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Thread: Bodacious First Cycle/Log...Here we go...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day

    Bodacious First Cycle/Log...Here we go...

    First all my stats are..
    216 today
    BF...(Dont know will Post pic tomrrow if I have time)
    I have been training for 10 years if you go back to high school days.

    Cycle will be...
    Weeks 1-10 Test E 400 200mg E3D Mon and Thur
    Weeks 1-10 HCG .250iu Mon and Thur
    Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .25 Starting on the second day.

    I might run the test for 11 weeks, if I do I will be running the HCG along with it. I then will run the Adex till week 13. (Few vets told me to run the Adex 2wks after last pin then drop it.)

    Will be going back to my TRT dose of androgel. I will be running the gel all the way through the cycle also.

    So I have planned and asked 100's of question along the way. Thanks everyone that has helped.

    Today Tue Sept 30
    I pinned the first time. I didnt pin on monday because I didnt have all of my pins(Knew they was coming just had to make sure.) I have read and also been told don't start till you have everything in had. So I didn't. So anyways pin today. Boy was I sweating, this was my first time ever. But I think it went well.(Ill have to see how sore I am tomorrow) The HCG wasn't hard at all to do. (I tested my HCG with a pregnecey test. It came back postive.) I mixed my HCG put 2ML of water into 5000iu with that ratio it come out to 10 units on a slin pin.(.250iu)

    Trained legs today. Good work. Light cardio on Sit down bike 20 mins.

    So next week I will start back on Monday and Thursday pins. I do plan on pinning thursday also of this week. If its a bad idea let me know. But thats the plan.(Might skip the HCG tho and pick it back up on monday thoughts?) The armidex .25mg will start tomorrow.

    Will post pics what I look like now.

    Plan on doing BW around week 5 or 6.

    Thats all for now thanks for reading.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-09-2014 at 01:34 PM.

  2. #2
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    Oct 1

    Woke up this morning with a slight pain in right glute nothing big. I went to the gym and done biceps and back. Good workout great pump. I ate 1 cup of oats with protein drink in them before I went to bed last night.That might have helped me with the workout.

    Here are some pic of me this is pretty much straight out of bed with breakfast and then straight to the gym. I have done very little cardio over the past 4 weeks and when I do its really like 20 min at just a slow pace.So I do have some water weight.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-01-2014 at 11:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Here is a few more...

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    Some of them aren't that good. Kind hard to take a decent pic of your self but here is the start. Or before pics.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-01-2014 at 11:33 AM.

  4. #4
    Nice to see the log starting! The PIP in the glute is normal. Everyone's different, but for me I get the least PIP in the delts. I think you're fine this week to do your next pin on Thursday then start your mon/thurs schedule next week. Keep the log going and Ill follow it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Nice to see the log starting! The PIP in the glute is normal. Everyone's different, but for me I get the least PIP in the delts. I think you're fine this week to do your next pin on Thursday then start your mon/thurs schedule next week. Keep the log going and Ill follow it.

    Thanks man. I decided to start one just so I can look back at it down the road if I need to.Plus I think it will help me also. About the PIP yea just a little sore. Thanks for following it.

  6. #6
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    Thur Oct 2

    Second Pin left delt. It didn't go as well as I think it could have. Had a hard time asperating the needle. So I pulled out and started over with a new needle. Pinned right beside the same spot.(Prob should have went to another location) Was hard to asperate but did and it was also hard to push the gear in. But it went. Also have a lot more PIP pretty much right after 10-15 mins.(Prob because I had to pin twice) Writing this the delt is sore its been about 7-8 hours sense pin, no swelling or nothing so that's a plus as of now.

    I trained shoulders today good workout. Light 20 min cardio nothing big just wanted to get the heart going some.

    Also order some NAC for liver should be here Saturday. Will start taking that.

    I will post later everything I am taking.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-02-2014 at 10:07 PM.

  7. #7
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    Just a quick update. Today on Sunday Oct 5.

    First week done. Today is a rest day. Seem like I had a good workout week this week. I have had some trouble getting my cals in shooting for 4300-4500 cals a day. Been getting 38-4. This week I am going to up it(Force feed lol) eating plan chicken gets old. The pin in the left delt was bad at all the next day.

    Seems like today I have a slight pain in my left testicle. Dont know if this is related to the cycle or not ? Anyone had this? Other than that, that's all I have now. I still need to update everything I am taking supplement wise.

