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Thread: Excalibur's Journey (1st Cycle)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast

    Excalibur's Journey (1st Cycle)

    I'm been so busy for the last couple of weeks I was not able to start a journal and keep everyone updated as I had planned but I'm going to try to stay on top of things starting this week. Between work, training, and diet planning, I've had very little time to post.

    A little catch up. I'm half way through week three of my cycle. Tomorrow is 6th shot. I was very nervous my first shot, as many are, but with the help of my supportive girlfriend I got through it. Second shot I hit a vein and drew blood when aspirating. It made for a little extra sweating but pulled out, changed pins, and restuck like a champ. The last three since then have been progressively easier. The soreness is going away more and more with each shot. I still find it slightly difficult to aspirate. I find it hard to pull back but if it doesn't pull back easy and I don't see blood, I figure I'm good to go.

    I've experienced very little to no sides up to this point. Nips are not sore at all. I might be carrying some water but I was not ripped prior so it is hard to tell. The only noticable side has been excessive sweating throughout the day on dbol. I sweat more than average before but not like this.

    My starting weight was around 208 and I am now 218 in the middle of week 3. I noticed some strength gains starting in the middle of last week but nothing shocking. I have yet to experience the imfamous lower back pumps from Dbol. I do not think I have felt the Deca or test yet but I don't expect to until week 5 or 6 from what I've heard.

    All and all I am happy with my results thus far. I'm training hard and eating like crazy as clean as possible. I fear getting fat but I have to keep reminding myself this is a bulking cycle. My Bench has increased from 250 for 4-6 reps to 265 for 5 reps last week. My shoulders are really sore but I bench tomorrow and I'll post the results.

    Below is a side by side picture. The left was The sunday before my first shot and the right was taking this morning on Wed of week 3. Let Me know if you guys see a difference. If not that's cool... I don't expect dramatic results in two and a half weeks. I'll try to keep up with this thread at least a couple times a week and maybe more if I can find the time. Later Bros.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Hell ya i see a look alot thicker in the back, and just overall thicker. I bet some of its water retention, but you look like your right on track.

    Im coming up right behind you though, i hit 225 on bench last night for 10 clean reps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    Today was nothing short of amazing for me. My sixth shot was textbook and simple. I think I'm going to order some 25g 1" pins and try a delt injection or two. Well today was chest day....

    My shoulders were not as sore as I had anticipated when I woke up this morning so I felt confident heading to the gym. I changed things up with my Dbol today. Normally I take my 30mg spaced throughout the day but for today I decided to take three tabs (15mg) one hour prior to training. I don't know if it was a mental aid or what but today was the first day I "felt" it. Maybe it is the first sign of results from the deca and test or maybe I'm just now feeling the largest gains in the middle of my third week of dbol but the pump and intensity was amazing!

    I set new personal bests on both the flat and incline today. Prior to my cycle I was doing 250 for 4-6 reps. My best set for week 2 was 265 for 5 reps. I approached the bench with confidence and blew myself away.
    I warmed up well and pressed 270@6 my first set. I felt so strong I increased to 280 for 5! My incline has always giving me trouble with a Personal best of 205@6 but today I through up 215@6 and 225@4 solid! I was starting to wear out but I did two sets of decline @275 for 4. I have never pushed 300 so I through it on the bar. Despite having done my entire chest workout I pushed it for one solid rep. My lifting parters and the gym owner (small town gym) who do not know I'm on a cycle accused me of juicing today so I guess that means it's working! I tell you what fellas... if I have yet to feel the deca and test and things get even better from here.... I might die of happiness.

    Week 0 250@5 -----> Week 3 280 @5 !!!!
    I wanted 315@1 by the end of my cycle but now I'm thinking I might shoot for 4-6! Life is good. I'll keep you posted.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    I forgot to mention that I experienced quite a bit of lower back pain today. I spent 3 hours+ in a car so it made it very noticable. I can't tell if it's the imfamous lower back pump from Dbol or if it's from deads and squats the week. Oh well... no pain no gain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sounds like your doing great...your imporvement in your bench and incline is bada**, I cant wait to see some crazy strenght increases. Ive been geting good pumps from something, ive only completed 2 full weeks of my deca/sust cycle but something feels like its satrting to kick in. On my thursday and Friday workout i definatly felt a huge increase in the pumps i have been getting.

    Hows your diet looking?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    looking nice and thick bro !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sweet man.
    Congrats and great job on the bench!!! Keep postin...


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    Today kicked off with injection number 7 to start week 4. No complication with the injection today. I beginning to think I may be able to handle ED injections for a future cycle.

    The only trouble I still seem to be having is getting all the juice out of my amps. I use an 18g pin to draw. It is easy to get ever last drop out of the Organon Deca 2ml vials by injecting 2ccs of air and turning upside down. As for my testoviron amps, popping the top off is easy but there always seems to be a tiny bit of juice left that the pin won't pick up at the bottom. I'm using large 5cc syringes but it always seems like I'm a little short of 3cc mark after loading the deca and test. Also there is obviously a tiny bit of juice left in the pin after the stopper hits bottom. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to get the full dose per injection. Anyway... On to today's gym experience.

