Well, a number of things have figured into my cycle...
But this is the final and I will be taking the plunge to the dark side very shortly...
Here it is..
week 1 -4 25mg Dbol ED
week 1 -8 250mg sust
week 1 -2 600mg Deca/wk
week 1 -8 25mg proviron ED
week 3 -8 300mg Deca ED
start clomid after winni is done, have nolva on hand but i think the proviron will take care of gyno.
Well I changed it due to availablity of certain items, looks like im bulkin up, we'll see how it goes.
I'm 5'6 (with shoes on) 204lbs as of today.
295bench max, my knees are too sore for maxes on squats right now, but I can rep 405, deadlift 405 easy for 12-15 reps (heh, I dont have far to go to get the weight up)
Here's the only prepic im gonna post...