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Thread: 5th Cycle all info log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    5th Cycle all info log

    Ok so i posted this the other week but was in the wrong section so im redoing it.

    I will post once a week on diet for that day, and twice a week for what i trained that day rotating each week.

    Current cycle is going to be 12 weeks (im currently on my 3rd week)
    Testprop 350mg a week
    Tren Ace 500mg a week
    Stana final 5 weeks at 50mg a week
    Adex 0.5 EOD
    HCG 500iu a week

    Normal PCT

    For supplements im taking, Glucosamine, Milk Thistle and ON 100% Gold whey

    Stats for start
    was 99KG, BF not sure around 10-12%, 182 cm or 6''

    I dont have a set Routine, but i train 2-3 muscle groups twice a week the rest once. For example what i train on Monday and Tuesday will be trained again on Sat and Sun, then Rotating it through the next week.
    Currently training 5 times a week.

    Current stats 100.5, BF maybe 1% less as my abs look better and my veins in my shoulders are looking better.

    Pics from Last cycle

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    Last edited by spiralkut; 09-29-2013 at 09:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    First up for training log
    Chest / Tris
    I do 3 sets of everything and ill just post what weight i did for 3rd set rather then all of them

    Incline DB Bench: 60kg, 8 reps
    Incline Plate Loaded Machine: 3plates (20kg) each side 8 reps
    Flat Bench Bar: 120kg inc bar 8 reps
    Incline DB Fly: 30kg, 10 reps
    Dunno the name for this but you know when u use cables to do flys and u come from the bottom up so its like a decline fly, well that but with DB's not cable. 15kg, 20 reps
    Cable Flys going down, 80lbs each side 12 reps

    ill post at end of tonight my Food consumption for the day.

    Rope pulldown: 160lbs 10 reps
    Skull crushers: 40kg 10 reps
    Single DB overhead extension super set with Dips. DB = 12.5kg 16 reps. and 15 BW Dips

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Food for the day,

    Wake up 11am
    11:30 3 eggs, 3 pieces bacon in a roll, 30g whey isolate + 1 banana, 1TBS all natural peanut butter.

    12:30 gym

    14:30 30g Whey protein isolate, 300g chicken thighs with 1 cup of rice.

    17:00 300G chicken thighs with 175G mixed veg

    20:00 350g Chicken Thighs with 175g mixed veg

    23:00 3/4 cup egg whites with 2 whole eggs, some salami, ham, spring onion, baby spinach and a 30g Whey protein shake

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    So did Legs and Abs today, strength definitely gone up in my legs especially my deadlifts.

    Session looked like this all 3 sets for all, 4 sets for squats.


    Squats 160kg *7
    Stiff leg Deadlift 120kg *10
    Hack Squat machine 120kg *8
    Hamstring Curl 80 *10, Didnt actually check if the machine was LBS or KG
    Leg extension 240LBS * 12
    Seated Calf Raise 50kg *15
    Standing Calf Raise 280lbs *15

    Rope crunches 220lbs *15
    Machine crunches 60 (again didnt check guessing it would be LBS though), * 20

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Food for the day

    12.30pm wake up

    13.30 300g chicken thigh w 1/2 cup rice and 30g protein shake

    14.00 gym

    16.30 300g porterhouse steak w 175g mixed veg

    19.00 Pasta w 150g chicken, cream sauce half a garlic bread

    22.00 300g chicken w 175g mixed veg

    00.00 half cup egg whites 2 whole eggs w 30g protein shake

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Training for the day
    Like usual 3 sets of all ill post weight for 3rd set

    Lat pulldown 280lbs ×8
    Lat pulldown 1arm pin loaded 48kg ×8
    Tbar 80kg ×10
    Seated row 1hand plate loaded 80kg×8
    Seated row 300lbs ×8
    Cable for back 1hand 40lbs ×10

    Standing calf raise 320lbs ×15
    Seated calf raise 50kg ×15

    Finished with abs

    Strength still increasing and weight gone up now at 102.3kg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    For the last couple of weeks ive been struggling bad with energy levels, i pretty much feel exhausted all the time and need to go to bed a couple hours after i wake up even when i get a good nights sleep. Now when i got my blood test back my iron levels were 9L with normal range being 11.6-31.3, could this be causing my lack of energy?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Food for today

    300g Chicken Thigh, 1 cup rice.