    What is an ok BP while on a test only cycle? This week I have keep check on it 130's over high 60's.

  8. #8
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    The only time I had a literal pain in my nuts is when I was pinning a ton of HCG after not doing so earlier in the cycle.

    The lower the BP the better(to a point).

    Before my 1st cycle, mine was 110/70

    Ever since then, my BP sits right at 140/80

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    The only time I had a literal pain in my nuts is when I was pinning a ton of HCG after not doing so earlier in the cycle.

    The lower the BP the better(to a point).

    Before my 1st cycle, mine was 110/70

    Ever since then, my BP sits right at 140/80
    Yea it's just a really slight pain. Not to bad right now. Only pin .250 hcg this week.

    BP... I hope it doesn't raise much more than that. That's ok BP isn't it?

    I do have another question when should I donate blood before mid cycle BW or after?


  10. #10
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    Samson I think you told me you didn't really have any sides from just a test only cycle. I read your log on it. Didn't really see many sides that u posted. Hope I am the same way.

  11. #11
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    Quick update on

    Oct 6

    Today was pin number 3. Left glute seem like it went well. I twisted around with my right arm and after I pinned with left I then took the right arm and held it still. Think it went good. Will know tomorrow when I wake up.Also did HCG .250iu today as well.

    Train Chest today with Triceps and 15 mins of stair climber at the end of workout. Good workout. I did get 275 2 times today on flat bench did(225x8,240x6,250x6,265x4,275x2). I Put 290 on and did a negative. This is good for me I think because my arms are so long. Would like to get 3 plates before cycle is over. My goal. (Kinda high prob, but going to shoot for it.)

    I really up my cals on Sunday. Also going to try and keep them up all this week(Going to keep it as clean as possible, I am just looking for cals in for now, cleaner the better of course). I weigh in at 218 this am(230 is my goal with the same waiste at the end of cycle).I gain 4 lbs this week, I know thats 98% water weight. . .But like I said I up cals alot on sunday. Weight will prob come down some as the week goes by because of working out. Sunday was a rest day.

    Other than that I was hoping my NAC was going to come in the mail today. Wasn't there when I left to come to work. Hopefully when the wife gets there I will know if it came later today. Going to start that at 1200mg a day when it gets here. I have been meaning to post everything I am taking just can't seem to have the time when I am at home to do it.
    I also ordered some Roflex and Liquidex from AR-R today just to have on had. Liquidex for a later cycle if I decide to do another one. Roflex just to have on hand just in case I need it. Hopefully I won't though.

    Still have a very slight I mean slight pain in my left testical. Might not even be related.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-06-2014 at 04:08 PM.

  12. #12
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    Oct 9

    Pin number 4 in the right delt. For me it seems like the delt gets sore right afterwords a lot faster. Hope it will end up like the left delt, the next day wasn't that bad for the left.Almost at the end of first two weeks.

    I did back today ok to good workout, with dead lifts. Also did 20 min cardio on the sit down bike after workout.With sweat shirt on.Was planning on doing bieceps today also. I just had a long back workout bi's tomorrow.

    My libiodo has went up for sure. Other than that not to much of a change. Hoping week 3 will bring some good stuff. Better pumps more viens and ect. I also am going to weigh tomorrow and see where we are at on the weight.

    I have taken .50mg of adex the past two times I have taken it. I am gyno paranoid. Its a lot easier to cut it up that way also. Dont know if I am going to keep running at that dose or not just yet I am going to talk to some vets on here. Or if your following please give your advice on this. Thanks. I know I need to stick to one of the other tho. Just ride it out till week 5 for BW. My thinking is if I run it at .50mg till week 5 get BW back go from there. I would rather have it on the low end than the high. I just don't want to bottom it out by any means.

    I still need to post the supplments I am taking. Will try and do that tomorrow if I get time.

    Thanks again to everyone.

  13. #13
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    Just a quick update. The left delt the next day was fine. So I am two full weeks in. Feel about the same. I have been eating clean as much as possible. I have been right around 38-4000 cals a day. (I have really upped my carbs and cals sense I started this.) Also its a lot from what I was used to eating. I can tell on the pants.(Getting tighter on the waist and legs.) Don't know if this is good or bad.

