Thought this day would never come! The cycle officialy started 12/3.
Goal: Looking to tighten up the diet quite a bit from last cycle, more consistent cardio and gain some quality size. Going to try to not be a slave to the scale.
Cycle: Week 1-12 Tes E @ 500 mgs. per week Sun eve and Thur. morning
Week 1-11 Tren E @ 250 mgs. per week Sun eve and Thur. morning
Week 11-14 Tbol @ 40/50 mgs. per day ( This will be a game-time decision, not written in stone)
Week 1-14 L stane 12.5 mgs. EOD, L Prami .50 mgs ED, Hcg 250 iu's twice a week Sat. evening and Wed morning
Week 15-19 Torem @ 120/120/60/60/60 Nov @ 40/40/20/20/20
* Letro on hand
Training: Hit style for the most part. Will train every bodypart only once a week for the first two weeks (2 on 1 off, 1 on 1 off) and then follow up with a 2 on 1 off approach for the remainder of cycle. As week 4 approaches, I will change the training up a bit and allow a bit more rest between sets during the first heavy compound exercise. One minute rest will be implemented for all isolation work. Cardio will be two 45 minute sessions in the a.m and two 30 minute low impact sessions post workout.
Diet: Based on 187 pounds ( I primed prior to cycle for several weeks) my Tdee plus 500 calories will be 3300 per day.
I will employ a 40/40/20 style diet which will look like this :331 grams protein, 331 grams carbs, 73 grams fat. This will be adjusted accordingly.
Thanks to all the members I PM'd who took the time to answer my questions and special thanks to Stpete and Marcus for setting me straight and answering all my never ending "dumb" questions.