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Thread: The Tase Experience

  1. #1
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    The Tase Experience

    Starting a cycle on Monday. I figure I'll keep a record of stuff. Maybe the experience will help somebody. At least it will keep me motivated in that I wouldn't want to post up weak workouts or crappy diet.

    I'm 44yrs old, 6'0, 190lbs. I would say about 13% bf, but we all guess low, so I'll go with 15-16%.

    I will be be following the first cycle protocol of 500mg/wk Test E (props to Austinite for all the info).
    Week 1-12 Test E (250mg every 3.5 days)
    Week 3-12 hCG (250iu every 3.5 days) only have 10,000iu
    Weeks 1-12 liquid stane 12.5mg twice a day
    Weeks 15-18 Clomid @75/50/50/50 Nolva@40/20/20/20

    I'm not 100% sure of my source, but it was the best one I found in 5 months of looking. Probably just being paranoid. In the end, unless you have access to pharm grade, we all depend on a source, who depends on the guy making the stuff, who depends on the guy selling the powder.

    I have not cycled in 20 years and have never done it correctly, accordingly, I will consider it my "first cycle" and not get carried away with all the more is better bs.

    Just got blood work back. Everything is pretty much in range. Serum Test is 389 ng/dL, Free Test is 15.6pg/dL, E2 is 27pg/mL.

    Diet will be geared toward a clean bulk. My TDEE is 2,870. I'll try to hit 3,000 cal / day with macros at 40 protein / 40 carb / 20 fat. I've been cutting real slowly at 2,700cal/day and holding carbs down to about 30% so 3,000 should be a good starting spot.

    I supplement with NO, Creatine, BCAA's, and Methyl B12 (just started it). I'm taking 600mg NAC from the sponsor for liver support - thanks lion.

    I've spent the last 4 months working on strength with mostly heavy compound exercises and reps in the 4-6 range. I lift every other day and do 30-45 min of cardio every other day with 1 or 2 days a week off. I've been reading up on Marcus' journal and will start incorporating HIT every other week. Mostly going to go by the Dorian Yates videos and tweak it from there. I'll stick with my stand-by squat, bench, deadlift, pullup, incline type stuff every other week until about week 6, when I'll switch totally to HIT for the duration.

    My goal is to put on about 12 pounds and keep at least 7 of it after PCT.

    I'll post some pics when I can figure out how to do it. I have too much identifying ink and I'm not sure how to blur it out.

    Feel free to critique or comment. I hope the info and experience helps someone.

  2. #2
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    Well, the schedule got moved up a little bit. Source wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing with injection and couldn't do it over the weekend, so I pinned the first one last night. No problem. PIP is significant but not debilitating. Just about like I remember.

    Did Back and legs today.
    All felt pretty good. Knowing I was juicing was motivating even though it will be a couple of weeks before it has any effect.

    No pics for now as I asked wife to take a few and she got all worked up about why I needed them and such. Oh well, maybe later.

  3. #3
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    Diet was great last week, but this was not a good weekend. Diet was way off and even drank a bunch of beer while watching the super bowl. This will end my alcohol consumption for 4 months. It will be a challenge, but I've done it before when I was losing weight after overdoing my "time off" in the off season or prepping for a big race. Did manage to shop and get plenty of good food. Need to hit 3,000 clean calories for the rest of the week.

    Was supposed to lift this morning, but it was a late night. Rather than to have a sub-standard workout, I rescheduled and will hit it hard tomorrow.

    Second pin this morning. My friend is a nurse and was supposed to drop in to hook me up, but didn't make it; so had to do it myself. I was a little reluctant at first; but its just like riding a bike. Even after 20 years, memory took over and it was no big deal.

  4. #4
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    wow. worst workout in months. did a light set and feel set and 2 working sets of 6 reps for bench, db shoulder press, db tricep ext, incline and dips. Had to drop weight and still didn't get the reps.

    I'm going to chalk it up to having a crappy diet on sunday and monday and then getting virtually no sleep monday night.

    PIP from second pin is definitely noticable, but manageable. I don't feel any effects from the gear yet, but its only been a few days and I didn't expect to feel a boost until sometime in week 3 or 4.

    As I didn't sleep last night and had to wake up at 3:00 to clean up dog sh!t, I was able to get breakfast in before hitting the gym. Gonna try to hit my macros today and post up my diet and totals tomorrow.

