First all my stats are..
216 today
BF...(Dont know will Post pic tomrrow if I have time)
I have been training for 10 years if you go back to high school days.
Cycle will be...
Weeks 1-10 Test E 400 200mg E3D Mon and Thur
Weeks 1-10 HCG .250iu Mon and Thur
Weeks 1-12 Arimidex .25 Starting on the second day.
I might run the test for 11 weeks, if I do I will be running the HCG along with it. I then will run the Adex till week 13. (Few vets told me to run the Adex 2wks after last pin then drop it.)
Will be going back to my TRT dose of androgel. I will be running the gel all the way through the cycle also.
So I have planned and asked 100's of question along the way. Thanks everyone that has helped.
Today Tue Sept 30
I pinned the first time. I didnt pin on monday because I didnt have all of my pins(Knew they was coming just had to make sure.) I have read and also been told don't start till you have everything in had. So I didn't. So anyways pin today. Boy was I sweating, this was my first time ever. But I think it went well.(Ill have to see how sore I am tomorrow) The HCG wasn't hard at all to do. (I tested my HCG with a pregnecey test. It came back postive.) I mixed my HCG put 2ML of water into 5000iu with that ratio it come out to 10 units on a slin pin.(.250iu)
Trained legs today. Good work. Light cardio on Sit down bike 20 mins.
So next week I will start back on Monday and Thursday pins. I do plan on pinning thursday also of this week. If its a bad idea let me know. But thats the plan.(Might skip the HCG tho and pick it back up on monday thoughts?) The armidex .25mg will start tomorrow.
Will post pics what I look like now.
Plan on doing BW around week 5 or 6.
Thats all for now thanks for reading.