I want to maintain 3500 – 4000 calories a day. I already have everything I need for PCT, so good to go there also. I am excited to try Tren . I would like to hit 210 on this cycle. I am sitting at 195, but am fairly cut, actually can see my ab muscles.

    Test C- 1 -12 weeks 500 mg wk
    Tren A 1-12 weeks 75 mg every other day
    Dbol 1-4 weeks 50 ml EOD
    HCT have it, need to work out timing and dosage


    Toremifene Citrate Week 15 – 17 100 40-20 ml ED
    Chlomid Week 15-17 100 40-20 ED
    Anastrozole Week 15 -17 100 40-20 ED

    I must admit I am a little nervous about the Tren and sides. Did my 1st pin today, and decided to go with TREN at 50ml. Probably won't matter at all LOL. Anyways, look forward to talking with everyone. I have learned a lot here and for that I thank you all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    South FLA
    2nd pin this morning. Test 100/Tren 50/DBOL 75.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Id say run tren higher than test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Id say run tren higher than test
    I disagree. Tren can be very harsh in some. Its a compound that i feel should be run lower for a first time to get a feel for it, then adjust the dosage in later cycles

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Interested to find out how your cycle goes, I was also interested in how high your bp got during your 2nd cycle, because tren can raise bp. So I would keep a close eye on that .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12

    I disagree. Tren can be very harsh in some. Its a compound that i feel should be run lower for a first time to get a feel for it, then adjust the dosage in later cycles
    Most ppl have less sides when tren is higher than test. I had virtually zero sides at 500tren 250test. Wasn't until I got into higher doses that insomnia, night sweats, and high bp. Right now my bp is 145/75. On a gram of tren and 700test.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Most ppl have less sides when tren is higher than test. I had virtually zero sides at 500tren 250test. Wasn't until I got into higher doses that insomnia, night sweats, and high bp. Right now my bp is 145/75. On a gram of tren and 700test.
    First of all patrick your 23, and your bp is not healthy! this guy is 45....big difference young buck. I'm 38 on tren and test and my bp is at 124/80. So for us older guys it is a little more important to watch the bp.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    South FLA
    Right now I am considering stopping injections of Tren till week 4, as recommended in another thread. Trying to get some Test P to run with it, as the Test C has such a long load time.

    Checked BP this am and it was at 130/85. I did a 5 minute breathing meditation and checked it again and it was at 118/80. I am just so hyper naturally. Still no caffeine.

    Switched out my DBOL to EOD.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South FLA
    I picked up some Test P, and have subbed the Test C out for the next 4 weeks.

    Test P 1-4 wks 150mg E2D, dropping to 50 by week 4.
    Test C- 2 -14 weeks 500 mg wk
    Tren A 1-12 weeks 75 mg every other day
    Dbol 1-4 weeks 50 ml EOD
    HCT 250 iu 2 x week

    Feeling great so far. Shoulders and elbows are doing good.
    Sleep has been strange. I am doing 1 Tylenol pm and a melatonin. Dreams are crazy. I have the night sweats and I wake up every hour or so.

    BP is a little high, 130/85. But if I spend 5 minutes doing breathing exercises, it comes down to 115/80.

    Diet has been good, with the exception of drinking a bit too much. Hockey and basketball play offs! Love this time of year. I will get that in order soon.

    Best part is I am ****ing like a rabbit again. Wife loves it!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You should be pinning tren ace everyday. Half life is 24hrs. I would say up the dose as well.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    You should be pinning tren ace everyday. Half life is 24hrs. I would say up the dose as well.

    Ugggh, no ED unless you really want to.

    ED shots seem brutal.

    I also thought the half life on Ace was 48-72 hours.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck

    First of all patrick your 23, and your bp is not healthy! this guy is 45....big difference young buck. I'm 38 on tren and test and my bp is at 124/80. So for us older guys it is a little more important to watch the bp.
    I'm 24, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much. I pin 3cc of oil ed. Its not bad. Just use lots of sites

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Shoulder impingement is a mafckr. took me 6months to get mine back to almost normal.. It was mostly from putting the bar back during a bench press with an idiot spotter ,,Used to much shoulder ..also strengthening my shoulders which i was lagging on helped as well. My second prob was i forgot im old.. I need to stretch ,,some warm up reps never hurt either.. Nice to see some seasoned guys keepin in shape and puttin it down!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    South FLA
    3rd week in. Just did a week in DC for work. There was a gym (meh on equipment) and I was very busy. Got a couple workouts in and ran around DC 2x. It was very hot, so I was up and running at 6:30 am before my meetings. Every one exercises in DC, it is awesome!!

    Still at 195 weight, but blood pressure is good, sleep is good (with crazy dreams), sex life is great, strength is ok, stamina is ok.
    Going to hit the gym hard for the next couple weeks as I am home.

    One issue, my pin sites have started feeling very painful for several days. I have never had this issue, so it is a bit of a surprise. Painful lumps that are warm to the touch. Need to do some research on alternative pin sites for tren, as my butt is killing me!

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