    4 chicken rolls over the course of the day which consumed 3/4 of a roast chicken.

    300g Chicken Thigh, 175g mixed veg

    1 shake consisting of, 30g Protein powder, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons all natural peanut butter, 1 handfull non roasted, non salted nuts, low fat milk

    1 shake 30g protein powder with water.

    Sames as always for what i post.

    Squats, 180kg * 6 reps
    Machine Hack squats, 120kg * 10 reps
    Hamstring Curl, 60lbs * 12 reps
    Leg Extension, 140lbs * 10reps (Leg extension alot less then usual as i watched a video and saw Cutler doing these without holding onto the handle provided)
    Stiff Leg Deadlift, 100kg * 12 reps
    Leg Press, 300kg *10 reps (wasnt going to do leg press today but after watching MR O i was inspired so i did extra. Low weight because legs were toast)


    Rope Crunches 200lbs, 15 reps
    Ab Machine Crunches 40lbs 20reps

    Below is a picture taken im at the start of week 6 so almost half way through cycle.
    Current weight. 103.8KG, almost at my previous best which is 105.2, so very excited that ill hopefully pass this soon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Click image for larger version. 

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Food for the day
    1 lamb kebab
    3 servings chicken pasta
    150g chicken 175g mixed veg
    3/4 cup egg whites +2 whole eggs w spring onion and basil
    2 protein shakes 30g protein each


    plate shoulder press. 150kg ×7 reps
    smith shoulder press. 90kg ×8reps
    Bent over db lat raise. 30kg db ×10 reps
    standing straight arm db lat raise. 17.5kg db × 12 reps
    Plate loaded shrugs. 180kg ×12 reps


    Rope pulldown. 170lbs ×10 reps
    Bar pulldowns. 250lbs (full stack) ×10 reps
    1arm overhead db extension. 15kg ×10reps
    superset with
    dips bodyweight. 20 reps.


    Seated calf raise. 60kg ×12 reps
    standing calf raise. 300lbs × 15reps (5sets)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Note, energy levels back up after changing brands 2 weeks ago.


    Incline DB press. 67.5kg *7 reps
    Plate loaded Incline press machine. 150kg *8 reps
    Smith Flat bench. 110kg * 8 reps
    Incline DB flys. 32.5kg * 10 reps
    Standing DB flys (bottom up). 17.5kg * 20reps
    Cable flys. 70lbs *10 reps


    Bar curls. 60kg * 8 reps
    DB Curls (standing). 27.5kg * 16 reps
    Plate loaded Preacher machine. 70kg * 8reps

    Weight 104.6kg

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    3/4 cup oats
    2bacon egg sandwiches
    1 chicken souvlaki
    300g chicken w potatoe salad and mash
    lamb kebab
    30g protein shake
    300g chicken w 1 cup oats
    shake consisting of, 30g protein powder, 1 banana, 1 handfull nuts, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter


    Squats - 180kg *8
    legpress - 400kg * 8
    Leg extension - 160lbs * 10 (no hands)
    leg curl seated - 70 kg * 10
    standing leg curl (1leg) - 50lbs * 10
    Seated calf raise (6sets) - 40 kg * 12


    Skullcrushers - 55kg * 8
    Rope pulldown - 160lbs * 10
    Bar pulldown - 250lbs * 8

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Large big mac meal + mcdouble
    shake consisting of, 1 cup oats, 1 banana, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 30g protein powder, low fat milk
    20 chicken nuggets baked
    over the course of the day was eating stir fry which consisted of 1kg chicken, 500g veg, 1 packet rice noodles.
    30g protein shake