  5. #5
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    I've felt tired for several days. Maybe its because I've had a lot of personal crap to deal with and haven't slept well. Another thought is that my A.I. has lowered my estrogen before it had a chance to get high?

    Diet is good, but need to add calories. Yesterday looked like this:
    6:00 2 eggs, 1 turkey sausage 1/2 ezekiel muffin
    7:30 PWO shake
    9:00 yogurt with honey
    11:30 tuna, olive oil mayo, 2 slices ezekeil bread
    2:00 2oz ham, 2 oz turkey
    7:00 salmon patty, power greens, 1/2 cup brown and wild rice

    152 protein, 187 carb, 56.5 fat, 1,639 calories. so I need to eat much more.

    Did 30 min of cardio this morning.

  6. #6
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    dont ask for a source thx
    make shure when you tweak that diet to add more calories make shure you add more protein 150g a day isn't going to cut it bro...that's not even 1g per pound of body weight which is what you should be shooting for at the least, preferably 1.5 g per lb...just post this in the nutritional forum so they can have a look and help you...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    make shure when you tweak that diet to add more calories make shure you add more protein 150g a day isn't going to cut it bro...that's not even 1g per pound of body weight which is what you should be shooting for at the least, preferably 1.5 g per lb...just post this in the nutritional forum so they can have a look and help you...
    I know. My goal on protein is 250g, so I was WAY off yesterday. I was getting closer last week, but I'm not feeling as hungry as I should. Its like I start eating and feel full after 5 bites. In addition to eating more, I may have to break down and supplement with a shake.

  8. #8
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    Just pinned in my quad for the first time. No PIP yet, but I think its coming. This gear is really thick and doesn't want to flow. I was shaking like a dog tryin to shit a peach seed.

    Diet is improving slowly. Hard to get the macros up after being below TDEE for a long time.

    Killed legs this morning. I'm up 40lbs on squats and 50 on deadlift over the past 5 months or so. Thought I might (maybe) feel something from the gear this morning. Maybe it was just the oatmeal from breakfast.
    Last edited by DontTaseMeBro; 02-07-2014 at 06:57 AM. Reason: spelling

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
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    I'll be following this!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  10. #10
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    You seem to have your shit together and that's a nice change from what I normally see on here. Like Ghettoboyd said...Up that protein. You should be getting 1-1.5g per pound of LBM (I shoot for 1.5 on cycle). SO assuming you're still at 190lbs and 15% BF, your LBM is 162lbs you should be getting a min 162g/day, but better would be 242. So the 250g mark you've set for yourself would be good.

    If you're hitting 3000 calories, that's only 130 over TDEE. I wouldn't start a cycle at any less that 250 over tdee and no more that 500 over tdee. That seems to be the sweet spot for most people on a lean bulk. I know it can be hard to fit that many calories after cutting for so long, but you've gotta do it. I'm not a fan of protein shakes, but this is one of those situations where than can really help you get extra calories when you're having a hard time taking down whole foods.

    That's all I've got for now, but like I's refreshing seeing somebody that's done their research. Good Luck

  11. #11
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    I struggle to get the food in sometimes, I try to make up for it when I can, it's the most important part IMO, sucks because I can kill myself in the gym but sometimes I'm too miserable, lazy, idk, just can't eat...fussy toddler, fiance never puts out...anyways sorry for the hijack that food bud

  12. #12
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    Good morning everybody.

    Well, I found the PIP that was lost yesterday afternoon. Feels pretty much like getting punched in the thigh. Kind of tight and hard to bend. Had a good dinner of chicken, quinoa, bulger wheat and kale last night.

    Got 30 minutes of pretty intense good cardio and some abs. It helped work the PIP soreness out a little. Was starving after, so grabbed a sausage, egg and cheese taco. Feel a little guilty, but fvck it - I'm bulking. 1 or 2 guilty pleasures a week won't kill me as long as I don't get carried away.

    Wasn't sure about keeping stane at 12.5mg twice a day, but there's a lot of experience here recommending that dose and I'm gonna stay with it. I seem to have gotten over my tired feeling and damn well don't want to get gyno under control later on. I've also jumped my Methyl B12 up after reading Austinite's Amino Acid sticky a little closer.

    Right there with you, Icky. We just gotta do our best, bro. I'm gonna do some hardcore planning before my trip to the grocery store and then cook for the week on Sunday so I have shit set up for the week. Wife has a research paper, so I have time to get it done. 3,000 - here I come!

