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Thread: Fatman's Stack Supersized

  1. #1

    Arrow Fatman's Stack Supersized

    Alrighty fellas, and ladies hello, I am new to this board but have a lot of knowledge about all this stuff. So as I stumbled acroos this board and took a look around, I have to say I like what I see, you people are doing a great job, and hope to see this board stick around for a while. Now to share a little about my cycle.... I am just getting ready to finish up my second cycle with of course plans on another for spring. So lets begin here is my cycle that I am on.....

    600mg nandrolona(deca) -------------weeks 1-12
    600mg cypinate--------------------------weeks 1-6
    50mg dbol---------------------------------weeks 4-10
    750mg AraTest (love this stuff)-------weeks 6-12
    HGG 3000i.u------------------------------weeks 13-14
    Clomid 50mg------------------------------weeks 13-15
    HCG 1500 i.u------------------------------weeks 15-17
    Clomid 100mg-----------------------------weeks 16-18

    Never needed nolvadex, although had it off hand just incase.
    So far I have gaind a solid 16 pounds and little water retension a few(can count on one had) pimples and just a little moody.

    My next cycle will include HGH, insulin, cytomel and probably T400 and equgin 100, I cant wait, hopeing to see 225 by summer, wish me luck.

    Here are my stats, if your curious:
    Age 26
    height 5'8 3/4
    Weight 201
    B/F 7.2%

    traing for almost a year seriously, I was 145 pound looking like I was infeced with HIV, so I was told by a few ladies as my shirt came off, if you know what I am saying.... I had to do something, now I can tell you that I never hear that anymore. I will post a pic or two before and after when I get a digital camera(someday)

    PeAcE OuT
    Last edited by FATMAN; 12-06-2001 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    Can I suggest some things??

    Why go from 600mgs of test to 750 6wks into the cycle? Start high then lower it if you want - also you should start with the dbol - it will help jump start gains while the long acting esters get into your body (like the deca/cypionate etc etc) - also you should end your deca earlier than test -

    ok i reread the thread and realized you are almost done so this will be advice for future cycles I guess

  3. #3
    I disagree with ending deca before test, the deca should be used longer to enhance perment gains, so I have read so many times, but I do agree with the rest, its just that the cyp was 200mg/cc and I stand a 3 cc a week and the ara-test is 250/cc at 3 cc a week plus one during the week to keep the prop active thats why my dosage is higher towards the end, and from my own experiance it tends to work best for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    ok fatman.. your not understanding why mike told u to end the deca before the test. (by the way, mike is "god" when it comes to stuff like this, so listen to him)... the reason u should end the deca before the test is because it is active much longer than the test... so when your doing your hcg and clomid in weeks 13-15 u still have deca active in your system (and a little test, u didn't give any extra time between last injections.. weird)... .. so if u are gonna run the deca 12 weeks, then run the test for 14.... i hope u understand the concept now..

    and u're wasting clomid(in weeks 13-15) because the test and deca is still active... if u are going to do an hcg and clomid therapy like yours, then you'll need to change esters at the end. so, switch the ara or cyp. to test prop.



  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Thanks big guy - that's what i was referring to Fatman - just trying to help...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    your welcome mike..

  7. #7
    Thankz fellaz, I do understand the concept, but if you refer to the Anabolic Referance Guide 2000 under HCG you will read: if you last shot is deca and you inject on say Monday, the following Monday you would start your post cycle. That is just one reference to the post cycle I have read, I have concluded my deca this past monday, seeing that I ran out, gave myself a little extra dosage, so now I will finish up my ara-test in 2-3 weeks. I have already switched esters in the 6th week of my cycle, ara is entha and prop seeing that I came off of cyp. Thankz for the help

  8. #8
    Mike Guest
    Hey best of luck with whatever you do bud. I am just offering advice based on my own experience. Take it or leave it it's up to you. I wish you the best and whatever works for you.

    Now HCG...well that's another story. I wouldn't believe half of what's in that book - I personaly cant stand HCG but to each his own.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Now HCG...well that's another story. I wouldn't believe half of what's in that book - I personaly cant stand HCG but to each his own.

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    in the year you have been training seriously how many cycles have you done?

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    in the year you have been training seriously how many cycles have you done?
    LOL that just made me laugh...didnt notice that...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    ok dude.. u switched from cyp. to a combo of enanthate and prop. Enanthate and cyp ARE ALMOST THE SAME THING... almost no difference... u want to switch to JUST a short ester... with both E and cyp it will take weeks for the drug to leave your time, switch to JUST PROPIONATE.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Do you guys like Arby's?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    Sorry, just trying to ease the tension in this thread...Alright... break it up- break it up.

    Bro, just take into accoutn what these guys have to say for future cycles. Nothing you can do this one, but for the next if the results differ and compare.

  15. #15
    The original jason Guest
    FAT you are way off here listen to the guys what reason would they have to steer you wrong?? I mean a book is only made to make money right??? we are giving you advice for free so think about it!! also DONT USE HCG post cycle I dont give a $%$# what the book says its not any use for post cycle recovery it will only inhibt and slow down your bodies chance of starting natural production, if you want to use it use it two weeks 500iu ed that would be like weeks 8&9 in a 10 week cycle


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Correct me if Im wrong but... Shouldnt you wait untill aprox 18% of test left in your system before you start post therapy? The whole point is to bring your test level back to normal (to keep your gains) before your nads fail. If theres too much ester in your system then the clomid wont do a thing but if you time it right. Keeping enough AS in your system to keep going but not enough to block the clomid from helping your body to advance to its normal test level?
    HCG for use during mid-cycle... It just lets you kow that your nads are still there. Gives me some hope for gain

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Just curious what was he banned for?

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