lookin good
lookin good
Drostanolone is the proper chemical terminology, and masteron is the brand it was originally marketed under. same as oxyandralone and anavar.
i think for me, converting to a 3:1 scheme will be fairly straight forward. I'll consolidate back/chest days, and do something with abs on another day.
the interesting thing when I was in afghanistan, is that very limited equipment. so i had a 2:1 scheme. upper bbody, then lower body, then rest one day. i did this for a year, and surprisingly enough, when i finally came back home, people said they really noticed the difference. not so much massive weight gains, more of a body resculpt. I'm hoping for much better with the 3:1 and a good variety of equipment.
Keep up the good work StPete!
Thank you, sir!!
OK! Gotcha on the Mast. Thanks. Your 2:1 sounds interesting. I'd like to hear more about that when you get the chance. I'm liking the 3:1 but to be honest, i'm a little tired going into the 3rd day but once i get to the gym i do ok. I'll know more on Monday when i go in as i'm scheduled to go heavy again. going to do some Good Mornings to start the day.
Nice log St.P, Dunno how I missed it up until now but I'm subscribed.
Damn impressive lifts man and your back is beast!
^^^^ Thank you, sir! And glad you're following!
Hey stpete are you still taking your creatine?If so how much and how often?Just workout days or everyday?Curious..thanks
Yep, 5gms before workout. Off days about half that. Not an exact # cause i just dip my spoon in there and guess.
I am all over this! I feel like we could swap faces and tattos and I wouldnt know the diff. Same sizes and lifts for the most part. I will def. follow you on this journey my man!
Sounds good.Thanks for the reply bro.
Dude your having some awesome workouts
I've just switched to a 3:1 split mind you because I work away from home I can only hit the gym 3 x a week it used to just be 2 x but I've managed to hoodwink the wife to letting me go before I get home on Friday haha
Weigh in later today so check it out of anyone wants to I'll post it all in the nutrition section
Adios amigos
hows the halo going for you? was going to add it in to my cycle for my meet but read up on a comment from Dr Sust saying he thought it was overrated for strength and dbol was a better option.
haha...Thanks, and so far so good!
What's up dec11? Nice to have you back! Halo starts on or around Sept. 20th. It's been a while since i used it but it was stronger than d-bol imo. I'll start w/30mgs/ed. I will post it as soon as i start taking it.
Day 2 of 3:1
Smith Machine Press
DB Front Raises(palms facing in)
Seated Calf Raises
Leg Press
Reverse Pec Deck
Start my next 3:1 on Tuesday and i think i'm going to switch day 2 and day 3 around. I had very little issues w/my right delt prior to this cycle and routine but now i do. Some of this is due to the bench but i can't stop doing it right now. Probably should have been doing this from the beginning. when i was doing rear delts i could hear my right delt popping. Didn't hurt, just annoying.
Today's diet:
Breakfast-6 eggs over easy, 4 slices whole wheat toast, couple cups skim milk, couple cups o.j.
Pre workout- Met-Rx Bar, cranberry juice w/5gms creatine and banana.
Post workout-2 cans tuna, apple
Dinner is going to be-Baked chicken, baked potato, salad, asparagus, milk.
Meal 5-cottage cheese w/some pineapple
Meal 6- peanut butter and celery
Maybe i'll start posting diet as well from now on.?
I think you can smarten that diet up m8..... If you wanted to ?
haha..Yeah, i know. This isn't my normal diet. I missed a couple "real" meals today on purpose due to running around w/the kids and yesterday wasn't too good in my book. Be more on track tomorrow. And i usually don't have the pineapple and pb that late in the evening but i thought i would treat myself.
And you are the diet guru. So if you have any suggestions i am all ears. Keep in mind that at dinner time we have 5 kids to feed and i pretty much go along w/the flow so we can all sit down together. but my wife usually does pretty good about balancing things. And we simply don't have the time or money for me to make myself something completely different from what my family is having.
Thanks, baseline!
I know the feeling bro.We got 4 kids.Thankfully my wife works full time and it allows me to free up some money weekly to hit up fresh and easy and i cook my own whole wheat pasta and brown rice but its not always easy.Keep up the good work and keep working with what you got.It is what it is.At least youre eating.
I am so releaved to know its not just me with the family meals lol
During the week mon - fri I'm in my truck so eat my cutting foods that I make Sunday chicken,95/5 minced beef, boiled pots, tuna,salad,cottage cheese etc so my diet is on point but saturday & Sunday it goes a bit tits up as the wife doesn't really get it and she justs wants us all to sit down as a family......,,.
It's nice for me to see that i'm not alone too. But actually, i really don't mind eating a little junk from time to time. It's not like i'm jumping on stage anytime soon, and the wife freakin loves my physique. The kids have a nickname for me, "Monster." haha...