  13. #13
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    Good luck man I'll keep an eye on this thread follow your progress, sounds solid stack man from what I've read, have no experience YET. Maybe in a year or so! GJ taking the step!

  14. #14
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    I don't count macros and calories on the weekend. That doesn't mean I let myself go. I still try to eat what I know is right, but I give myself a break from always counting and pushing to hit the mark. It was nice to have the break this weekend.

    On sunday, I switched from the workout I had been doing for 5 or 6 months to HIT. Rather than get too novel, I'm pretty much following Dorian Yates' blood and guts videos for now. Hard to believe I can totally trash delts and tris in 35 minutes. It seems to be working.

    I feel like the test is kicking in a little. I'm up 2 lbs to 196 this morning. I don't look any fatter. Maybe its the extra protein and calories that I've been cramming down or the fact that I've completely changed my workout, but I seem to be growing.

    Pinned my left quad this morning. I started by warming the vial in a bowl of water I had heated up. It drew out much easier. Still a little shaky while shooting it, but getting better. Practice makes perfect (I hope).

    I'm really going to work on getting at least 220g of protein every day this week and getting at least that many clean carbs. I got my oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice and sweet potatoes, so I have no excuse. Also going to try to get more green veggies.

  15. #15
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    yesterday morning was legs. Switching up to HIT was a challenge. I really liked the way it felt. Hard to believe you can trash your legs in just 35 minutes. Didn't really get calves to failure, but it will come with practice. Felt close to unconsciousness after leg press and couldn't walk for a few minutes after extensions, so I think I'm figuring out how to get the intensity.

    I have a little PIP in the left quad, but nothing major. Definitely going to warm up the vile from now on. It just draws and shoots easier that way.

    This morning was cardio and abs. Cardio is probably contra-indicated when bulking, but it is a "lean" bulk and I can't really see completely ditching cardio. My background in triathlon / endurance, so 30 minutes is easy except for the boredom of the treadmill.

    Hitting the macros and calories is proving to be the biggest challenge. I'll just have to keep at it. There's a little psychological component to it as well. If you've ever had to cut a lot of weight, you get scared to see any pounds appearing around the belly and chest. Just gotta keep it clean and keep shoveling it in.

    I think the gear is starting to work. After I hit legs, The muscles felt "full". That usually goes away throughout the day, but it didn't this time. Woke up to the same full feeling and pants are noticeably tighter in the legs. Not like I put on 2" overnight, but just slightly fuller. Delts may be slightly bigger. I got a zit for the first time in years - lol.

    Off to work and study up on the blood and guts back workout for tomorrow. Happy training!

  16. #16
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    Day 12 - 196lbs

    5:30 1/2 cup oatmeal w/ honey
    6:00 pre-workout drink w/ NO, Creatine and BCAA's
    6:30 Back workout. Followed the blood and guts vid. Good workout. Still kind of getting used to the exercises and finding the right weight. Intensity will go up as I get used to it.
    7:30 1/2 apple and post-workout shake (30g protein); 12.5mg stane
    9:00 yogurt with honey. 4oz ham & turkey; methyl B12

    still trying to get the calories and macros up. Coming along better each day.

    The workouts are challenging due to the complete change in exercises and set/rep schedule. The muscle confusion alone seems to be initiating some growth while I figure out how to bring the intensity up.

  17. #17
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    Day 13 - 196lbs

    finally managed to hit my macro and calorie goal yesterday. To do it, I had to switch to stuff I like more. The f'n turkey sucks ass and more than 3oz was a total chore to swallow. steak and sweet potato is wayyyy better.

    Did chest and biceps this morning. Felt I could have brought a little more intensity and was a little high on reps; BUT about an hour after the workout, it hit me and I felt really spent.

    I think the gear is starting to make a difference; but its hard to say for sure. All my lifts are new, so its hard to say if I've progressed over the last couple of weeks. I'm definitely bigger; but shit, I've added 1000 calories and over 100g of protein per day, so that may be the difference.

    pinning left glute this afternoon. still at 12.5mg stane twice a day. starting hcg this weekend.
    Last edited by DontTaseMeBro; 02-13-2014 at 08:45 AM. Reason: spelling

  18. #18
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    I'm watching

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I'm watching
    Thanks, Marcus. That's motivating!

  20. #20
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    pinned left glute yesterday afternoon. A friend is a nurse and hooked me up. I can do it myself, but its easier to have someone experienced do it with a steady hand and good angle. Used the 1.5" pin. Minimal PIP.

