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Thread: Hdrol kick start with test cyp (first cycle)

  1. #1

    Hdrol kick start with test cyp (first cycle)

    Test c front load and general questions
    Test c front load and general questions
    Alright, so let's start with the stats first:

    24 years old
    6 ft 3
    2.5 years training
    212 at 13% body fat

    After researching for a couple months I decided to start my cycle with a med dose of hdrol followed by test cyp. I figured I would get a good kick with the hdrol and due to the low amount of sides associated with it i could get a good recognition of what test will do to my body and how I react.

    Basic outline of this cycle will be:
    Hdrol: 50/75/75/75/75/75
    test cyp: beginning in week 3 of hdrol with 500 mg a week split mon/thurs
    Adex at .25 eod beginning of week four of test injections but will play around with this.

    PCT is nolvadex and clomid 50/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20. Still unsure on this one. I have aroamasin as well if that would help as some threads have said. Also tossing around the idea of using clen /albuterol to shed some fat.

    Now here is the confusing part. Due to another thread I saw recently I thought over the idea of front loading with test c at 1000 mg the first week to peak plasma levels. Should make it kick in right after the hdrol is done with if it is true. I have pinned 3 times now for a total of 750 Mgs and am willing to do another 250 if it would help. I can post the thread if it will help.

    Now for the PCT I only have capsules so in doses of 50 mg for both nolvadex and clomid. I am fine with the clomid but the nolvadex is taken in lower dose. For that can I just take the whole 50 and half capsule when I need the 20 or is the higher amount not negligible?

    Diet is 40/20/20 at 3200 cals but will bump it up to around 3500. I am looking to lean bulk. Might up the cals if y'all recommend.

    Thanks guys and sorry for the noob questions

  2. #2
    Followed through with front loading but I've had a hiccup and came down with a nasty sinus infection so I will rest as need be. It's been almost 3 months since I've taken a break or deloaded so now is the time I guess.

    Started to get a couple of bumps in middle of back. Could be a coincidence though. Libido is slightly higher.

    Going to train with layne nortons phat. Also trying to decide on cals. Maybe up it all the way up to 4k for a strong bulk. Already at 3600 now.

  3. #3
    Turns out it lead to walking pneumonia. Kept on with all of proper dosing even though I'm out of the gym. What horrible timing but oh well

  4. #4
    About 3 1/2 weeks in and done with hdrol and will pin tomorrow morning with 250 as I've done since after the first week.

    Strength and vascularity are improving but weight has only gone up around 2 lbs so far. Really wish I hadn't gotten sick. I have also started on the adex at .25 eod but will taper down as I think my joints are a little dry from the hdrol still. Going to lay off till mon when I pin again. Also think it might have affected sex drive somewhat. No signs of gyno so that's a plus even with the front loading.

    Only neg side is that I have some light back acne but I am very prone to this.

    Training is going extremely well and diet is on point with over 250 grams of protein on a bad day and cals from 3400 to 3600 but will taper up if weight gain continues to be slow. I'm currently doing layne nortons phat routine.

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