So I've been down in the dumps!! I used to body build when I was around 24, and I was 6% bf, lean mean, now at 37, I can get rid of the bf, no matter what I try. Back in my late 20's I gave up the healthy living, and turned to coke n booze. It basically must've changed my body chemistry, as I have a beer belly, and weigh in at 137lbs as of today. My natural test is at 200, so two sep docs told me so!! About 2 years ago I have up the hard candy, and only occasionally mess around with party favors, although very rare....I still do binge every once a week or so, but I've got it down to a heck of a lot more control than I used to. So really, the worst I'm up to now a days, is maybe going thru 2, six packs a day, may 2-3 times a week, sometimes once a week, but I'll substitute with wine, or worse, some hard spirits, like vodka, JD, Tequila, etc. in the middle of this I started getting some dr prescribed test enanthate, along with T4, that only made me go from 210-235, t4 just made my ass sweat a bunch, seems like I'm bloated as all fk! Went out and ordered so e Nolva (had gyno removed in early years) along with Winnie, feel strong as heck in the gym, hard to keep it consistent....any advice out there?