Starting a cycle on Monday. I figure I'll keep a record of stuff. Maybe the experience will help somebody. At least it will keep me motivated in that I wouldn't want to post up weak workouts or crappy diet.
I'm 44yrs old, 6'0, 190lbs. I would say about 13% bf, but we all guess low, so I'll go with 15-16%.
I will be be following the first cycle protocol of 500mg/wk Test E (props to Austinite for all the info).
Week 1-12 Test E (250mg every 3.5 days)
Week 3-12 hCG (250iu every 3.5 days) only have 10,000iu
Weeks 1-12 liquid stane 12.5mg twice a day
Weeks 15-18 Clomid @75/50/50/50 Nolva@40/20/20/20
I'm not 100% sure of my source, but it was the best one I found in 5 months of looking. Probably just being paranoid. In the end, unless you have access to pharm grade, we all depend on a source, who depends on the guy making the stuff, who depends on the guy selling the powder.
I have not cycled in 20 years and have never done it correctly, accordingly, I will consider it my "first cycle" and not get carried away with all the more is better bs.
Just got blood work back. Everything is pretty much in range. Serum Test is 389 ng/dL, Free Test is 15.6pg/dL, E2 is 27pg/mL.
Diet will be geared toward a clean bulk. My TDEE is 2,870. I'll try to hit 3,000 cal / day with macros at 40 protein / 40 carb / 20 fat. I've been cutting real slowly at 2,700cal/day and holding carbs down to about 30% so 3,000 should be a good starting spot.
I supplement with NO, Creatine, BCAA's, and Methyl B12 (just started it). I'm taking 600mg NAC from the sponsor for liver support - thanks lion.
I've spent the last 4 months working on strength with mostly heavy compound exercises and reps in the 4-6 range. I lift every other day and do 30-45 min of cardio every other day with 1 or 2 days a week off. I've been reading up on Marcus' journal and will start incorporating HIT every other week. Mostly going to go by the Dorian Yates videos and tweak it from there. I'll stick with my stand-by squat, bench, deadlift, pullup, incline type stuff every other week until about week 6, when I'll switch totally to HIT for the duration.
My goal is to put on about 12 pounds and keep at least 7 of it after PCT.
I'll post some pics when I can figure out how to do it. I have too much identifying ink and I'm not sure how to blur it out.
Feel free to critique or comment. I hope the info and experience helps someone.