This is mainly just to keep myself accountable to myself. If I can help someone else out along the way that's great too. My background is pretty typical. I've been active and lean my entire life, playing baseball and basketball until high school where I first started lifting. Once I got to college I actually got picked up by one of the top 3 men's fashion agencies in NYC. Long story short, fitness and good diet has been a part of my life for almost a decade now. I'm not sure what else to add to this so I'll list my starting measurements. 16in neck, 40in chest, 15 1/2in biceps, 32in waist, haven't checked quads or calves lately but I'll add those shortly. Sat in a Bod Pod about 3 months ago and was at 11% body fat which was a little higher than I wanted but isn't a terrible starting point either. I have bulked naturally for the past year or so and went from 175 to around 200 which is why I wasn't surprised my bf% had raised from the glory days of modeling. Which leads me to my first cycle...
I'm a little behind on this as I'm 1 week into cycle so far. Running 275mg Test E, pinning 2x/week = 550mg for you math nerdsRunning the Test E solo per the guidance of a coworker who has been bodybuilding for around 5 or 6 years and is currently competing. Will finish up with Clomid starting two weeks after last pin.
Not super strict on macros as I eat pretty damn clean all the time. It's just a matter of making sure the macros are considerably higher than maintenance. To give a rough idea of the #s, ~3,200 cals/day made up of ~300g carbs, 220ish g protein, and ~80g fat. Carbs are about 95% healthy complex and I eat legit food as much as possible instead of just pounding weight gain shakes all day. I do, however, drink Ultimate Nutrition's Muscle Juice 1x/day per the advice of said bodybuilder coworker.
I'm open to constructive criticism or questions and whatnot so feel free to fire away! MEAL TIME again so I'll have to post progress pics later. I thought I ate a lot before, but I had noooo idea until now.....