I am currently running my second cycle a basic Test-e bread and butter nothing fancy. My first cycle was the same but with 600mg (i think) and D-bol for 1st 4 weeks.
I realized during my first cycle that I am indeed sensitive to estrogen, experiencing low libido, bloat and maybe a little gyno symptom and/or paranoia..
I decided to start this cycle using aromasin of the bat, I wanted to use 10mg/day but the tabs I got are 25mg tabs, so i break them in half, which I guess leaves me with about 12.5/day..
Now I'm in my first week, I feel fine, I'm finding females much more interesting and I'm already filling out with about 5/6lbs on the scale (water i guess)..
However, I feel my libido is a bit weird, like my johnson isn't at full power if you know what I mean..
Anyway since it's week 1, unless it's just psychological, I think it maybe the AI lowering my E levels before the Test has build up to the desired level..
This leads me to my questions.. Should I use the AI at say a quarter tab 6ish mg ED or half tab 12.5mg EOD ??
Just wondered what other people's take on this would be...
I am 27, 5'10, 206lbs, about 10% BF and have been lifting for 6 years (started real skinny).
Any experience/advice would be greatly appreciated!
OK also - 1, apologies that this is probably posted in the wrong forum and 2, I'll now endevour to keep ya'll posted on progress so;
week 1 day 4 - upper body looks fuller, appetite increased, libido is strange
after reading the SARM forum I think I may go for 12.5mg aromatase eod as this I guess is a pretty basic cycle - I can imagine I may feel different in weeks 4/5 but I'll try monitor E levels and adjust..
Again any thoughts appreciated!