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Thread: winny, eq, anavar only cycles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    houston tx

    winny, eq, anavar only cycles

    Has anyone cycled any one of these three by themselves with no test or anything? Can you post some results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    somewhere in N.America
    I just finished 5 weeks of 40 mg's generic anavar and 50 mgs of winstrol tabs and result are great.I have leaned out big time and lost 3 inches in waist and gained 5 lbs so in total I lost quite abit but gained it back in muscle and stayed big time lean .I did not get huge but did definately gain some size along w/ awesome hardness and good viens now showing ,strength went up big time and everyone is asking what I'm on so I guess it worked .I'm really happy w/ the results .I have been training for yrs but I think this is the best I have looked in a long time.I am about to start 40 mg d-bol w/ 50 winny tabs so this should add some size this time around .

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    houston tx
    Damn, sounds good

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    somewhere in N.America
    your right ,in the past I had used injectibles but since I got a killer deal on the stuff I decided to use this route and I have really not seen any side effects and my dosages are not all the high .

    All I was doing was answering the question that was put out ........All I can say is I'm happy w/ the results .My goal was not to get big but rather just improve my shape a little .I had a good base to start and this just made it better .I compete in a sport where I need to be light but have very good strength and it defiantely gave me that ......
    Last edited by styles; 06-11-2003 at 07:55 PM.

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