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Thread: Lifted1's TB~500 Log!

  1. #1
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    Lifted1's TB~500 Log!

    After reading both TR's and PP's logs and results I decided to give TB~500 a try! I'll be following the 5 week protocol TR laid out on the first page of his thread, but I will be running an additional .5mg on week 4/5 due to convenience as my vials are 5mg each. My main issues are left shoulder, lower back and minor right knee all due to past/recent injuries.

    I should be receiving everything in a few days and will start immediately since it will take a while for the healing process to begin. I will keep this up to date as anything changes.


  2. #2
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    I think I know the direction this will go, but will follow your progress as you update.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I think I know the direction this will go, but will follow your progress as you update.
    I'm going up brotha!

    Thanks for posting your TB~500 Log for everyone to benefit from TR! You were definitely way ahead of the curve.

  4. #4
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    Day 1

    Received everything today and reconstituted my first 5mg vial. Just took 2.5mg subcutaneous in the stomach and will take the other 2.5mg later today.
    Click image for larger version. 

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  5. #5
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    Day 1

    Took the other 2.5mg about an hour ago.

    I don't know if it's a coincidence, but about 2 hours after my first injection I became more hungry than usual. I ate a Freebird chicken super burrito and was still hungry. Had some oats and berries about an hour and a half later. I just finished dinner (large chicken breast and rice, black bean, broccoli medley) and I'm still not completely full. It's my off day from weights so it's not lifting induced.

    There hasn't been any noticeable negative sides post injection so far aside from the increased hunger.

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Man you didnt get this from MJR did you? They sent out a shitload of tb500 that was actually ghrp6 (one if a boatload of QC issues they have). I only ask because of the hunger thing. Not a common tb500 side.

  7. #7
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    No I didn't get it from them. I haven't read anywhere about hunger being a side affect of Tb-500, but I guess anything is possible. I will keep this log up to date and see if it flares up on injection days or all the time while running this cycle.

  8. #8
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    Day 2

    Seemed like I slept a bit better than usual last night and I definately was more hungry because I was +1 pound at my morning weigh in. Don't seem as extremely hungry today so maybe my body was just refueling.

    Nothing negative or positive to report at this point. Actually taking TB500 is so easy, it's almost like you never even took it.

  9. #9
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    Awesome, can't wait to follow your progress. It's quite an amazing compound. Every day that I'm at the gym doing chest and/or shoulders I'm putting more weight on the bar and smiling the entire time. I feel 1000 times better since my TB cycle and it was prob. hands down the best money I spent. I got better results running TB than I did on my last cycle. Back at my TRT dose and I'm putting up more weight than I was during a fairly heavy cycle of Test, Tren Ace, and Masteron.

    Good luck and happy healing!!!

  10. #10
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    Thanks Pistol! I hope to reap the same benefits you and Times have from this compound. It would be nothing short of a miracle to hit chest and not have some shoulder pain. I've never done a cycle, but I'm sure I eventually will and having my body as healthy as it can be is a great place to start.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifted1 View Post
    Thanks Pistol! I hope to reap the same benefits you and Times have from this compound. It would be nothing short of a miracle to hit chest and not have some shoulder pain. I've never done a cycle, but I'm sure I eventually will and having my body as healthy as it can be is a great place to start.
    I totally agree. I'm sure it will go great. Around week 4-5 you will start noticing things are different.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    I totally agree. I'm sure it will go great. Around week 4-5 you will start noticing things are different.
    Awesome! Now it's time to hurry up and wait...

  13. #13
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    Hunger is not a noted side effect.

  14. #14
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    Day 3 & 4

    Nothing notably different for my problem areas as expected.

    I have noticed having vivid dreams (melatonin type) the last few nights since my first dose. I don't know if increased REM is part of what helps your body heal, but I'm definitely in a deeper state of sleep for a longer period of time than usual.

  15. #15
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    Day 5

    No noticeable increase or decrease in pain. Was able to do weighted dips which I haven't done for several months so that is progress.

    *Side Effect*
    On and off since Saturday I've noticed my left arm/hand having occasional pins and needles feeling and my hand falling asleep easily when I squeeze something (baby stroller) or lean on it. I thought maybe my crit is getting high so I scheduled an appt to donate tomorrow. Don't now if it has anything to do with the TB~500, which it shouldn't, but I haven't had any symptoms until after beginning my cycle.

  16. #16
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    Day 6

    Nothing good to report...I actually strained something in my lower back/glute doing hack squats today so I'm doing worse lol. Hopefully it will heal faster with the TB~500 helping out. Donated whole blood today so I'll see if the pins and needle feeling goes away. I will also note if my appetite flares up on injection day.