    Today on Sunday Oct. 12 was a rest day tried to stay off my feet as much as I could. Yesterday I went to the gym and did upper and lower body just something real quick to get blood flowing some.

    Only sides are nipples are just a little sensitive I have up my adex to .50mg EOD till week five when I get BW done.
    My libildo has sky rocketed, its a good thing but man it gets hard when I am not even thinking about nothing. Just sitting down. lol.

    Vitiamins I am taking are ...
    Fish Oil 1200mg
    Vitamin C 1000mg
    NAC 1200mg
    Baby Asprin 81mg
    Zine Zine 50mg
    D3 1000iu
    Men One a day Muit
    Glucosamine Chondroition

    Also taking
    Intek "Evolution" Creatine Ceeethyl Ester taking this till it runs out. (.5 bottle left)
    BCAA is Charge by Royal
    Protien I am using is

    Thought on anything I am doing please let me know good or bad. If you have question Ill do my best to answer. Thanks
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-12-2014 at 05:09 PM.

  14. #14
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    Mon Oct 13

    Today was pin number 5, start of the 3rd week. Pinned in left glute seemed like everything went fine.

    Worked Bieceps and back today. Great pump during biecep workout. Good pump during back. I also did 20min stair climber. Workouts are longer then what I would like but I am trying to get 4 to 5 exercises in each body part 4 sets. Plus warm up and stretching and cardio at the end.

    I weighed in today on all Mondays @ 221. Man thats up 5lbs in 3 weeks don't really know if I like this or not. My goal was to try and keep the same size pant's but that's not going to happen.I know this is water weight or most of it. I have tried to eat as much clean stuff as possible. Chicken and chicken and turkey and fish. But dang like I said before it's hard to get 3800s all clean. I just can't seem to do. I am gaining weight tho I think to fast for my liking.

    Only sides right now is I feel like I am fat as freak(always eating.. always) and my little man down stairs is always flexing..(for no freaking reason.)

    Thats all for now. Tomorrow is Abs and leg day.

    When should people start noticing if cycle is done right that your getting bigger at a rapaid pace? Week 5 6 ??? 9?

    If anyone has input please feel free to share good or bad.


  15. #15
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    Thursday Oct 16

    Did my 6th pin in my right delt. Everything went fine. No soreness or anything today. Just a little sore after the pin 10-15mins. Also did HCG at .250 went smooth.

    I had a off day. What I mean by that is I went and done some cardio about 30mins and hit abs pretty good. About an hour total and I was done. No weights.

    Today Friday Oct 17

    Took .50mg adex today.

    I did shoulders and some 4 arm work. Man my fore arms got tight. Really good pump. Was having trouble getting that really good pump in the shoulders, though I did have a good workout today. After workout I did 20 min at a slow pace on the sit down bike.

    Been trying to eat everything that's clean. I think I am going to have to eat bread(sandwhiches) or something because I just cant get enough cals in. I am shooting for 3800 cals again but I will be happy with 3500 and that seems hard just eating chicken and tuna and sweet potatoes.

    Well the 3rd week is pretty much over. I am getting some strength gains but nothing major yet. Pants is getting tighter for sure the weight is up and I seem to feel harder I guess you could say to a point. My libido is good. No major sides yet knock on wood.

    Thanks for following.

  16. #16
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    Anyone have any input good or bad? Any helpfull notes anyone wanna share to make this a successful cycle?

    I am hoping at the end of next week I'll see a big difference.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-18-2014 at 12:10 PM.

  17. #17
    Based on what you've said here and in your other thread, I think you'd be okay to actually drop your calories a bit. The recommended guidelines are a good place to start, but everyone's body is different and it sounds like you don't need quite as many calories as others do to gain. Try dropping about 500 calories a day for a bit and see if you feel better. No need to walk around feeling bloated out if you can still make progress on a lower calorie intake.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baxter35 View Post
    Based on what you've said here and in your other thread, I think you'd be okay to actually drop your calories a bit. The recommended guidelines are a good place to start, but everyone's body is different and it sounds like you don't need quite as many calories as others do to gain. Try dropping about 500 calories a day for a bit and see if you feel better. No need to walk around feeling bloated out if you can still make progress on a lower calorie intake.
    Thanks man for the input. I dropped them down by 300 starting yesterday. Going to see how that goes for a week or two. Now ill be shooting for 3300. I was shooting for 3800 most of the time I was getting 3600.