    Iso Lateral Shoulder press - 160kg *6
    Smith Shoulder Press - 80kg * 8
    Bent over Lat raise DB - 32.5kg * 10
    seated lat raise (HARD) DB - 15kg * 10
    Cable side raise - 50lbs * 12
    Shrugs - 200kg * 10


    6 sets on ab machine - 45kg * 20

    Abs, traps, delts are definitely a lot bigger. My thickness has gone through the roof as well. I haven't trained in my razorback singlet in a while because i feel uncomfortable wearing it with people there but i went late tonight and for the first time this cycle i could actually say "**** im getting pretty big", which is usually rare cause im the harshest critic on myself.

    As for sides, only real noticeable side is the tren sweat, not as bad as last cycle but instead of my body sweating a lot ive noticed my hair is just drenched even if i nap for an hour only.

    Gonna go check my bloodpressure and all that jazz this week. Donating blood next week.

    This cycle has definitely kept my head kinda straight, as ive been really stressed after losing my job
    Last edited by spiralkut; 10-06-2013 at 10:31 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Nice log so far, will be checking in.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    cheers bud

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    This is for yesterday.


    450g Chicken with 1 cup rice
    Shake with 30g protein powder, 2 TBLS peanut butter, 1 cup oats, 1 banana
    2 servings chicken won ton soup with noodles
    1 large big mac meal
    1 30g protein shake

    Couldn't eat that much for some reason i felt incredibly bloated throughout the day like i had gas build up or something.


    Incline DB press - 70kg DB * 6 reps (missus spotting) - NEW PB
    Incline DB Fly - 32.5kg DB * 10 reps
    Standing DB Decline fly - 17.5kg DB * 20 reps
    Bench Press - 140kg * 10 reps (missus spotting)
    Cable Flys - 80lbs * 12 reps


    DB curl standing - 30kg DB * 20 reps
    Conc curls DB - 25kg DB * 20 reps
    preacher machine - 81kg (whole stack) * 8 reps

    20 reps means 10 reps each arm

    Notice ive been putting on a tiny bit of fat which is ok because at the moment im just eating whatever i want as long as i reach my protein / cal targets. Will start dieting in 2 and half weeks though when i start taking my stana.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    300g Chicken W 175 G Veg
    1 shake W 1 cup oats, 1 banana, 2 TBS peanut butter, 30g protein
    1 shake 30g protein

    Thats all the food i had today ill explain why at the bottom.


    Seated Row - 300lbs *8
    Opposite to the Pec fly machine - cant remember weight, 12 reps
    Lat Pulldown - 280lbs * 8
    Bent over Row - 100kg * 10
    1 arm Lat pulldown - 48kg *10
    Rope for middle back - 160lbs * 15

    OK reason for food and only doing 1 body part.

    The side effects have definitely gone up another gear this week especially for some in the last couple days. These include, feeling hot at night when trying to sleep, feeling thirsty all the time (tonights session i drank 2.5L water usually only drink 1.25L), Feeling out of energy (this would just be from the not being able to sleep part), but the worst 1 feeling extremely bloated all the time.

    Now the feeling hot feeling thirsty etc is like yeah whatever they are sides your gonna get them ill get over it, but this bloated thing is clearly getting in the way of my training and my food consumption throughout the day, which in turn getting in the way of my progress. This i can't handle.

    I felt all these sides on my last tren cycle except the bloating part, so im putting it down to either my dosage of 350MG last time was not enough to get this side effect and 500mg is, or its simply not the steroids doing this.

    To combat these sides im gonna go to the shops tomorrow and load up on mersyndol to help me sleep, for the bloating I've read that drinking bi-carb soda can help release any gas buildup.

    The bloating is a weird 1, I in now way look bloated but definitely feel it. After todays Chicken and veg when i woke up i felt as though i had just eaten a full meal 3-4 hours later, so yeah i dunno gonna go google it now to see what i find.

