How would you structure a beginner DNP + t3 cycle?
How would you structure a beginner DNP + t3 cycle?
Are you late in preparing for a competition or something? If not than why in the world are you considering touching DNP?
I dont think dnp is a good i dea. I KNOW its a horrible idea to run it with t3.
t3 is necessary as t4-t3 conversion is inhibited..
Recognize this guys name? He prob one of the most knowledgeable people around re: dnp. The t3 being needed is broscience. The 2 together is ridiculous as either one alone depletes atp stores so rapidly its insane however t3 does so in a manner which is catabolic. All you would be doing by adding in t3 with dnp is creating a state of catsbolism...not very desirable. DNP is garbage anyway. Consider the risk/reward factor plus the fact anything you accomplish is so quickly reversed upon cessation of dnp administration it just doesnt make sense. Is it that difficult for you to lose fat that you need to resort to dnp?
t3 + DNP works fairly well if you want quick results. It is very catabolic even to the muscles (as the guys before me are saying)
I'd keep the dose low and run alot of tren and test under it. I would personally use 250mg DNP, 50mcg T3, 500 test, 1-2g's tren.
Of course this depends on your previous cycle experience
no experience whatsoever. and I wanted to keep t3 at 20mcg, just to ensure that there is a minimal activity, with 125 mcg dnp
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Id strongly encourage anyone with half a brain in their head to totally ignore this .
DNP + T3 + 1/2 gr of test + 1-2 Gr tren ....thats ridiculous regardless of previous cycle experience. Im not ven sure its humanly possible to stay hydrated taking dnp and that much tren...kidneys will be devastated. If your joking around, stop - if your arent - stop anyway. This is irresponsible, dangerous advice.
isn't dnp supposed to be the ANTI-catabolic?
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