    Thanks for the help.

  19. #19
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    Mon Oct 20

    Start of week four. I did my pin is the right glute. Seemed like everything went fine. Woke up this morning and wasn't even sore. I had a good day in the gym today. I did Bi's and back. Man ol man my biecep go tight good pump for sure. Back even had a good pump.

    Tue Oct 21

    Today I will be training chest and abs more than likely if time will let me 20 min on the stair climber at the end. Slow pace nothing fast.

    Just an update on the cycle its self. Nipple's are still a little sore nothing major just they are sore. I assume they are going to be a little sore. I upped the Adex to .50mg a couple weeks back I think end of week 2 because I am gyno paranoid. I would almost say my adex is fake but if that was the case I think I would see a lot more signs being in week four. Plus it feels like my heart is going to jump of my chest for a few hours after I take it with .50mg. Weight is up from 216 to 228, 12lbs. Talking to few guys on here. I am going to drop cals down to 3300 for a few weeks to see how that goes. After a week or two I might up them back up. Dropping form 3600 to 3300.

    Going to go give blood today if time allows me, I have an appointment to go.

    Had a few things come up at work I will be going to a different shift starting next week, 3rd shift so everything is going to be ass backwards for me starting next week.

    Thanks for reading.

  20. #20
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    Awesome dude.

  21. #21
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    Thur Oct 23

    I did my 8th shot, end of week 4. Did it in the left delt. It went fine. I have gotten a lot less stressed doing the shots now its like I am kinda looking forward to it. Kinda? lol
    The adex like I said in the last post at .50mg really speeds the heart rate up. Seems like it doesnt do it every time but most of the time. Trying to make it till next week to get my mid cycle BW done. Then hopefully ill be able to drop back down to .25mg. (Also Nipple's doesn't seem as bad today as they have been.)

    Fri Oct 25
    I donated blood today on Friday 24. That went well. Damn they use a huge needle.

    I have been getting stronger. This week I could tell good pumps and strength is going up. I just keep putting the weight on. I am not going up 20lbs or nothing, I am adding 5 to 10 lbs each week to see if I can get it. Don't want to rip or strain nothing. Just taking it slow only in week 4. Like I said my goal is just to bench 315 at the end of this cycle I hope. I did 275x 4 times this week.... 7 Weeks ago I could only do it one time.

    Dont know about my weight that will be on Monday. I dropped my cals all this week to 3300 from 3600. I did a light walk or 10 min run at the end of each workout this week. I don't feel bloated or nothing like that. Pant's around the legs and waiste is getting tighter and I have had to loosen a belt hole up. I am ok with that.I still wanna stay some what lean though. The thing I am having with cals is how in the world are people getting the cals in and not a lot of sodium or fats?

    Today I got a good tricep workout in great pump. Hit the 4 arms some also and ran on the treadmill for 10 mins.

    Tomorrow on my Saturday will be just like the last few, going to hit everything pretty quick and prob going to hit back a little more than the rest. Something short and sweet just to get the blood a flowing.

    I will be starting 3rd shift next week so thats going to be a big change on my body. I am going to do my very best to get the cal's in and to rest and workout good.

    I am hoping these next few weeks is when it starts getting fun...

    Thanks for reading let me know what you think. Thanks
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-24-2014 at 02:46 PM.

  22. #22
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    Start of week 5

    Mon Oct 27

    Pinned today in left glut, seems like it went fine. Took HCG at .250iu and took .50 adex. Everything seems to be going fine. I started 3rd shift this week so I didn't get much sleep today about 5 hours. Just couldn't sleep. I did however get a pretty good workout in on chest and abs. I did flat bench DB press 3x10x90 that's good for me. I also did light abs and light cardio afterwards.

    Food I am still trying to get right around
    3300 Cals
    74 Fats
    330 Carbs
    330 Protein
    This will be the second week I dropped down from 3600 cals.

    My weight is still going up I weighed in today at 232. Start of the cycle I weighted 216.

    Going to get mid cycle BW done this week. Hoping that will come back fine.

    Thanks for reading.

  23. #23
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    Just a quick update today. I didn't train today. This 3rd shift is a little different, just felt tired all day and got to go into work in a few hours.Only been getting about 6 hrs of sleep this week. So I just rested up today, didn't do much of anything beside eat. I went and got my BW done for mid cycle. Legs are sore from yesterday. Going to hit shoulders, abs and cardio tomorrow. GOing to try and freaking kill the shoulders.