    Apart from that all is good and loving it. Blood Pressure gets checked tomorrow so pretty interested to see how that's travelling along.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Update fixed bloating with de-gas tablets, BP is 150/82

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by spiralkut
    Update fixed bloating with de-gas tablets, BP is 150/82
    Get that bp down ....

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yeah was higher then I was expecting, is it possible that it could be higher from me being stressed?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    chicken ceaser wrap (Hogs Breath)
    shake W 1 cup oats, 1 banana, 2 TBS Peanut butter, 30 g protein
    Several servings stir fry. 1Kg chicken, 350G veg, 175G rice noodles
    250g Chicken on its own
    30g protein shake


    Squats - 200kg × 6
    leg press - 450kg × 8
    leg extension - 170lbs × 10

    Seated raise - 50kg × 15
    Standing raise - 300lbs × 15

    Standing DB curl - 30kg × 16
    Standing Ez bar - 60kg × 8
    DB preacher - 27.5kg × 8

    Changed my routine, now training quads and hams seperate days as I feel my hams are lacking so going to up the exercises on them and train them while fresh.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Your bp isn't out of line for what youre running IMO. It won't hurt to try to bring it down a little but I don't know how you'd do that without beta blockers. Natural foods can't bring the systolic down 30 mmHg. your diastolic is ok.

    I take low dose beta blockers when on and off cycle. Increase a little when on. Keeps me @ <140/90. That's the beginning of pre-HT but when running several aas compounds I can live with that.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Just get them from chemist?
    Forgot to add started clen last Monday @ 40mcg
    will up to 80mcg once I start my diet.
    Last edited by spiralkut; 10-12-2013 at 10:26 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    left over stir fry
    my oats shake
    2 hotdogs
    3 servings chicken, spinach pasta
    30g protein shake


    Seated leg curl - 70kg × 10
    Deadlift - 200kg × 8
    Lying leg curl - 38kg × 8
    Standing 1 leg curl - 40lbs ×12

    Extension (bar) - 250lbs × 10 (full stack)
    Extension (rope) - 180lbs × 10
    Tricep bench press - 60kg × 12
    Superset with
    dips - BW × 15

    Got to say wish I split my hams and quads along time ago, that was easily the best and hardest hamy session ive ever had.

    Really happy with my triceps session, my weights went up by 30lbs on each of the extension exercises. Weather its from a strength increase or its because I only did them after hamstrings im not sure.

    weight is now 106.2KG which is the heaviest ive ever been and for the first time my 2xl jumper was so tight after my session I thought my arms were gonna rip through it.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    iso lateral shoulder press - 160kg × 8
    Smith shoulder press - 90kg × 10
    Lat raise (hard) DB - 17.5kg × 12
    Bent over lat raise DB - 27.5kg × 10
    Shrugs - 220kg × 10

    Rope crunches - 200lbs × 12
    Leg raises - BW × 10
    Ab machine - 40kg × 15 dropset - 30kg × 10

    Felt the full pain today from yesterdays session absolutely love it.

    oats shake
    600g chicken w 350g veg over 2 meals
    lamb kebab
    normal 30g shake
    3 ham cheese sandwiches.
    3/4 cup egg whites 2 whole eggs

    been making slight changes to my meals (eg no rice w chicken and cut down on my soft drink) as im getting ready to diet soon so I dont have to
    make all these changes at once.
    Last edited by spiralkut; 10-14-2013 at 09:23 AM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Logs aren't complete without pics. Just sayin

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    pics will come in 2 weeks just before i start my diet

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Incline DB press - 70kg × 7
    Incline fly DB - 35kg × 10 ( can go heavier next week)
    Smith bench press - 120kg × 10
    Pec fly machine - 110lbs × 10
    Seated incline press - 80kg × 8
    Superset with
    Cable decline fly - 40lbs × 12


    Leg extension (no hands) - 180lbs × 10
    Leg press - 500kg × 8 (pb)
    Backwards squats - 120kg × 8
    Leg extension (no hands) - 150lbs × 8

    Hard to say if stronger on quads or if its cause I didnt do squats first up but they feel strong. Can up weight on extensions next time for sure. Chest just gets stronger every time cant wait for next week.

