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Thread: Log: First time using clen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Log: First time using clen

    Ok, so going to start my first cycle of clenbuterol tomorrow. This is my first time using any form of drug to enhance performance so I'll be breaking myself in slow. Weighed myself on monday and was 90kg (198.4lbs) at 12% BF. Started my taurine supplementation on monday so hopefully no cramps. Only other supplements I will be using I use daily anyway; green tea extract 2xdaily, 5g creatine post-workout + a multivitamin in the morning.
    Going to start at 40mcg/day and work my way up in 20mcg increments depending on how I feel after a couple of days at each dose. Going to start out with a 2 week on/2 week off cycle and see how that works for me to start off. After a couple of goes with this I may in an antihistamine so I can extend the cycle but I'll make that decision at a later date, once I know how the clen affects me.
    Going to try and run in this manner for a few months before taking an extended break.
    Anyway, not much to say till tomorrow so catch you later.

    Weight Updates:
    Week 0: 90kg (198.4lbs)
    Week 1: 88.6kg (195.3lbs)
    Week 2: 87.75kg (193.45lbs)
    Week 3: 87.35kg (192.57lbs)
    Week 4: 88.6kg (195.3lbs)
    Week 5: 87.35kg (192.57lbs)
    Week 6: 87.2kg (192.24lbs)
    Last edited by Friesian; 03-31-2014 at 08:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Took my first dose (40mcg) approx. 2 hours ago. As of yet, I haven't felt anything (except the urge to go beat off, but that's just normal ). Got a track session tonight so will see how that goes.
    Last edited by Friesian; 02-20-2014 at 04:43 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Went down to the track tonight and did a sprint session. Anyone out there with lagging calves should really consider sprints, best calf gains I get are due to track sessions.
    Started my session struggling at first as the air was so cold and sharp feeling. However, once I got into the meat of the session I was feeling good. Heart rate increase and shortness of breath subsided quicker than usual between reps. No issues manifested.
    After the session I drove home feeling the best I have done in months. This may be due to the music I was listening to as much as anything though.
    Anyway, tomorrow I will stick to the 40mcg dose and see how I do with a gym session. I will most likely increase dosage on Saturday.

  4. #4
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    Feb 2014
    Had absolutely no problem getting to sleep last night, woke up feeling good this morning and decided to get a morning training session done. Once again, I dosed my clen at 40mcg and then arrived at the gym about 90mins later. Todays session was chest.
    Went through the session with pretty good intensity, would say the intensity was equal to what I'm used to but I felt slightly more alert. Not sure if this was the clen. All in all, feeling pretty good at the moment.

  5. #5
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    Feb 2014
    Today I upped my dosage to 60mcg.
    Didn't really get a very good sleep last night, kept waking up every few hours, this isn't uncommon for me though. But it meant I woke up feeling slightly less revived. Looked and felt very flat before my gym session, which today was back and calves. Took me a couple of exercises to get into the swing of things but soon had a good pump and was feeling almost as alert as the last 2 days.
    Breathlessness has not been an issue today, which usually with an intense session can become a problem.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2014
    Upped dosage again today to 80mcg, more for ease of use than anything else (using 40mcg tabs).
    Got a crappy sleep again today but I reckon that's because I've had a couple of days of oversleeping. Still no sides associated with clen. No shakes and heart rate is, if anything, reduced slightly. I am however getting the bronchiodilatory effects that clen was designed for, aerobic capacity is increased and much less breathless during my workout.
    Today was shoulders + cardio and it all felt good, not sure how it compared to my average sessions as I decreased weight and increased TUT. Had good focus throughout, definitely feeling good at the moment and think I look a little bit tighter than I did a week ago. Will see how my weight is looking tomorrow.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2014
    Again dosed at 80mcg this morning before training legs. If there was a day I would've expected increased HR, this would be it. However, once again, I have felt more stable in terms of HR. Still no other sides observed. Training felt good and was noticing slightly increased vascularity and deeper cuts on my legs than previously.
    Also weighed myself today. Have dropped to 88.6kg (195.3lbs) after 7 days (this being my 5th day on clen).
    Relatively satisfied with results so far.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Once again, at 80mcg dosage. Today performed a blood volumisation session for chest followed by a sport specific training session. Pushed myself hard through the chest session, pump was extremely good, vascularity was above average, muscles looked insanely full and I just generally felt awesome. Sport session was mainly cardio based. Aerobic capacity was once again at an improved level, heart rate did rise a bit but returned to normal levels quickly. No other effects being felt at this dosage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    As before, 80mcg dosage. Today trained back. Good muscle fullness and vascularity with no apparent drop in size. As before, no sides displayed. Reckon I'm gonna up the dosage tomorrow and see if that affects me any.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    N. Hollywood on Radford
    I'm surprised you aren't experiencing any sides yet, but as long as your confident in your source then good for you. A cycle with less sides is always a good thing as long as you know your gear is legit. Good Luck

