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First Cycle Plan:
Wk 1-12: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
Wk 1-12 armidex 0.25mg/ED (adjust up to 0.5 if needed. End on last injection day.)
Post Cycle Treatment:
Wk 14 Nova 40, Clomid 100
Wk 15 Nova 20, Clomid 50
Wk 16 Nova 20, Clomid 50
Wk 17 Nova 20, Clomid 50
(Special Thanks to Austinite who helped with feedback on putting the above cycle together)
31.10 : 25% BF
17.10 : 22% BF
18.11 : 192lb, 17% BF (tested M.S with skin fold callipers).
Starting at 3100 Cal per day then increasing as necessary.
6 meals : P(39g) C(51g) F(8). 2x Evening meals P(39) F(8)
Chest = 40.5”.
Legs = Right 23” Left 23.2”
Calves= 15.5
Forearm= 13”
Bicep = 15”
Training Plan
(Back, Bi)(Chest,Tri/Shoulders)(Legs/ab/shoulders) + 30-45min cardio per day Cycling.