My diet has a little more fat than others and if i thought it really hindered my gains i would do my best to change things a little. But it's helping right now as i'm bulking. The cut will come later when, and if, i use the tren. But i'll cross that bridge when i get there.
For me, anadrol was better for strength than dbol. And halo made me more aggressive and angry in the gym and I had great workouts but saw more strength jump with the anadrolOriginally Posted by dec11
Day 3 of 3:1-Due to switching Day 2 and Day 3 around in 3 days, and wanting to give heavy a break for today combined w/off day tomorrow, i should be good and strong going into chest/tri's on Wednesday. So i went high reps today. 3-4 minutes between exercises and 1 minute between sets.
Wide Grip Pull Downs
Nautilus Bi Curl
DB Shrugs
Cable Low Rows
Alternate DB Curls
Yeah, took it pretty easy today. Gearing up for chest on Wednesday. If shoulder cooperates i will be going heavy on all exercises and taking my time.
Another good solid workout and with a day off tomorrow you should be ready to go heavyOriginally Posted by stpete
Are you getting stronger yet?
Yeah, i hope. Shoulder messing me w/me a little tonight though. As far as stronger, i feel really good but i don't think i'm really much stronger than before. I had a nice "maintenance" workout routine going before i started my cycle. So i was rested beforehand. I should be at full bore next week. I will let you know when things really start kicking.
2 more weeks for Halo! Let the games begin!
^^^^Yeah, no kidding. Can't wait, it's been a while for halo.
Last edited by stpete; 09-05-2012 at 07:32 AM.
Well today was going to be the start of another 3:1 but not going to happen as i have to give a little update.
Was unloading some stone from my truck this morning and strained my back. And man did it get my attention. I immediately sat down and tried to stretch a little but nothing. Went home and my wife starts in on me to go to the doc's. so i did. He told me to stay away from work and the gym for at least 7 days, my next visit w/him. He prescribed me prednisone, tramadol, hydrocodone and cyclobenzaprine.
Here's the problem: no way i'm staying out of the gym. Besides, my back feels fine right now. I'm going in and doing heavy chest as scheduled(today), tomorrow. I'll hold off on back, maybe some light back, not sure. But the wife is pissed. haha...She knows i won't follow Dr.'s orders. hope she calms down by tomorrow.
Still thinking about what exercises for tomorrow. Need something new....And heavy!!
That's a tough break. Had the same thing happen during my last cycle lifting 80 lb. bags of concrete all day then squatting that night, then the BIG twinge!!! Went on the advil diet and for back I stuck with weighted chins, hammer strength rows, and pulldowns. Stayed away from the bent-over rows and T-bar rows.
Chest I stuck with Inclines, weighted dips, and hammer strength press (hate hammerstrength but when your injured you can still go heavy and not worry about having to make a sudden move). Hope the best for you, I'm sure you wont be down long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Buster. And i already feel like a piece of shit for missing today's workout!! This won't last long!
Fantastic thread. Subscribed. Thanks for logging your cycle.
Thanks, bikeral!! It's going to get real fun this month and next!!
What's halo? I haven't looked into that.
Halotestin. Arguably the most potent oral steroid out there. Possibly the most potent of any. It's an aggressive steroid but rather toxic. so i'm only using it for 4, maybe 5 weeks. Makes me meaner than hell in the gym. And i want that going into a lifting comp Oct. 6th.
do some research on it. It's pretty cool. Only used it once before and my lifts were crazy!
Dude that's big time pooh as my son would say(he's only 7)
I suffer with a sore r elbow and have no idea why but I use ibuleave gel b4 training and it does the trick
Can you spell that for me Milky? Is it, "ibuleave"? As in IBUprofen?
Yeah it's ibuprofen in gel that secretes into the area where pain relief is required like a mild anaesthetic the other name is voltarol both are the sameOriginally Posted by stpete
Just thinking do you have a product called fiery jack over there?
following along and looking good petey! can't wait to see the results with your halo.![]()
Thank You. I will check into it!
Not sure. And to be honest, i go to The Vitamin Shoppe and i just get my vits, creatine, protein and a box of met-rx. I haven't looked at other stuff in years. what is it?
Thanks, Mickey! Taking today off(day 3) due to my back. Tomorrow is chest/tri's...going heavy. And i can't wait for the halo either! Gonna be NICE!!
I think I've led you the wrong way Fiery Jack is an ointment that my nan swore by
I came in a tin and you applied it to your back or muscle that hurt and it heated the area up and took away the pain mind you apply to much and f**k me you knew it hence the name Fiery Jack
I'll see if I can source some and send it over I'm sure me grandads still got a tin
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