Hi everyone, this will be my 3'rd cycle ever.
I am am going to run test E / Turinabol. Im choosing test E because its a long acting ester and will less likely cause dramataic side effects and i chose Tbol because its mild mass builder, that shud cause unbloated quality gains.
A little background information:
Stats:190 cm , 207lbs (94kg), bf 14-16%,Training 3 yrs, age 29, 3rd cycle.
1st cycle - Test 500mg/wk gaining 23 lbs (10,5kg)
2nd - Test E 500mg/wk gaining 11 lbs (5kg)
Aim: looking to gain as much lean muscle mass as I possibly can
Cycle plan:
test e(500mg/week)- weeks 1-12
Tbol(40mgs/day)- weeks 1-4 ( using tbol as a kickstart)
Tbol(40mgs/day)- weeks 11-14 (using tbol at the end of cycle while the test wares off to keep me going and solidify gains).
1-12week adex 0.25mg eod
wk 1-4 Tamox 20mg/ED (40/ED first 7 days)
wk 1-4 Clomid 50mg/ED (100/ED first 7 days)
HCG 3 weeks up until a week before PCT at 250iu twice a week
21.03.2012 first pin 500mg Test E
tbol 40mgs split in 2 doses