I'm been so busy for the last couple of weeks I was not able to start a journal and keep everyone updated as I had planned but I'm going to try to stay on top of things starting this week. Between work, training, and diet planning, I've had very little time to post.
A little catch up. I'm half way through week three of my cycle. Tomorrow is 6th shot. I was very nervous my first shot, as many are, but with the help of my supportive girlfriend I got through it. Second shot I hit a vein and drew blood when aspirating. It made for a little extra sweating but pulled out, changed pins, and restuck like a champ. The last three since then have been progressively easier. The soreness is going away more and more with each shot. I still find it slightly difficult to aspirate. I find it hard to pull back but if it doesn't pull back easy and I don't see blood, I figure I'm good to go.
I've experienced very little to no sides up to this point. Nips are not sore at all. I might be carrying some water but I was not ripped prior so it is hard to tell. The only noticable side has been excessive sweating throughout the day on dbol. I sweat more than average before but not like this.
My starting weight was around 208 and I am now 218 in the middle of week 3. I noticed some strength gains starting in the middle of last week but nothing shocking. I have yet to experience the imfamous lower back pumps from Dbol. I do not think I have felt the Deca or test yet but I don't expect to until week 5 or 6 from what I've heard.
All and all I am happy with my results thus far. I'm training hard and eating like crazy as clean as possible. I fear getting fat but I have to keep reminding myself this is a bulking cycle. My Bench has increased from 250 for 4-6 reps to 265 for 5 reps last week. My shoulders are really sore but I bench tomorrow and I'll post the results.
Below is a side by side picture. The left was The sunday before my first shot and the right was taking this morning on Wed of week 3. Let Me know if you guys see a difference. If not that's cool... I don't expect dramatic results in two and a half weeks. I'll try to keep up with this thread at least a couple times a week and maybe more if I can find the time. Later Bros.