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Thread: First Cycle Log Test E 500/week

  1. #1

    First Cycle Log Test E 500/week

    27 years old
    12% bf
    195 lbs

    4000 calories a day. 50p/35c/15f
    Will be bumping up to 5000 cals for cycle in 250 cal weekly increments. Same ratios.

    500mg Test E/week between 2 injections
    Clomid and Nolvadex PCT starting 2 weeks after last injection.

    Max-OT principals
    4-6 reps 5-9 sets per muscle 2 muscles a day

    5g creatine workout days
    10g glutamine everyday
    7.5g BCAA everyday

    Will post pictures at 2 week intervals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why 5000 cals? And what macro split?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    agree with that, thats a lot of calories i will follow your log anyways, goodluck

  4. #4
    50 protein 35 carbs 15 fat

    My TDEE is 4100 with a labour intensive job. I lose weight at 3600 with no cardio.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Can I suggest then, that you up your carbs and lower the protein? 625g protein is an absolutely massive amount for your body to cope with. Let alone your bank balance. My protein intake, in terms of grams, rarely changes, it's the carbs and fats that are manipulated to determine a bulk or cut.

  6. #6
    Maybe a 40/40/20 then?

  7. #7
    Did first shot of 250mg Test e last night. Feels like I have a charlie horse in my glute that wont go away.

  8. #8
    Day 1 - Going to have to set leg day off for a few days until my glute isnt so painful. Im assuming this is from virgin muscle being introduced to a foreign substance. IB Profin is helping. Wondering if I shoulf pin other glute or Delt next time?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    hope it clears up quickly.

  10. #10
    Still pretty painful. I pinned other glute, heated test and went slower pulling out when done and I can barely feel it. Hope other side clears up, I can barely sit on it. Lol

  11. #11
    Pinned right Delt 1cc. Fairly awkward having both glutes and right shoulder swollen. Day 7 and glute pain has finally gone for the most part. Keeping to my workouts. Pinning other Delt today. Decided to keep my calories at 4500 instead of 5000.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jakspratt001 View Post
    27 years old
    12% bf
    195 lbs

    4000 calories a day. 50p/35c/15f
    Will be bumping up to 5000 cals for cycle in 250 cal weekly increments. Same ratios.

    500mg Test E/week between 2 injections
    Clomid and Nolvadex PCT starting 2 weeks after last injection.

    Max-OT principals
    4-6 reps 5-9 sets per muscle 2 muscles a day

    5g creatine workout days
    10g glutamine everyday
    7.5g BCAA everyday

    Will post pictures at 2 week intervals.
    Will be starting a cycle like this soon myself. quick question though why no AI or Hcg on cycle?

  13. #13
    I have AI on hand in case I need it. If I do a Round 2 next year I'll incorporate HCG definitely.

  14. #14
    Also I hit a nerve in my glute and a blood vessel in my deltoid last night. Had to stick 4 times before I eventually got it. Pinning seems to be getting more difficult as time goes on lol.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jakspratt001 View Post
    Also I hit a nerve in my glute and a blood vessel in my deltoid last night. Had to stick 4 times before I eventually got it. Pinning seems to be getting more difficult as time goes on lol.
    shouldn't it start to get easier to pin not harder. What size pins are you using by the way?

  16. #16
    I'm using 22 grade. Pretty big. Just a run of bad luck I think. Hit a nerve and a blood vessel for first time same night. The PIP duration had gone down considerably though. Like 2 days instead of 7 when I started.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jakspratt001 View Post
    I'm using 22 grade. Pretty big. Just a run of bad luck I think. Hit a nerve and a blood vessel for first time same night. The PIP duration had gone down considerably though. Like 2 days instead of 7 when I started.
    Most people recommend using a 25g 1 1/2 inch needle.

  18. #18
    Yeah I just switched to a 25 today. See how it goes. The 22 was definitely big. Hard to push the oil through the 25.

  19. #19
    Also stuck myself for the first time today. Was easier then I thought. Aspirating my own shoulder was tricky but I did it.

  20. #20
    Been keeping with my 4000 Cal diet. At week 2 I was up from 195 to 204. Probably water weight. At week 4 now waiting for some results. No gyno but I'm definitely a little bloated.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I just did my first pin on Sunday. Was easier then I ever thought. I was suppose to start my cycle in March. but couldn't wait any longer. Good luck with the rest of yours sir.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jakspratt001 View Post
    Yeah I just switched to a 25 today. See how it goes. The 22 was definitely big. Hard to push the oil through the 25.
    Yeah it did seem like it took a long time. but they say the slower you go the better!

  23. #23
    I usually take about 30sec/ml. I've tried slower and faster with same results. The 25 pin definitely was less painful

  24. #24
    My weight has fluctuated from 196-204 several times in last 3 1/2 Weeks since starting cycle. No changes in diet or water consumption. Wondering if this is normal? A few pounds sure. But 10?

  25. #25
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    I would get on a low dose ai personally. Ill will follow your progress. I have not experienced that kind of see saw in weight unless it is water related.

  26. #26
    Halfway through week 5. Still no weight gain or strength increases in gym. Haven't felt anything really kick in yet. Hoping to see some progress soon.

  27. #27
    im on week 5 of my test E cycle gained 5 lbs so far im noticing water retention and good strength gains also my motivation is through the roof should be noticing a difference by now

  28. #28
    I gained about 5 lbs my 2nd week. Nothing since. Haven't noticed any strength increase. Probably coming in next week or 2. I've read it can take up to 7 weeks for weight gain.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    How much have you gained over the first 2 weeks in total?

  30. #30
    I went from 195 to 199 week 2. But I'm almost at week 6 and I'm still 199.

  31. #31
    Definitely feeling more motivated in gym now starting week 6 of cycle.

  32. #32
    Is there any problem with me doing just delts? A week between each shoulder injection. I get no PIP from them and find them the easiest to do myself.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Try every muscle, you'll find Atleast 2 you like. I only do delts and triceps.

  34. #34
    Maybe I'll try my quads out next round. Also I've bumped up my calorie intake as my weight doesn't seem to be increasing aa I'm starting week 7 of my first cycle. Eating 5000 cals up from 4500.

  35. #35
    Calculated out that I have enough Test E do up my dosage from 500mg a week to 600mg a week for last 5 weeks of cycle. See how that works out.

  36. #36
    Im about to start a similar run...but gonna add tbol hcg and arimidex with it .....this is my first cycle kind of discouraged by your results maybe i should add deca or eq to the would be appreciated

  37. #37
    I wouldn't be discouraged. Theres a lot of variables involved and it works different on different people. My last 5 weeks I could gain 25 lbs. Should have started with test prop for sure and finished off with enanthate.

  38. #38
    Sounds good ill stay in touch to see how you progress

  39. #39
    Up to 202 lbs now. Been eating and drinking water like crazy. Seem to be putting on a bit of size now. Also, went to walmart and got some 1" 25g pins with a 3ml syringe combo. Injection was 10x easier then with a 1.5" pin. Less flex, easier control.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Good stuff bro. Post some pics at 205!

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