    I felt well rested after the weekend even though I worked late both fri and sat night. I just got back from the gym and am happy to report more strengh increases. Today was shoulders and Triceps.

    After a strong warm up, I was able to get the 80's for three sets of 6 solid. Prior to my cycle, I was lucky to get them on my strongest set for 4 with good form. Unfortunately, my gym does not have 5 pound increments over 65s. I tried the 90s for a set but only got them for 2 solid. I'm pretty sure I could have done 85's but I'll never know. I'm hoping to get the 90s for 6 by the end of my cyle. After dumbbell presses I did seated front military press (free weight). I have not done these it quite some time (usually on the smith w/o a spot) but I remember 170 being a strong set. Today I was able to get two solid form sets of 4-6 reps with 185. I was very happy with this. The rest of my shoulder work consisted of side/front/rear raises. I feel as if I spent a little too long on shoulders before moving on to triceps today but I still made noticable strength increases. I did 45's and 10s on the EZ bar for 2 sets of 6-8 on skull crushers. I did two sets of cable press downs 10 pounds heavier than my personal best for 8 reps. Aftering reading some interesting posts on tricep training I decided to cap off my workout with a set of inside grip tricep press on the incline bench and a set on the flat. I had never done them inclined before so it felt different but I managed 185 for 5 and 205 for 5 on the flat. I don't know if this is good or bad but it is hard on my wrists and will take some getting used to.

    Again, I am very happy with todays lifts and look forward to back day tomorrow. I'll keep you all posted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    Today was back day. It went very well. I was unable to increase weight in some exercises but instead felt like I controlled the weight with better form than usual. I chose to do lat pulls to the chest instead of weighted pull ups do to my flux in body weight to better track gains. After a solid warm up I did two sets of 220@6 solid and a set of 230@6 (slight cheat) followed by two sets of VBAR pull downs at 230/220@6 repsectively. The most noticeable increases in strength where evident in barbell rows and Deadlifts. 225@8 felt too easy on rows so I bumped it up to 245 and did 10 reps. Some momentum is involved but I still feel a wonderful back pump on rows. I did some higher and more controlled rep work with Tbar rows performed using the vbar with an inside grip with a barbell in the corner @4plates for 2 sets of 12-15.

    Deadlifts were the highlight of today's back routine. I warmed up with some rep work and performed three working sets of 415@6, 425@6, 430@6, and 455@2. Although I am having some trouble with my left knee, I think I could pull a single slightly heavier if I did them fresh. I'm going to try for 500 in the next few weeks.

    I added another picture. Although I feel fat, I believe it shows some improvement over the first three completed weeks of my cycle. Left is the Sunday before my cyle started and the right is on Sunday of week three. I'll keep postin'.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Those pictures show more than just some improvement! Keep up the great progress. Looking good.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    damn growng like a fuckin stubborn weed!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    How much weight have you gained???

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    I've gained about 17 pounds so far. I don't know how many of those are quality but it makes you feel stronger nevertheless.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    Today was shot #8. No complications. I've anxious to try a delt injections but all I have is 23g 1.5's and I think 3ccs might be a little much for my first delt injection.

    Today was chest. I did not go as well as last week. I feel it is important to tell the truth and report the highs and lows of a cycle. Today was not a failure by far but I was not able to move up or match my weight from last week. Many external factors came into play that may have limited my success. I worked late (3am) last night and was not able to eat %100 due to the fact I worked an extra 2.5hours later than planned. Also, the biggest influence were the heavy deadlifts I did day before yesterday. My front delts and lower back were very sore going into it today. My gym is closed for the holiday tomorrow so I'm going to take advantage of the inconvieniance and take an extra day off for a total of three days recoupe time.

    I've been thinking alot about my training lately. Most lifters, especially novices, prioritize chest and bis and are quick to skip back and shoulders. Realizing this, I attempted to focus on back and shoulders as a priority for the last six months. It has done wonders for my back and shoulder development but I feel as if my chest and bis esecially are lagging. By the time I do chest and bis I've already very sore and often fatigued. I've still been able to make gains in chest lifts but bicep progress has been stagnant for quite some time. After my three days off I believe I'm going to start next week with Bi's tri's. Legs on tuesday, chest wed, back/trap thursday, and shoulders and biceps again on friday. how does that sound?

    Any input would be great.

    I tossed on a pic from this morning. I'm so eager to diet down and shred up. If I wasn't so puggy I'd feel so much bigger. does that make sense? Later bros.
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ID:	20352  

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    West Coast
    I Forgot to blur my face! I'm in trouble now. =) opps

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    you dont look like your holding that much fat except in you arms (bis) those arent showing the tone as well as you delts. Your outter portion of your chest look pretty solid but i would work on bringing up the middle portion to get that "cleavage" seperation. Your lookin alot thicker...i wouldnt stress on the "pudgy" feelings...its time to bulk, worry about that shit later. Your doin good bro, keep eatin.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You don't look pudgy at all. You look thick like a powerlifter -- most of the guys here are into bb so you get critiqued if you're not ripped, but I prefer a body type like yours with the look of power. Rock on man.

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