Test c front load and general questions
Test c front load and general questions
Alright, so let's start with the stats first:
24 years old
6 ft 3
2.5 years training
212 at 13% body fat
After researching for a couple months I decided to start my cycle with a med dose of hdrol followed by test cyp. I figured I would get a good kick with the hdrol and due to the low amount of sides associated with it i could get a good recognition of what test will do to my body and how I react.
Basic outline of this cycle will be:
Hdrol: 50/75/75/75/75/75
test cyp: beginning in week 3 of hdrol with 500 mg a week split mon/thurs
Adex at .25 eod beginning of week four of test injections but will play around with this.
PCT is nolvadex and clomid 50/50/50/50 and 40/20/20/20. Still unsure on this one. I have aroamasin as well if that would help as some threads have said. Also tossing around the idea of using clen /albuterol to shed some fat.
Now here is the confusing part. Due to another thread I saw recently I thought over the idea of front loading with test c at 1000 mg the first week to peak plasma levels. Should make it kick in right after the hdrol is done with if it is true. I have pinned 3 times now for a total of 750 Mgs and am willing to do another 250 if it would help. I can post the thread if it will help.
Now for the PCT I only have capsules so in doses of 50 mg for both nolvadex and clomid. I am fine with the clomid but the nolvadex is taken in lower dose. For that can I just take the whole 50 and half capsule when I need the 20 or is the higher amount not negligible?
Diet is 40/20/20 at 3200 cals but will bump it up to around 3500. I am looking to lean bulk. Might up the cals if y'all recommend.
Thanks guys and sorry for the noob questions