    Had a 5 hour public meeting yesterday afternoon, so diet was slightly off. Tried to make up the calories before and after but its hard to eat that much at once and I figure there's a limit to how much you can digest at one time.

    Did 30 minutes of cardio this morning followed by an ab workout. Felt pretty good. I think I'll take off tomorrow to recover. The first week of HIT was pretty tough and I'm still pretty sore in a lot of places. I'll use saturday to shop, cook and rest.

    Gotta mix up my HCG and start that on Sunday. I'll do my best to eat good (and a lot) but I'm not counting calories and macros this weekend.

  21. #21
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    Day 17 - 199lbs.

    not a great weekend. Planned to work out sunday, but had to shop and cook. Diet was OK, but could have been much better. No use pissing about what I should have done. Just move forward.

    Got a great shoulder and an tricep workout. Having a good idea of how much weight to use for the new exercises really helped. I was way up on weight. Got as close to complete failure a possible without a spotter. Didn't realize how much having my girl around to spot helped me until she wasn't able to go.

    Pinned the right glute after my workout today. Having less PIP each time. Going to mix up my hcg and start that today. I'm starting to have a little more faith in my gear in light of the weight and strength gains.

    Off to a post workout meal.

  22. #22
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    day 18 - 200lbs

    Had a great dinner last night. Finally got some good weather, so I grilled salmon. Had brown rice and a great salad with it. good stuff.

    No significant PIP. Slept OK and got up slightly motivated.

    Legs today. All lifts are up significantly. In and out in 40 minutes. Went intense enough so that I had to avoid the steps and use the wheelchair ramp to get to my car. I may add some deep a2g squats next time to work on glutes.

    weight is up, appetite comes and goes. seem to be putting on a little fat. I'll watch it and ease back on calories if that keeps up for more than a week or two.

  23. #23
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    day 18

    not much to report today. did about 35 minutes of cardio and some abs. i think of it as a "day off". legs are pretty sore from yesterday.

    i don't really feel like much in the way of effects from gear, lifting or diet today.

    i'll start hcg tonight and feel pretty stupid. i hald off thinking i didn't have enough and i actually have plenty. stupid mistake i won't make again. even though i could shoot it IM with my gear, I will do it sub-q the day before my test injections. i usually shoot test at work and i need to keep my hcg at home in the fridge. i'd just as soon not have my ladies poking around in there and start asking questions.

    i remember that when i was using in my early 20's, i would have trouble with "roid rage". it seems like the slightest thing would set me off. Maybe it hasn't had time to kick in, or maybe its my age, or maybe that i vowed i wouldn't go down that road, but i have no problem at all for now. wife did her best to piss me off last night and i just let it go in one ear and out the other.

    all else is fine. energy and appetite are good. Libido is up a bit. No significant PIP. sleeping fine.

  24. #24
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    day 19 - 199.5lb

    finally mixed my hcg after my previous asinine mistake in thinking I didn't have enough. My BAC water was a little short (9.25ml). I could have got more and waited a week or so. Decided to just go with it. after carefully calculating and double checking the correct dose to be .23cc every 3rd day, I immediately drew twice that amount and pinned it. I have no idea why. I'm sure doubling up the first dose isn't gonna kill me, but i was pissed at myself for such a stupid mistake (again). You should know, HCG STINGS LIKE A BITCH!

    Thanks to encouragement and help from Jim230027 and the nutrition gurus, my calorie intake and protein consumption are up. I've had to let my diet get a little dirty in order to get there. I feel like i'm getting a little fat, but i just have to get over it. I know you can't bulk effectively without adding some fat, but it is a psychological challenge to see yourself getting soft around the middle. Regardless, I'm up 6-8lbs from day 1 and at least half of it seems to be muscle.

    Switching over to HIT was a good move. Thanks to Marcus' wisdom and patience, my workouts are coming along. My wife doesn't really get the concept, but she lifts with me and has become a decent spotter. We did back this morning. I promised her after our warm up that we would be done in 30 minutes, and we nailed it. Really brought the intensity and feel wide as fvck right now.

    I don't really "feel" the gear, but I think its working. My lifts are improving much faster than they would normally. Weights I couldn't move 3 weeks ago feel almost light now. Noticing more thickness, especially in the delts. Starting to see some vascularity on the parts that aren't covered with tats. In fairness, though, my body hasn't seen much sun in months.

