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Thread: My 1-ANDRO LOG

  1. #1

    My 1-ANDRO LOG

    Day 3
    Running a PH, Finaflex 1-ANDRO 2 caps in the am and a 3rd in the evening for 5 weeks. I'm 34, 6ft tall and currently 164.4pnds. Supps I'm running with it are- con-cret, multi, cycle assist, ISA-TEST, D-POL, fish oil, and protein drinks. Diet is on point. Shooting for 2,500 calories and 200+ grams of protein. Doing a lean bulk.

    Really no difference in feeling yet, no strength gains or size but it's only day three, so I'm being patient. I'll upload my pics and progress here regularly. Before pics coming soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17
    Day 3 Running a PH, Finaflex 1-ANDRO 2 caps in the am and a 3rd in the evening for 5 weeks. I'm 34, 6ft tall and currently 164.4pnds. Supps I'm running with it are- con-cret, multi, cycle assist, ISA-TEST, D-POL, fish oil, and protein drinks. Diet is on point. Shooting for 2,500 calories and 200+ grams of protein. Doing a lean bulk. Really no difference in feeling yet, no strength gains or size but it's only day three, so I'm being patient. I'll upload my pics and progress here regularly. Before pics coming soon.
    I'm no expert my friend but your height and weight don't support you running a cycle, an your your probably goin to hear that a lot after my comment

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum

  3. #3
    I figured. Moms 5'10, 110pnds. Dads of similar structure. I fight for every ounce of muscle I have and my body is very deceiving. I carry 164 well, every body guesses 185-190. It's all about the illusion. Ill post pics soon.

  4. #4
    Day 4
    Got really good sleep last night, usually I wake up a few times and toss and turn a bit but last night my sleep was solid. Did bi's and back today and 20 min of cardio, I felt more in the zone then usual, just ripping through the weights, really good pump And vascularity too. I'm disabled when it comes to computer skills and my brothers not helping me upload any photos, I'll bug him again tonight.

  5. #5
    Subbed. Don't forget progress pics!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Yikes 164lbs. Eat more!

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