    Had to stop taking the clen cause missus caught me and they are hers

  29. #29
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    Aug 2011
    oats shake - changed to 1.5cups oats until diet starts
    subay footlong chicken fillet double meat
    1.2kg chicken, 500g veg
    normal shake

    apart from the subway this is how my diet will look when I start. Only carbs I will consume will be the oats first thing in morning for first 2 weeks. Last 2 weeks of diet will be no carbs.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Been busy with new job last couple days so havent been able to update log but been training.



    Seated row plate loaded 1 arm - 80kg × 8
    Lat polldown - 300lbs × 7 (full stack)
    Tbar - 80kg × 8
    Single arm pulldown - 48.5 × 8
    Rope row - 180lbs × 12


    Rope pulldown - 180lbs × 10
    Skull crushers - 40kg × 10
    1 arm db overheads - 15kg × 10
    Bar pulldowns - 250lbs × 7 (full stack)


    Seated raise 6 sets - 50kg × 15

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Yesterdays training

    Squat - 200kg × 8
    Leg Press - 500kg × 6
    Leg extension (no hands) - 180lbs × 8
    Hack squat - 80kg × 10
    Leg extension - 220lbs × 10


    Db curl - 32.5kg × 6 each arm New PB
    Preacher Db - 27.5kg × 8 each
    Ez curl - 55kg × 10

    Rope crunch - 180lbs × 12
    Leg raises - × 12
    Ab machine - 40kg × 12

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Had the best Hammys session ive ever had today. Weight has also gone up i was 108.2 this afternoon tomorrow is the last day before i start my diet so ill either upload some pre-diet pics tomorrow night. Pretty happy with the size ive put on but i really wanted to hit that 110 mark.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Alright last day before the diet and ive made sure i got all my cravings out of my system. Eaten Maccas 3 times in the last 2 days with a kebab and pizza.

    These are my pics i took today. Biggest change im hoping from this diet is probably for my back and shoulders to be defined, couldn't really give a shit about abs as im never topless.

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  34. #34
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    2 pics that wouldn't upload yesterday
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  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    So 1 week through my diet, lost 6kg of water and my blood pressure is down to 120. Going to up my carbs this week a little though i only went to the gym 3 times this week was just way too tired all the time, dunno how the guys that compete do it for 4 weeks while working full time and going to the gym.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    stress can do a lot of things. so I would say yes

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    just over half way through my diet, have lost 8kg now. My goal was 5kg but changed that to 10kg or higher as i really wanna see how far i can push myself.

    As for how i feel. The actual eating part of the diet is pretty easy the main problem i had was withdrawal symptoms from sugar (apparently i was addicted) without even knowing that entitled me to have migraines everyday for the first 2 weeks within 2 hours of waking up. Ive countered that by drinking a bottle of V8 juice every day and using the natural sugars from the pineapple, pear, orange etc.

    In terms of how my body has changed, 2 days ago ive noticed my veins coming through in my shoulders, chest and quads without having to tense. If im doing bicep curls their is just veins sticking out everywhere in my shoulders, chest, neck area. My abs are also looking alot better.

    My diet is still the same Chicken, Veg, Salad - Cheat meals Subway, Kellogs Muesli Flakes.

  38. #38
    Abs look good for not caring

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    yeah always had abs cause i was always skinny.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    So update now, got to the 10kg mark but I've decided to keep going for another couple weeks as i said last time just wanna see how far i can push myself and im really not missing junk food that much at all.

    Attached are some pics and that i took this week. Got videos but not going to post them as i cant shade out my face.

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