    That's it for now.

    Thanks for reading.

  24. #24
    A full month into it, you'll continue to make great strides, just keep it up!

  25. #25
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    The tachycardia you experience from Adex can be a sign of a few things. I started taking a beta blocker along with my Ace inhibitor and the tachycardia stopped. Are you mapping blood pressure and HCT/RBC?

  26. #26
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    Thanks for reading guys.

    Another update tonight.

    Thur Oct 30

    Pinned tonight in the left delt went smooth, also .250iu HCG tonight. The adex the past couple times I have taken it hasn't bothered me to much at all. I got half of my mid cycle BW back and have talked to a guy on it. Seems like he is ok with that part of the BW. I will problobly post it once I get time. There was a few issues I asked him about. He said it wasn't nothing to worry about right now.

    Had a good shoulder workout today with some ab and light cardio at the end. For sure getting stronger. Doesn't seem like in mirror is changing to much tho. Strenght is up, sex drive is up, pants size is up don't know if this one is a good one tho, and weight is up. The mirror is staying the same or it might just be me.

    Yes I am keeping an eye on BP just checking it every now and then. @ Chicagotarsier

    Trans Am ..I hope and thanks for reading.

    That's pretty much it and thanks for reading if you are.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 10-31-2014 at 02:10 AM.

  27. #27
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    Measurements are key - waist, bi's (quads, if u need them, lol). And weight

    All of these show the weight shift if where it's going. Growing waste = straight crap. The less your waste size goes up on any bulk is best.

  28. #28
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    I am very interested in your final results. You have the same height as me and similar body structure. Just 50 pounds heavier. I feel your pain on benchpressing with long arms.

    Good Luck!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Measurements are key - waist, bi's (quads, if u need them, lol). And weight

    All of these show the weight shift if where it's going. Growing waste = straight crap. The less your waste size goes up on any bulk is best.

    Agree Samson on the waist man. I also feel if your gaining weight some of it will go or your waist. Less the better I know. I wish I would have measure some stuff before I started.I didn't know I would get this obsessive over this stuff.I am at the end of week 5 mid way point think I should measure some stuff today? Or no reason to.

    I think you you can start to tell from other people, I just can't tell myself. I have gotten a few comment from people.

    Thanks for reading man.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grymreefer View Post
    I am very interested in your final results. You have the same height as me and similar body structure. Just 50 pounds heavier. I feel your pain on benchpressing with long arms.

    Good Luck!
    Hey man, yea I am to I will be happy if I can just keep 6 to 8 lbs of LBM of it. Then you might not even be able to tell all that much because of my build being so tall and long. Hopefully you will be able to tell some tho.

    Bench press with long arm is just what it is. I did DB last chest day I think 90x5x8-10reps. I would have to go back and look. I think that's pretty good for me.

    Thanks for reading.

  31. #31
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    Sat Nov 1

    Today is the last workout and I will be half way through. This week was a little tuff because I it was my first week on 3rd shift. I made it and had some pretty good workout this week.Rest wasn't there at all. I sleep in today. Getting ready to go do bench, dead's, leg press with some ab work and cardio. If I have time I might throw some db fly's in there.

    Overall everything seems to be going fine. No real bad sides yet. Knock on wood. My strength is now going up and even had some people starting to notice in the gym this week. So that's a plus. I must not be able to notice as much because I seen my self everyday kind of thing I guess. lol..

    I am still at 3300 cals for the day on my diet and might even drop it lower than that next week. I am gaining weight at a raid pace.My goal was to get to 230 I am already there half way through. So I will re-think it today and see what I wanna do.

    Might have posted it on Thursday but I did get half of my BW back waiting on the other half and I will post it just to have it on the log. Already talked to a guy on my BW.

    I might throw some pics up today if I get time just to have a half way through mark.

    That's it for now I got to go the the gym now.

    Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment and ask question and or if you think something will be better than what I am doing I am listening. Thanks

  32. #32
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    Why its fresh on my mind. Just got back form the gym and I am definitely getting stronger. I did 275x3 275x3 and 275x5 times on last set for flat bench. Start of cycle that was pretty much a 1RM.HECK YEA!(I think rest last night helped me out to.) I have been doing like 8-6-6-4-2 flat bench workout. I think next week I am going to shot for a heavier work out like this 275 maybe 2 sets for 5reps-7 then 285 for however many I can get. See how that goes.Did some DB incline flys 3xto failure.

