Went from 200lb to 215lb and maintained by BF% at 10%
I'm currently doing PCT, but haven't lost any strength, sex drive and the pumps are still great!
Cycle was:
1 - 10 250mg test e E3D
11- 12 100mg test prop ED
4 - 12 80mg Anavar ED
For PCT I'm doing clomid/ nolva. I didn't have HCG (my only mistake). Nolva + HCG is probably the best PCT protocol which I will follow in the future.
It was a great cycle. Nutrition/ diet/ training/ rest were probably the most important factors. The days when I didn't eat right or sleep well, I didn't even feel like I was on gear. Whereas on the days I had everything in check, the pay off was amazing!
I also had LOTS of energy during my cycle, my advice is to always be creative and find something you like and do it (other than working out obviously).
Also be careful with your decision making, as I noticed around week 4 - 5 I stopped giving a F#k about things like school/ work because the idea of studying and working for other people just didn't seem to click anymore. I did end up quitting my job, but still made around $8,000 during these few months (again) by being creative. That's pretty decent given that I'm still a student on my own.