what going on guys so I decided to start my first cycle a couple weeks ago.
25 years old
Body fat: ??
Squat 1rm: 315lbs
Deadlift 1rm: 485lbs
Bench 1mr: 235lbs (terrible I know)
So briefly let me explain how this cycle started. I was given a chance to get my hands on some anavar real cheap from a buddy and decided that I should go for it since he was seeing great results from it. So I started a VAR only cycle (in my 4th weeks now). I know VAR only cycles are frowned upon and since decided to throw some Test- E in the mix. I know I’m ass backwards here. Anyways here how my cycle is looking.
Week 1-6 var 60mg daily
Week 3-13 Test- E 300 e3d
Armidex week 3-13 .25mg eod
Pct will be clomid and nolva
I will post some before pics later tonight.