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Yeah, I was expecting to feel sides at 80mcg but, other than a couple of times after training feeling slightly warmer I haven't felt much. Pretty confident it's legit though. Wondering if it's maybe because I actually suffer from exercise induced asthma and so the clen is actually just allowing my body to run more efficiently.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Start of 2nd week using; today upped dosage to 120mcg and treated myself to an arms session. Pump came after 1st warm up set and stayed for the duration of the workout. Fullness and vascularity were beyond anything I've ever seen on myself. Intensity was good and extremely focused throughout. Minor side effects were displayed. Core temperature and HR were both up slightly. No shakes but had an occasional twitch and hand was quivering slightly drinking my post-workout shake, though I think this was mostly due to the workout.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Haven't updated this is couple of days so gonna do 2 days worth now + update again later.
    Ran 120mg the past 2 days, took 1st day off as a rest day. Only side experienced was rise in core temperature.
    2nd day had a sports match. Was slightly dehydrated prior to start so had to load up on water as was struggling with breathing during warm-up. However, once I got that out of the way I was able to perform at an intense level as my increased aerobic capacity allowed. Lost the match though and was disappointed so went to the gym and blasted out a chest session. This felt good, got through the session with reasonable intensity and focus.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2014
    Dosed again at 120mcg this morning and am just back from the gym after doing a back session. Changed up my training from my normal TUT based session and instead did a more strength based workout with only the last set of each exercise going to failure. Seemed to have an even better pump doing this than I did even from arms session. Felt slightly feverish during workout, but in a good way, lots of energy, good focus and weights were moving with ease. Core temperature still raised after workout and seems to be maintaining at a good level of warmth.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2014
    120mcg dosage. Checked weight today, was at 87.75kg (193.45lbs) on 12th day of usage. Was training shoulders today, once again felt feverish and HR was increased. Looked reasonable but maybe could have looked slightly better if had consumed a few more carbs but overall quite happy.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    120mcg dosage. Heavy leg day. Also trained abs for the 1st time this year. Lifting as heavy as ever, weight loss does not seem to have affected my strength to this point. HR increased more than it has previously during cycle but was still lower than it normally gets when I train using caffeine only. Core temperature also increased post-workout.
    120mcg dosage. Arm day. Cardio performed after. Pumped up in minutes. Veins I haven't even seen before were evident on arms and shoulders. Good intensity throughout. Cardio was difficult though, felt tight across midsection, whether this was cramping from the clen or abdominal tightness caused by yesterday's session I'm unsure. Breathing also wasn't as easy as has been the last 2 weeks but managed to push through the session anyway. Felt bloated post-workout.
    First day back off cycle. Back onto the caffeine. Will continue to update weight on weekly basis + mention any changes that occur while off cycle. Will be returning to cycle in a couple of weeks time.