    I'll pin the right quad this afternoon and hit chest tomorrow. My chest is lagging a little, but I have neglected it for a few months to concentrate on legs. Chest and tri's have always been good parts and easy to train, so I figured I would concentrate on my weak areas. Now its time to jump back in and bring the chest back in line.
    Last edited by DontTaseMeBro; 02-20-2014 at 08:45 AM. Reason: spelling

  25. #25
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    How have I been missing this. Subscribed.
    The HIT is amazing isnt it? I also have Marcus to thank, I never thought such a short time in the gym could result in such pain and growth! Anyway Im glad I came across your log and will be following along bro.

  26. #26
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    Thanks, Jimmy. lol - I follow yours, too.

    I think there is still a place for 5X5 stuff, traditional power routines, etc; but the change to HIT really has me growing. I think back to all those 1.5 hour workouts that accomplished so little and wish I had started this years ago. All the frequent contributors on Marcus' diary are super-helpful.

    Do I remember right - is tomorrow the day you get blood work results?

  27. #27
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    Yup went yesterday to Docs. They said normally id have them tomorrow but prob wont be till monday. They are all backed up because of all the snow days we have had lately and the lab is doing all emergency BW stuff first so the normal panel stuff is a little behind. Im really anxious to see where everything is at and to officially measure my progress. Ive been holding off doing that intentionally - I think things are progressing nicely but we will see!

  28. #28
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    looking forward to seeing your results. looks like you've been really consistent (except the snow days). your log helps me to stay motivated.

    I'm definitely gonna be firing deca questions at you. i don't start something until i've studied up on it thoroughly. Hell, I spent 5 months looking into HIT and reading Marcus' entire thread before I "jumped" into it.

  29. #29
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    managed to hit a nerve in my quad for the first time. I can't say recommend it as a fun time. Very uncomfortable for a second and kind of feels "achy" afterward. I can only imagine this will lead to some PIP. We'll know in the morning.

  30. #30
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    Day 20 - 200lbs

    Well, hitting a nerve sucked and there was a little discomfort for a few hours. Definitely notice a little more PIP today, but nothing debilitating. I'm just going to have to chalk it up to an occupational hazard and keep working to find a good spot.

    Got up in time to have a little breakfast and then a pwo drink. Hit the gym about 6:45. Blasted chest and biceps for 30 minutes. All my weights are up, but less so than on back. I don't really "rest" between sets. I spot my wife, change out the plates, get my mind right and hit it. I felt like I had a little bit left in me, so I'll probably add an exercise for chest. Probably won't add anything for biceps - there are only so many ways you can hit them and once you go to failure, anything else is just going through the motions. I would rather use the energy for the bigger muscle group.

    I'm definitely bigger today. Its like I worked back yesterday and got a nice full pump - today the pump is gone but the size is still there, if that makes sense. If it isn't the gear starting to kick in, my diet coupled with HIT is really kicking ass. I'm definitely fatter, but I'm eating as clean as I possibly can and still get close to my macros. I'll just have to deal with the belly for now and try to slowly work it off in the summer after PCT and a few weeks of recovery from that.

    The B-12 seems to help with appetite. I use about 1000mg/day. It seems to help me feel hungry faster. Still doing 600mg NAC in the morning and another 600 before bed. Glad JimmyInkedUp confirmed that I'm not the only one that finds it really stinky. Also doing 12.5mg stane morning and evening. The taste isn't too bad and no sign of any aromatization, so I'm pretty happy.

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    Pretty good day. Had a couple people say "you've really gotten big". lol.

    Gonna take tomorrow off. May take off Sunday, too. I have a real tendency to overtrain. As I see gains, I want them faster and faster so I work harder and longer; and it leads to lower performance in the end. I have a little shoulder pain and some tightness in my back. Better to let it rest and heal than end up training lighter and / or hurting it worse.

  32. #32
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    day 23 - 199.5lbs

    didn't lift this weekend. I really felt like I needed 2 days to recover. I could have gone sunday, but shopped and cooked instead. Pinned 250iu hcg on sunday morning. Not as much sting (maybe actually using the correct amount is the secret here).

    Did delts and triceps this morning. I didn't increase weight much. The princess wanted to run instead of lifting, so I didn't have a spotter. I think my intensity suffered as a result. I think you really need a spotter / training partner to get the most from HIT. Even if you have to wait to spot them and lose a little time, just knowing you have someone to help through a sticking point if necessary and assist with negatives makes up for it.