    Also got some dead's in today. I don't go to heavy on them because I don't want to hurt my back. Did 2sets of 5 on 275 and then I did 2 sets of 5 on 285.

    Leg press 4x10x470 at the end I did some ab work and 20 min stair climber. Good workout I tried to hit it pretty fast rest between sets was pretty short.

    Great workout for a Saturday for me.

    Thanks for reading

  33. #33
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    He he he

    Deads of under 315 - lol

    Shit, I started barely pulling 225 once. Got close to 450 - repped 405 for a while, now I just hit about 335 x6-8

    Weight that I can lift is irrelevant if I look how I wanna look - I'm no power lifter.

    That's good though man, keep at it - it takes a long time to build. Years - not months

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    He he he

    Deads of under 315 - lol

    Shit, I started barely pulling 225 once. Got close to 450 - repped 405 for a while, now I just hit about 335 x6-8

    Weight that I can lift is irrelevant if I look how I wanna look - I'm no power lifter.

    That's good though man, keep at it - it takes a long time to build. Years - not months
    Damn start at 225 and built your way up to 450 shiiiitttt!!! Great job.

    Thanks man. Yea it's not build over night that's for sure. I love the process so its fine for me. On dead's I got a long way to pull it up also. Which isn't no excuse but 6'5 is pretty tall. lol I agree with you I don't care about the weight I just wanna look good.

    Thanks for reading.
    Last edited by Bodacious; 11-03-2014 at 06:39 PM.

  35. #35
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    Mon Nov 3

    Start of week 6

    Pinned right delt little sore after shot nothing major. Hopefully it will be fine in the morning. Also pinned HCG. Still taking .50 adex EOD.

    Weight today on a empty stomach was 229.2 that's down from 332 last week. I am OK with that. Like I said before my goal was 230 for the end cycle but I think I have upped it to 235 to 238ish. Which I think I can get there. Want it to be as clean as possible.

    Still waiting on the other half of my BW should be in later this week. I feel good overall. I am hoping people is right. When they say you really gain on cycle after 5 weeks. So I got the first 5 over now its kill time.

    Not really any side yet, that's major. Thank god.

    Trained shoulder and hit a little biceps today. But I killed the shoulders. I will probably train bi's later in the week again. Was spent after shoulders. No cardio today. Will hit that tomorrow. Probably stair climber for 20min.

    That's it for now. Thanks for reading if you see something that I might need to change up or anything let me know I am open.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Here are some pics mid way through. Wife took them so they are a little better than the ones I took by myself. This is only mid way and everything I have read and been told I will should really change week 6- 10 so we will see. I think I have change some in the first 5 weeks. See what y'all think. I know I have gotten somewhat stronger.

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Weight start of cycle was 216. Pic's I weighed around 230.

    First pic Before on the left second pic before on the right and 3rd pic before on the left side.

    Let me know what y'all think for being half way through. Thanks
    Last edited by Bodacious; 11-03-2014 at 06:37 PM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Ontaio, Canada
    Add some weight to your leg presses, the rest of your weights seem good, try and pack some meat on your legs. I know how hard it can be being tall, leverage is not our friend. I don't dead lift, tall guys just aren't built for it. Are you doing any bent barbell rows? Those will help pack on some mass and strengthen your hips and low back.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by zempey View Post
    Add some weight to your leg presses, the rest of your weights seem good, try and pack some meat on your legs. I know how hard it can be being tall, leverage is not our friend. I don't dead lift, tall guys just aren't built for it. Are you doing any bent barbell rows? Those will help pack on some mass and strengthen your hips and low back.
    Will do on the weight on leg presses.

    Bent barbel rows I do on back day. If we are talking about the same exercise. I don't know where your hips come into play. Educate me on this is you don't mind.

    Thanks for reading and your input. Like I said I am open to listing and learning.

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Wow, 6'5"

    Shit, when I was a kid I always wished I was taller

    Now, 5'10" is just fvcking perfect

  40. #40
    Current pics are looking good! I can def see a change so keep it up! Glad to hear things seem to be going well.

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