  17. #17
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    Feb 2014
    So, thought this might be worth noting, most days when I was using the clen I was managing to get to sleep by 11PM. Yesterday however, I had my last cup of coffee at 3:30PM in order to allow 6 hours to get it through my system and go to sleep, I was not able to get to sleep until 4AM, and not because I actually wanted to stay up.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hampshire, UK
    Nice log so far brother. Making some good progress, what's your Bf at now?
    You're gonna be lean as hell! Keep up the good work & log.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalUN View Post
    Nice log so far brother. Making some good progress, what's your Bf at now?
    You're gonna be lean as hell! Keep up the good work & log.
    Thanks a lot bud, nice to get some feedback. Not sure what my BF is right now, I think approx. 12% but I'm not all that certain. Gonna do an impedance test on Monday to check so I can get a more accurate measure.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Weighed in this morning at 87.35kg (192.57lbs), not as much of a drop in weight this week but had a decent carb up a couple of days ago so I'm actually looking bigger, more full and more vascular. Strength is still all good. Did impedance test but, to put it simply, the reading was wrong so still not 100% on my BF.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hampshire, UK
    Not bad so far, many weeks is that so far? I've got myself some clen, looking to take when I hit my target weight.
    How much water you on a day? Roughly?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Was on for 2 weeks, been off 10 days. Starting up again tomorrow for probably 10-14days and then come off and when I get back on it'll be 6 weeks on straight through to my target date. Usually about 8-10 litres a day, go through over 2 litres during most gym sessions.

  23. #23
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    Feb 2014
    Dosed today at 80mcg. Legs day. Weights moving well. Since having changed up my training I've gotten stronger and look bigger but vascularity has not changed much in past 2 weeks. Looked better today though. TDEE and calorie consumption have been much the same throughout. As previously, I felt mildly warmer today and had less trouble with my breathing during the workout.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Dosed at 80mcg. Weighed in, due to fact would be away from gym next day, at 88.6kg (195.3lbs). This meant I had actually gained weight, but I looked better than I did before, looking more vascular and more full. Todays session was a bit of a grind but it got done. definitely looking forward to some rest.
    Dosed at 120mcg. Rest day.
    Dosed at 120mcg. CNS still feeling pretty fried today so decided to take another rest day.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Hampshire, UK
    Jesus 8-10 litres. I'm gonna struggle all this water. I can get about 5l maximum really, gonna have to try up my game when I take it. Got like 2 months bulking left so far so ALLL good.. Keep the log going! Cheers man.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalUN View Post
    Jesus 8-10 litres. I'm gonna struggle all this water. I can get about 5l maximum really, gonna have to try up my game when I take it.
    Just gotta keep it relatively continuous throughout the day, it's not that difficult really. That's what I normally drink anyway though, haven't really changed my intake.

  27. #27
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    Feb 2014
    03/19/14 & 03/20/14
    Dosed at 120mcg. Both days performed power sessions. As I'm trying to improve athletic performance as well as looking better, I felt this suited my goals. Changed up exercises I performed each day and used different protocols for performing cardio (1st session post workout, 2nd session 4 blocks of cardio between exercises). After these sessions I felt about the best I have done both during and after workout that I have done in ages, which considering how I've been training recently is no mean feat. Core temperature increased greatly during 2nd session but this is still the only real side I seem to get. Aerobic capacity felt great.

    Dosed at 120mcg. Took a rest day as sports match next day. Core temperature seemed slightly higher than usual during evening and struggled to get to sleep. Not sure if this was the clen.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Not been very active last week or so, so I'm just gonna give a summary. Came off 2 days ago, felt brilliant the entire time was on but now that I'm back to normal, I am feeling burnt out as s**t. This is likely due to volume of training and intensity though. Weight has dropped slightly again whilst strength has continued increasing. In terms of vascularity and fullness very little has changed though. Aerobic capacity was very much bolstered during time on. Definitely feel like I'm more functionally fit than I was previously.

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