    Felt a little "smaller" this morning. Didn't feel as strong or motivated to tear it up in the gym. Not sure what that's about. My diet was substandard from noon staurday until sunday evening, so maybe that had something to do with it. Diet is back on track today, so we'll see.

    Pinned 250mg test in left quad after my workout. I think hitting the nerve last time has me "gun shy" about the quads. Wasn't real happy with needle placement. too far outside. Probably not deep enough in the muscle. Disappointing.

    Things should pick up this week, assuming the test starts to kick in a little more.

  33. #33
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    day 24 - 201lbs


    I really wanted to do legs today. After waking up several times last night from the PIP I stupidly caused myself, I had doubt. Trying to walk this morning proved there was no way I could bring any intensity to legs, so I decided to do back. I had a great back workout last thursday, so I figured that even if i wasn't fully recovered and had an average workout, I would be ok. I still had some pain in my left shoulder from yesterday, but after a series of shoulder surgeries, I've learned to live with it.

    I got to my working set on pullovers and felt a "pop" in the middle of my chest on the 5th rep. I finished another 4 reps, but it hurt. I finished the whole workout, but my intensity was down. After I got out of the shower, it hurt to breathe deeply and coughing will damn near bring me to my knees. I'm really hoping that I didn't tear part of the pec loose. That would essentially put me out for weeks.

    This is a relatively fvcked up and depressing setback. That, coupled with today being the 1yr anniversary of one of my best friend's death is turning this into a pretty shitty day.

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    day 25

    After suffering the tortures of the damned all day, I went to the chiropractor. He thinks the ribs were sort of dislocated resulting in a lot of inflamation. There is no way I can lift or even run today. May do some cardio tomorrow. Hopefully I can lift by the end of the weekend. It sucks because I was really starting to grow.

    If I'm not better in a couple of weeks, I'll have to cycle off and start PCT. no reason to stay on gear for nothing. Kind of a depressing proposition. Lets hope things shape up in a few days.

  35. #35
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    day 26

    ribs are better and I was able to sleep - so I did. Going back to the chiropractor today. Most of the pain is about an inch below the collar bone and 1.5 inches to the right of the sternum. from there, it is pretty tender around and under the armpit and then beneath the scapula.

    I can breathe ok, though deep breaths are not possible without a lot of pain. getting in and out of a chair / car is getting easier. Thinking I may do a light week next week and then get back at it.

    cut back on calories a bit since I'm not working out for a few days. going to pin 250mg test this afternoon.

  36. #36
    How did this cycle end?

    Edit: I was looking at your join date, not your post date. Anyway, subbed.

  37. #37
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Feel better man!

  38. #38
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    thanks, jimmy

    day 27

    depressed. still in pain. went to the gym for light cardio and some stretching / yoga. trying to get to where i can take a full breath. very frustrating to see everyone lifting, hear the plates banging around, i can't do shit.

  39. #39
    Are you considering halting the cycle, recover, and then resume at a later date?

    If you're injured and not doing much, then your extra test is wasted. Besides, the healing time on that might be months to get back to where you are. Maybe start a light PCT, and focus on recovery and the comeback.

    Take care.

  40. #40
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    Day 31

    First day back. Feeling very glad to get back in the gym. Definitely not 100%, but much improved over last week. Didn't want to risk tweaking the ribs, so I did legs and kept it light (probably 65%-75% of previous weight).
    Standing calf raise - 3 sets
    seated calves (smith machine) - 2 sets
    deep (ass to grass) squats - 3 sets
    leg press - 2 sets
    leg curls - 2 sets
    leg extension - 2 sets
    none of these was truly to failure, but all done slowly with strict form in the 10-12 rep range.

    Pinned test yesterday. stane remains at 12.5mg twice a day. Hcg remains at 250i.u. X twice a week, NAC at 600mg twice a day.

    Though about stopping cycle, but the injury happened at the worst time. Test was starting to kick in quite well and full PCT would be necessary. If it had been a couple of weeks earlier or later, I would most likely have stopped and regrouped. I think I'll stay light this week and get back to HIT next week, assuming the pain level subsides and it doesn't feel like I'm tearing anything up.

    Diet sucked last week. its hard to stay motivated when you're injured, not lifting and depressed. I still ate pretty clean, but didn't hit macros or calories.


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