  17. #17
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    Day 7/8

    My lower back/glute strain is feeling better already just two days later so that's good. Also, I got my information from donating and my crit was high 51.2% so I don't know if that had to do with the pins and needle feeling. I also am not sure if TB~500 increases red blood cells to aid in healing, or if it's just from TRT, but I had a large jump in the last 2 months.

    Took third injection (split the first weeks 5mg into two injections on Day 1) of 2.5mg subq in the stomach about an hour ago. Once again, no ill side effects, redness or bumps. No noticeable differences in trouble areas yet. I will pay attention to appetite for the remainder of the day.

  18. #18
    Awesome log, Lifted1.

    Looking forward to your next post!

  19. #19
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    Day 9/10

    Appetite actually felt less than normal as I seemed to feel nauseous within a few hours after the last injection and it lasted the remainder of the day. I didn't experience this side with the first 5mg so it's weird I felt this was with just 2.5mg. Starting to possibly feel a little less stress/discomfort with my shoulders while pressing...I actually did a mini iron marathon (120 reps) today for the first time since I was injured.

    Pins and needles has stopped and everything seems to be headed in the right direction.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1979 Trans Am View Post
    Awesome log, Lifted1.

    Looking forward to your next post!
    thanks brotha!

  21. #21
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    Day 11/12

    Shoulders are definitely starting to improve and feel less sore day to day...almost lubricated if that makes since. Right knee also seems lubricated and is popping less. Lower back is still flaring up on a weekly basis.
    I'll take 2 outta 3 any day tho.

  22. #22
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    still too early. wait for it sometime in the 4th week.

    it'll play tricks on you. you won't be sure if it's just your imagination, or if there really is something going on. your doubts will grow stronger, as it will be on your mind. then you will wake up one day, and think, shit, that's one helluva imagination, I'm feeling better!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    still too early. wait for it sometime in the 4th week.

    it'll play tricks on you. you won't be sure if it's just your imagination, or if there really is something going on. your doubts will grow stronger, as it will be on your mind. then you will wake up one day, and think, shit, that's one helluva imagination, I'm feeling better!
    gotcha. hahaha can't wait!!

  24. #24
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    Day 15

    Just did start of the third weeks injection of 2.5mg subq in the stomach and it went smooth like usual. No noticeable differences or improvements since my last post...hope this cycle is nearing the point of realizing benefits as TR has mentioned.
    Last edited by Lifted1; 11-13-2014 at 10:02 PM.

  25. #25
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    Day 20

    Not much to report...I'm just chugging along.
    Last edited by Lifted1; 11-13-2014 at 10:02 PM.

  26. #26
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    Day 22

    Took another 2.5mg injection to start off the 4th week of my cycle. Still no issues or sides with the TB~500. I have noticed that I wake up and my left hand/arm will be asleep/tingling. I don't know if this is due to sleeping on my side for longer periods of time due to less shoulder pain, but I thought I should note it.

    Hoping to really notice the magic start this week!

  27. #27
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    Day 27

    I haven't noticed anything more than I already mentioned so far this week...shoulders still feel "lubricated" and I haven't had any knee issues. I have had multiple lower back strains or tweaks lately (about once a week) and I finally went to the chiro today. He said it sounds like something serious is going on and took some xrays. I'll be going back tomorrow to go over them and see what going on.

  28. #28
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    Good luck.

  29. #29
    Interested in the outcome. Hope it works well.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    Good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeake View Post
    Interested in the outcome. Hope it works well.
    Thanks for the kind words fellas.

    I went back in this afternoon and it looks like I have a bulging disc in my lower back. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it is what it is. I'm not supposed to do anything that compresses my back for a while so I'll need to modify leg day to accommodate.

  31. #31
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    Day 29

    Did my 5th 2.5mg injection today without any issues as usual. I did notice a while after my injection my lower back felt a bit more relaxed and better than it did all day.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifted1
    Did my 5th 2.5mg injection today without any issues as usual. I did notice a while after my injection my lower back felt a bit more relaxed and better than it did all day.
    Nice! Feeling any better?

  33. #33
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    Day 37

    Quote Originally Posted by Johnz4 View Post
    Nice! Feeling any better?
    Ya shoulders are feeling good! Lower back is doing better, but TB doesn't seem to help completely.

    Still not much different since week 3 as far as aches/pains are concerned. Seems like running 2.5mg every week is working well and possibly expedited the relief process.

  34. #34
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    I'm about to start tb500 too orders today have what may be rotator cuff tear

  35. #35
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    Day 43

    Did another 2.5mg injection today. Still on cruise control without any issues aside from lower back and even that is feeling a bit better.

    Any input on length of time to stay on this cycle? I've ran 20mg total so far (5mg first week 2.5mg every week after) for a total of 7 weeks. I still have another 10mg on hand...

  36. #36
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    Day 50

    I decided to bring the cycle to an end and not do an injection today.

    Everything went well and I have improved in all problem areas except lower back.

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